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Ladies of the Sacred Earth's~



~Celtic Goddesses List A..D~

Artist:Keith Parkinson





Daughter of: The Moon goddess DIANA Aradia, the Dianic Goddess. Strong, lovely and charismatic, She is a timeless spiritual entity. Her beauty is said to be compared to that of Aphrodite, and her courage and love of wild places is stemmed from her mother..Diana.
Aradia was sent to Earth as prophetess of the religion of witchcraft, given and accepting the mission of protecting women from the oppressions of feudalism. With her broomstave of power, her cloak of mystery, and her knowledge of every plant, she gave fright to the Inquisition. Aradia taught women how to invoke the full moon at midnight, sprinkling salt from a red bag while asking favors fo the Goddess. With quiet authority she proclaims “Never Again the Burning!”

Artist:Luis Royo




Gallic equivalent to Diana, The Goddess of Woods, Springs, Protectress of Hunting and Beasts. From her name, the name of the English river "Avon" is derived.

Artist:Luis Royo




The Continental Celtic Goddess of Springs, Absullata may also be equated with Sul.

Artist:Juan Gimenez




The Brittish war Goddess, Presiding over the fates of wars fought between the Welsh and the English. Aerfen's shrine can be found at Glydyfrowy on the river Dee. In ancient times 3 sacrefices a year were performed to ensure success in battles.

Artist:Luis Royo




The Celts of Ireland worshipped Aeval as The Lady of Sexuality. Aeval was the fairy queen of Munster...see also AINE.

Artist:Juan Gimenez




Sacred to Aife: The Crane, The Lance.
Scottish Warrior Goddess, who stole a magick alphabet from the Dieties and gave it to humans. For this act and her meaness, she was turned into a crane.

Artist:Luis Royo




Irish Goddess of "LOVE AND FERTILITY"

Aine, The Irsh goddess of Love and fertility was worshipped on Midsummer Eve by the local people who lit up her hill with torches.
Aine was the daughter of Eogabail, who was the foster son of the Manx sea god Manannan Mac Lir.
Her main responsibility was to encourage human love, although one mortal lover of hers, King Aillil Olom of Munster, paid for his passionate audacity with his life. When he attempted to force himself upon Aine and rape her, she slew him with her magic.
Aine's worship was always associated in Ireland with agriculture, because, as a goddess of fertility, she had command over crops and animals. Even as late as the last century, celebrations were still held in her honour on Midsummer Eve at Knockainy, or "Aines Hill", in County Kerry.

Artist:Luis Royo




War goddess of the Vacontier. A Celtic warrior and fertility goddess in Celtic France.

Artist:Luis Royo




Romano.Celtic/British/Anglo.Celtic, Continental Europe. The patron Goddess of the Iceni tribe. The Roman Queen Boudicca sacrificed captive Roman woman to the goddess Andraste/Andrste.

Artist:Jim Warren




Irish Mother goddess of plenty and Mother Earth. Greatest of all Irish goddesses, deity of cattle, health, fertility, prosperity, and comfort. Ancestor and mother of Tuatha De Danann, also identified with Danu..Two hills near Kilarney which are called "Da Chich Anann" (two breasts of Ana).

Artist:Luis Royo




Evil Irish Goddess of the Sidhe, she made her dwelling in Craig Liath.

Artist:Keith Parkinson




Continental European Goddess, Ariadne of ancient Crete is the only Greek deity known to have been worshipped in Celtic Gaul





A Major Kymuic Welsh Goddess. goddess of beauty, fertility, and reincarnation. Known as Silver Wheel and the High Fruitful Mother, the palace of this sky goddess was Caer Arianrhold (Aurora Borealis). Arianrhood was the daughter of the Mothergoddess Dan and her consort Beli

Artist:Keith Parkinson




equated by Romans to Diana.

Artist:Johnathan E Bowser




Anglo.Celtic/Romano.Celtic/British/ Water Goddess, known only from inscriptions.

Artist:Johnathan E Bowser




Early Continental Celtic Bear Goddess. Worshipped in the North East of Gallia

Artist:Johnathan E Bowser




Romano/Celtic/Gallic Goddess of birth and midwifery

Artist:Cris Achilleos




Name means: "crow"
Irish Celtic Goddess of Battle. She was one of a group of war dieties who could influence the outcome of conflict by inspiring the combatants with fear or courage. The others were known as MORRIGAN, NEMAIN and MACHA. Myth connects Badb with the historical battle of Clontarf in 1014, when the High King Brian defeated the Viking invaders and Badb was said to have appeared over the worrior's heads.

Artist:Josephine Wall




Represents the Spirit of the people and country of Ireland.

Artist:Free Fantasy Graphics,




Mistress of the well. Irish Celts said she owned a magick well called, "The well of Wisdom".





The Celtic Goddess of light and fire, the forge and of the crafts. She was the wife of the god Belenus (Beli) and the Goddess of the Mersey River





Name means: "Born of Flowers", or "Flower Face".

Welsh, Lily maid of Celtic initiation ceremonies. Also known as the Ninefold Goddess of the Western Isles of Paradise.
Blodeuwedd was a beautiful magickal woman. She was conjured by MATH and GWYDION from the blossoms of oak, broom, and meadowsweet to be the wife of LLEU. Gwydion's nephew, because his mother, ARIANRHOD, had declared that he should marry no mortal woman. While Lleu went to visit Math, and while he was away Blodeuedd kindly offered hospitality to a passing huntsman, Gorronwy, the lord of Penllyn. They fell in love and began to plot the murder of Lleu. This they achieved but it was no easy task to meet the conditions that would bring about his death...although they succeeded in doing so and attacked him, he did not die but flew into the air in the shape of an eagle. Math and Gyydion set out to avenge Lleu. When they found Blodeuedd, Gwydion turned her into an owl, the bird of the night.





Name means:"Mistress of the White Cows".
Totem:The Sacred Cow.

Boann was a water goddess and the mother of ANONGHUS, the Irish god of Love. She is the goddess of bounty and fertility. According to the different versions of her myth, she was married either to NECHTAN or to Elcmar. Dagda, the chief god of the Tuatha De Danann, was her lover and the father of Aonghus. He was able to seduce Boann by sending her husband on a nine.month journey that seemed but one day.

Artist:Ciruelo Cabral




Name means:"white Breasted" or "White Cow".

The ancient Welsh Worshipped her as the daughter of the sea. Branwen was the daughter of Llyr, the Welsh equivalent of the Irish sea god Lir, and sister to BRAN THE BLESSED, and MANAWYDAN. She married The High King Matholwch of Ireland, who after being slighted, made Branwen relingquish her position as Queen and work in the kitchens once they returned to his castle. Her brother Bran heard of this after Branwen trained a starling to take him her plea for help, he set sail immediatly with a welsh fleet.





Name means: "High one", or "Queen".

Brigit was the chief goddess of the Brigantes, the dominant tribe in the north of England before the invasion of the Romans. She was associated with water, war and healing, and also with prosperity. A widely revered goddess, she was worshipped throughout the Celtic world. In Ireland she was known as BRIDID and in France as BRIGINDO.

Artist:Cris Achilleos




Brigid, sometimes known as Brigit, was a goddess of healing and fertility who was believed to assist women in labour. She seems to have been widely worshipped in Ireland and Britain, where she was most likely known as BRIGANTIA. In Irish mythology, she was the wife of BRES, the half.FOMORII god who briefly led the Tuatha De Danann after the first battle of Magh Tuireadh against the FIRBOLG. Brigit bore him three sons. She often appears as an alternative for her mother ANU, which suggests that they were probably different aspects of the same mother goddess.

Artist:Clyde Caldwell




Romano.Celtic/British, Tutelary Goddess. The genia loci of Britain who first appears on the coinage of Antoninius Pius in the 2nd century AD. Britannia became the symbol of the British Empire after being partly syncretized with the war goddess Minerva

Artist:Johnathan E Bowser




Also known as: "Scota".

Name meaans:"Veiled One".

Scottish, Irish, Manx, Great Goddess in her Destroyer aspect; Another name is Scota, from which Scotland comes. In parts of Britain she is known as the Goddess of Winter. She was an ancient Goddess of the pre.Celtic peoples of Ireland. She controlled the seasons and the weather; and was the goddess of earth and sky, moon and the sun. Sacred to Cailleach are; The Raven, The Staff, The Waning Moon, Winter and Apples.

Artist:Michael Whelan




Scottish/Welsh, Moon Goddess, The Great Mother, Grain Goddess,and the Goddess of Nature. Cerridwen, was the mother of Afagddu, reputedly the ugliest man in the world. To help him gain wisdom and respect she boiled a cauldron of knowledge for a year a day, she had her second son Gwion watch the brew which was ultimately denied Afagddu as a drop fell on Gwion's finger which he sucked. Cerridwen in fury chased and ate him, only later to reincarnate him as TALIESON, who eas to become the greatest of all the Welsh bards.Cerridwen also had a 3rd son Morlan, equally as ugly as Afagddu who fought in the last battle with King Arthur at Camlan. At first none of Sir Mordreds men would fight him because they thought he was ugly enough to be a devil.

Artist:Michael Whelan




Irish/Scottish, Goddess of beauty and the otherworld. A Tuatha sea and Otherworld Goddess who often took the form of a sea bird and, as such, symbolized the Celtic afterlife.

Artist:Johnathan E Bowser




Irish/Scottish, Goddess of beauty and the otherworld. A Tuatha sea and Otherworld Goddess of beauty. It was said that her three magickal birds could sing the sick to sleep and cure them. Cliodhna was passionately in love with a mortal named Cabhan, a youth with wonderful curly locks. One day on the shore near Cork, while Ciabhna was put into a magick sleep by the sea god MANANNAN MAC LIR, who then sent a wave to pull her back to the Land of Promise, (Home). The wave of Cliodhna is still one of the three great waves of Ireland.

Artist:Michael Whelan




A Scottish Goddess of prophecy who usually appeared in the form of a crane.

Artist:Johnathan E Bowser




The Anglo.Celtic/Scottish/British Goddess of Water and Springs. Coventia is known as the Water Goddess. She has a cult centered in a temple in Carraburg/Northumberland.

Artist:Johnathan E Bowser




Irish/Scottish Goddess. Also known as "The Faery Queen", is associated with Dana's mountains, "The Paps of Any".

Artist:Don Maitz




The Welsh Goddess of streams, she later bacame known of as a "Faery Spirit" who was a portent of death.

Celtic Goddess List D..Z

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