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Jennifer Maria Graziani

December 14, 1984-April 28, 2005

To know her was the greatest pleasure of my life and to have you taken away so quickly is what hurts the most.

We All Love You Dearly


At times life can be so unfair. To have one mistake result in the end of one’s life is the most painful and regrettable moment that one can have. In this case, our beloved Jennifer Graziani was involved in a car accident just north of River Rd. in the Potomac region. Unfortunately she lived in this region and apparently lost control of her vehicle approximately 9:30pm on Thursday, April 28, 2005. She was then taken to Suburban hospital via an ambulance. Unfortunately, the injuries sustained were to extreme for her to be revived. That night, I got the worst call of my life from her mother. Never will I forget this call.


To everyone, Jennie was seen as a bubbly and fun-loving person. She always put her emotions aside for the better emotions of others. Never have I met a person who cared so much about other human beings than herself. She would worry more about me and my schoolwork than she would about her own life. She was growing on me, and I honestly cared for her like none other. We can never forget Jennie, for she was an inspiration to everyone that she came in contact with. Never did she bad mouth people or even get upset. She is a role model to me and should be one to everyone who knew her. Always positive, always caring, always there to listen.


It’s been approximately 3 weeks since the tragic accident and still to this day, I feel pain and anger. I am obviously not at fault, but I loved this girl. She was my inspiration and my motivation day in and day out.


Since her accident, I have made it my goal to take care of her family. These people are like my own parents. Being from a foreign country, they too, like my own family, believe in a tight family atmosphere. Dinner every night together, constant talks on the phone amongst themselves, and just pure love. It reminds me of my own family situation. To see her parents on the day of the viewing broke my heart. I am not one to cry, but I cried. I am not ashamed of it, because I felt that pain and sorrow. But, I never let them out of my sights. I call 3-4 times a week and even on Mother’s Day, I made it out there.


I just wanted to express my condolences to everyone who has known this beautiful girl. I truly enjoyed her company and will never forget her and that bright smile. You are truly the girl of my dreams and am so upset not to have you with me again. But I do thank God, that you are with him everyday. I love you.


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