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Class of 2004

This is were i'll tell you about all the good times we've had at IHM... (maybe bad ones too)

We've had our times when things got rough but we made it through from kind. to 8th grade we've made it through. We've gotten hurt by classmates and teacher but we've made it through. THROUGH everything we've made it through. Time will only tell what's instore for us. The future, the present, and the past will never be forgotten.. when we got in trouble for stealing we made it through. when we got in trouble for stuff we didn't do we made it through. i know these days won't be forgotten and neither will you. always in my heart just a second away from my mind. I LoVe YoU aLl!! AnD I'lL MiSs YoU 4eVeR:( bUt I'lL aLwAyS rEmEmBeR eVeRyThInG wE mAdE iT tHrOuGh!

Boys~ I love you too even if you don't like me at all i'll always remember each and everyone of you I'll miss you and i'll never for get you. Even from how mean you r to how cool you can be (on the inside)

Girls~ same but i know we'll grow closer together as the year progresses.. And i'm gonna miss all of you alot. More then words can say. but i'll never forget anything and everything that has happened to us through the years.


~Brad ~Andy ~Brittany ~Nick ~Kelly ~Annmarie ~Sara ~Matt ~Katie ~Jake ~Doug ~Sam ~Nick ~Bryan ~Steve ~Stephen ~Holly ~Jane ~Ricky ~Heidi ~Brittany ~Kelly ~Chris ~Alexis ~Michael ~Josh ~Tyler ~Kim

~Shout Outs~
~Remember The Time~