}{ëå†hër'§ P£åçë
.:Not being appreciated:.
.:Flirty Boyfriends:.
.:Girls Who flirt with Taken Guys:.
.:When People Change:.
.:Jerky Guys Who Sleep With Girls And Never Talk To Them Again:.
.:Ice in soda:.
.:Watered Down Soda:.
.:Feeling Unloved:.
.:Being Blown Off:.
.:Snobby People at Church Camp:.
.:Shaving My Legs:.
.:Feeling Unimportant:.
.:People Who Talk in Movies:.
.:Being Told What To Do:.
The Dress Code at School
.:Mr. Coleman:.
.:Being Jealous:.
.:Being Wrong:.
.:Never Getting Roses:.
.:Having a Curfew:.
.:The Law About Sex In Parks:.
.:People Begging Me to Turn on My Webcam:.
.:Not Being Shown Affection:.
.:When One Person In a Relationship Would Sacrifice Everything and the Other Wouldnt:.
.:Being Broke:.
.:When People Say They'll Do Smething and Never Do:.
.:Being Sick:.
.:Hairy chests:.
.:Hairy feet:.
.:Facial Hair:.
.:Mechanical Pencils:.
.:Not Seeing Tommy:.
.:Gaining Weight:.
.:French Fries that Taste Like Potatoes:.
.:Britney Spears:.
.:Cooked vegetables:.
.:My Parents:.
.:Younger Siblings:.
.:Flying Insects:.
.:Killing Fish:.
.:Conservative People:.
.:Pro-Life People:.
.:2% Milk:.
.:Dark Chocolate:.
.:People Who Tan Too Much:.
.:Toe Rings:.
.:Western Movies:.
.:Skinny Girls:.
.:People Who Call Me a Bitch:.
.:People Who Call Me a Prep:.
.:Judgmental People:.
.:People Who Wear Earrings Bigger Than Their Head:.
.:Really Fat People:.
.:Queer Ex Boyfriends:.
.:The Honor's Edition to a Science Test:.
.:Fat People Who Wear Tight Clothes:.
.:Bad Teeth:.
.:People Who Don't Brush Their Teeth:.
.:People Who Don't Wear Deodorant:.
.:Stinky People:.
.:Junk Mail:.
.:Junk Email:.
.:Emails From Girls Wanting To Make Me Hard... hmm?
.:Fake People:.
.:Snoopy Parents:.
.:Boring Weekend Nights Where There is No Where to Go:.
.:Little Kids on the Bus Who Think They Know Kung- Fu:.
.:Guys Who Pick On the Little Kids on the Bus:.
.:People Who Can Eat and Eat and Stay Skinny:.
.:People Who Make Fun of Cheerleaders:.