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Hart’s Haven

Family Child Care

Theresa Hart



Lee’s Summit, MO  64064

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Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to Hart's Haven Family Child Care.  It is my privilege to provide your child with a positive, stable family environment in which they will have fun learning and growing while feeling safe, secure and happy.

       My philosophy of child  care is to provide an atmosphere for your child:

    As much like home as possible

    Where new discoveries happen as a result of fun activities

    That encourages socialization as well as independent play

    To strengthen the values of honor and virtue

    That aids your child in learning how to successfully interact with others


       My philosophy of child care is to offer to the parents/guardians:

    Honest communication in all areas

    Current information on the activities your child participates in

    Devoted teamwork in all areas related to your child’s development

My background gives me the support to bring about my philosophy, including:

    Three years experience as Sunday School advisor for 2 age groups

    Two years of early childhood education

    Ongoing experience as a frequent childcare provider for close friends – including overnight stays

    Parent of a 13 month old and grandparent to 6 grandchildren; one of which I raised for 2 ½ years. (Not to mention 4 stepchildren!)

My goals in caring for your child are:

    To learn your child’s interests, strengths and challenges

    To follow and inform you of your child’s achievements

            Introduce art, music, pre-math, and pre-reading activities as your child shows an interest.

           Provide for planned and spontaneous adult-child interactions

Thank you for choosing Hart's Haven Family Child Care. As a team, we can work together to provide a safe, fun environment for your child.

                                                  Program Goals


            At Hart's Haven Family Child Care, I believe:

·        Children should be in a home-like setting in their early years where they feel safe and happy

·        Children need to be surrounded by love and enthusiasm

·        Learning should happen as a result of fun, developmental activities

·        Children should learn how to relate to others with respect and honesty

·        Children should feel a strong sense of importance and self worth

·        Parents/Guardians and provider should work together as a team to provide a positive experience for the children
















Hart's Haven

Hours of Operation

Hart’s Haven will operate Monday through Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to include seven paid holidays.   They are as follows:

·                New Year’s Day

·                Memorial Day

·                Independence Day

·                Labor Day

·                Thanksgiving

·                Day after Thanksgiving

·        Christmas

I will close early on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.  The closing times will be determined closer to those dates.  I will take Good Friday as an unpaid holiday.

Although very rewarding, child care can be a demanding occupation.  In order to be the best provider I can be, I need time with my family and time to attend continued training.  Each year I will take up to 2 weeks unpaid vacation.  One week will fall consecutive (Monday-Friday) and the second may be broken up.  I will give no less than 30 days notice for my consecutive days vacation.  On occasion, I will need to take extra days off for appointments, family functions and training.  I will make every effort to provide a substitute.

You are also entitled to 2 weeks unpaid vacation (equal to 10 days) – provided I receive a minimum of 2 weeks notice in writing.  Payment is required for any other time taken off.  Your days can be broken up.  Any vacation days not used within a one year period will be forfeited.  Unpaid vacation days may not be applied to your final two weeks nor may they be applied to any outstanding debt.  I will keep records of used vacation days.





Hart's Haven

Payment Plans and Fee Schedule

This Fee Schedule Effective January 1, 2002

        Child’s Age                                                                 Dollars per Week

Infant – 18 months                                                         $100

18 months – 36 months                                             $95

3 years to 5 years                                                                $90                                          

·        Your weekly fee entitles you to five days of care per week for your child

·        Child care hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.   While my house is open for services for 11 ½ hours, I do not recommend leaving your child for the full time.  It is recommended that children not be in daycare for longer than 10 hours a day.

·        Late fees of $5 will be charged each 15 minutes for children picked up after indicated time on contract agreement.  Please beware that your ‘late fees’ start in accordance with the time contracted and written on your enrollment.  (i.e. if your pickup time is indicated @ 5:00pm, late fees begin @ 5:01 not 6:00pm when the daycare closes)

·        Weekly fees due on Monday.

·        Fees cover all basic supplies and food. Parents of infants must supply diapers, formula and baby food.

·        There will be no refunds or adjustments made to your child care fee for your time missed due to illness, holidays or days off.

·        Rate changes are evaluated each January 1, with six weeks’ notice.

·        Multiple children discounts are negotiable.







Hart's Haven

Discharge Policy

Child Withdrawal

If the parent/guardian finds it necessary to withdraw a child from care, he/she must give a two-week notice to me prior to withdrawal. The deposit, amounting to two weeks of care, will be kept if a parent/guardian neglects to provide a two-week notice.

Child Discharge

It might be necessary for me to give notice to a parent/guardian to stop caring for a child. I will give the parent/guardian two weeks notice prior to ceasing care. In rare cases of severe problems, I may be forced to release the child from care without giving a two-week notice. Care may be terminated for the following reasons (but not limited to):

o  Child is increasingly unhappy and unable to become comfortable with the family child care setting

o  Child consistently physically or verbally hurts other children

o      Parent/guardian routinely abuses drop-off and pickup times

o      Parent/guardian doesn’t pay child care fees on time

·        Parent/guardian does not work with the child care provider as a team to provide consistent guidance and discipline









Hart's Haven

Health Policies and Procedures

First-aid procedures

      Red Cross first-aid and poison center guidelines will be followed.

      I am certified by ______________ in Emergency Care and CPR for Infants and Children annually.

      A first-aid kit containing items such as syrup of ipecac and ice packs will be on the premises.

                Emergency numbers are available at all times.

      Parents will be notified of accidents, and an injury record is kept for each child.

Medical emergencies

                Immediate first aid will be given.

                Ambulance will be called and paramedic recommendations followed.

      Parents will be notified as soon as possible.

      When parents are not available, your emergency reference will be called.

      Parents are responsible for any expenses as a result of emergency room care, ambulance, etc.

                Hospitals used for emergencies are _____________________.


      If your child becomes ill during the day, you will be notified and expected to pick your child up as soon as possible.

      If your child will be missing child care due to illness, please notify me by phone the previous evening or the morning of the day of absence.

Communicable disease prevention and reporting

      Your child will be kept isolated from other children as much as possible if your child has a communicable disease.  Communicable diseases will be reported to the Department of Health.

      Each child will be observed daily for illness.

                Individual bedding, towels, washcloths, glasses, etc., will be used to minimize the spread of infection.

Handwashing, diapering, sanitizing, and laundering policies

      I will wash my hands before and after diapering, toileting, eating, handling and preparing food, and handling contaminated materials.

      Diapers will be changed regularly and immediately after a bowel movement.  Bottoms will be thoroughly cleaned, and cornstarch or petroleum jelly will be used as needed.   Other types of preparations must be provided by parents.

      The diapering area will be sanitized after each use, and contaminated utensils/toys will be sanitized.

      Bedding will be laundered as needed or once a week.

      Bottles and nipples will be washed in the dishwasher and rinsed again with hot water before filling.

Management of medication

      All prescribed medication must be labeled with the child’s name and must be accompanied by written permission from the parent for dispensing.

      All medication must be provided in there original containers.

               I will not exceed the manufacturer’s recommended dosage of non-prescription                                  

      medication unless accompanied by written physician instruction.

Health records

      The date of your child’s last physical examination must be kept up to date.

      Please notify me of any special health problems or concerns regarding your child or family.


Hart's Haven

Fire and Natural Disaster Procedures

Fire -

To reduce the threat of fire, smoke detectors are installed in each room and checked regularly to make sure they are in working order. In case of fire, the children will evacuate the two-level house from one of three doors-at stairwell (or front door), snack/craft room (or back door), or activity area (or garage door). Parents will be called immediately.  Fire drills will be run once a month.

Storms or Tornado -

In case of severe storms or tornado, the children will meet in the inner-most area of the playroom, which is away from any windows.   Disaster drills will be run once every 3 months.


Attention Parents or Guardians:

  I have made preparations to take emergency care of your child for up to 72 hours.  My food supply will be plenty and our fireplace is in working order with plenty of wood on our back porch to burn.  I, therefore, ask that during any such period of disaster, you do not worry about picking up your child if the streets are closed.    I also recommend the following:

·         Avoid telephoning, leaving the lines open for public emergency use.

·         Listen to a battery-powered radio for evacuation instructions.  Should there be a city ordered evacuation, radio bulletins will give the information as to where your child has been taken.  The radio should also give you information as to when it is safe to come to my area to pick up your child.

·         Please be sure to send with your child, for storage at my house, an extra set of clothes for such a situation should it arise.

I hope we won’t have need for using our emergency supplies, but do be assured that if we do, your child will be well cared for.




Hart's Haven

Types of Developmental Activities

Free Play

Free play provides an opportunity for children to direct their own learning. The care giver supervises and helps children, but the play is directed by the child. There are various centers that the children use for free play during the day. While doing this, they are developing

·                Cooperation - learning to play with others

·      Social skills - pretending helps children express their opinions and views

·      Fine motor skills - using scissors, drawing with chalk or pencils help children strengthen their fine motor skills

·      Math and reading readiness - playing independently with learning toys gets children ready to learn math and reading

Planned Activities

Children also learn through planned activities. These activities are usually short, but structured in order to introduce a new concept or to reinforce concepts already learned by the children. Activities include (but are not limited to):

·      Stories provide time for reading-readiness skills of listening and retelling and moral reasoning.

·                Exercise to strengthen overall health and muscles.

·      Music with instruments and singing to develop both vocabulary and listening skills.

·      Arts and crafts activities, to build on a child’s imagination.

·                Backyard science experiments help children begin to learn about the world around them and how they fit into it.













Hart's Haven

Nutrition Policy

Harts' Haven believes in providing nutritious meals for children. We follow in the Child and Adult Care Food Program that was established to improve the health of children in child care centers and family child care facilities both by improving the nutritional quality of meals and by promoting healthy eating. In order to qualify, meals must include the following nutritional components.


·      Milk

·      Fruit or vegetable or 100% juice

·      Bread or cereal.


·      Milk

·      Meat or meat alternate

·      Fruit or vegetable (2 servings)

·      Bread or alternate


At least 2 of the 4 components

·      Milk

·        Meat or alternate

·        Fruit or vegetable

·        Bread or alternate

Food is always served attractively in kid-friendly portions.






















Hart's Haven

Sample Master Schedule

Hours of Operation   6:30 a.m.               to         6:00 p.m.


Days of the week                                           Monday           to                                                   Friday

Check – In / Music & Dance          6:30 a.m.                     to         8:30 a.m.

Breakfast offered 8:30 a.m.          to                                        9:00 a.m.

Scheduled Activities    9:00 a.m.               to       10:00 a.m.

Naptime for infants                                      10:00 a.m.         to                                      11:30 a.m.

Free Play Quiet Time (toddlers)                   10:00 a.m.        to                                      10:30 a.m.

Snacks (toddlers)                                         !0:30 a.m.         to                                       10:45 a.m.

Craft (toddlers)                                             10:45 a.m.        to                                       11:30 a.m.

Free Play / Song                                           11:30 a.m.       to                                        12:30 p.m.

Lunch                                                           12:30 p.m.        to                                         1:30 p.m.

Story time                                                     1:30 p.m.          to                                        2:00 p.m.        

Quiet time/Naptime          2:00 p.m.                     to         4:00 p.m.

Free play for non-sleepers          3:00 p.m.                     to         4:00 p.m.

Afternoon snack          4:00 p.m.                     to         4:15 p.m.

Outdoor play                                                 4:15 p.m.          to                                        5:15 p.m.

Daily discussion, questions, free play    5:15 p.m.                     to         6:00 p.m.





Please keep in mind this is a vague, loosely developed plan.  Weather will play a big part in what happens at what time.
















Hart's Haven

Discipline Policy

One of the goals of Hart’s Haven Family Child Care is to help children learn appropriate behavior. We want children to act with:

·      Self-control

·      Respect for others

·                Obedience

To help children reinforce these actions, we:

·      Model the behaviors that we want to see in the children

·                Establish clear, consistent and simple limits

·      Explain the reasons for rules

·      Remain positive in our approach

In most cases, the way we encourage these actions is to reinforce positive behavior. In some cases, discipline is necessary. Before discipline of any kind is administered, however, a review of other possible causes will be considered. Is the child sick, tired or hungry?

When discipline is necessary, we will:

·      Redirect the child’s attention to an acceptable action

·      Explain the negative behavior and help child identify solutions

·      Time-out - a time to cool off and change attitudes (1 minute per year of age)


I do not correct children for being children.  I will always teach children safety rules to keep them from getting hurt.  Then, in accordance with their age, I would like to help them to be kind, take turns, share and help others.

All discipline is followed with a big hug and smile to let children know that they are still wonderful, important people.
















Hart's Haven

Transportation and Field-Trip Policy

On occasion, we will go on field trips away from my immediate neighborhood.  In those instances, I will ask you to bring your child’s car seat since safety seats are required by law.  Field trip provisions are (but not limited to):


·      You will always be notified of a field trip and asked to sign a permission slip

·      Some field trips may require additional adult assistance. We appreciate your willingness to help us once in a while.

·      Most field trips will be covered through your child care fees; however, additional field trip fees may be assessed on occasion.

·  Sometimes we will take walking trips around my immediate area.  These walks are covered by the blanket permission form you will be signing with the enrollment papers.








































Hart's Haven

Other Policies

·      I have an ‘open door’ policy and you are welcome to visit your child at any time.  However, this policy does not indicate that my doors will be kept unlocked as it is not safe for the children.  I will not allow visitors into my facility.  Therefore, please let friends and family know that unless I have met them before (i.e. they have dropped off/picked up your child before) I will not allow them in to visit.

· Smoking is never allowed in the home.

·      Parents may call to check up on their child at any time. If I am unavailable, your message will be returned within 2 hours.

· Blankets and other security items for naptime (such as a stuffed animal) are welcome to be brought from home.  However, that special something will be put up until naptime.  I would appreciate it if other toys were left at home unless we are having a show and tell day.  It is very hard for young children to share their special toys with other children, not to mention the potential for loss and damage.  I am not responsible for any breakage or misplacement of the child’s personal items.

·      It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to bring a full change of clothing appropriate for the season.

·      I will assist in toilet training when your child is physically and verbally capable of communicating their need to potty.  As a team, I expect that I will be able to work together with you to develop a plan when your child appears ready. In the meantime, it is your responsibility to provide disposable diapers, wipes and any other items you prefer me to use during diaper changing.






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