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Jesse's Premier Site Français

Monkey nodding head

Bonjour! C'est mon premier site Français!
Vous allez apprendre des verbes et leur conjugaison
Monkey shaking head

Conjugaison des Verbes

To use this table: Take the subject from the left and add the stem in the next column, then add the ending.

              Aimer(to like)
Subject                Stem|Ending
(I)Je/j’	              -e
(You) tu	              -es
(He/She/One)Il/Elle/On	      -e
(We) Nous	              -ons
(You) Vous	              -ez
(They)Ils/Elles	              -ent
Passé Composé 	              -é
                      Choisir(to choose)
Subject                Stem| Ending
(I)Je/j’                      -is
(You)tu                       -is
(He/She/One)Il/Elle/On        -it
(We) Nous                     -isson
(You) Vous-issez
(They) Ils/Elles              -issent
Passé Composé                 -i
                      Vendre (To sell)
Subject	               Stem| Ending
(I)Je/j’	              -s
(You)tu	                      -s
(He/She/One)Il/Elle/On	      -
(We) Nous	              -ons
(You) Vous	              -ez
(They) Ils/Elles	      -ent
Passé Composé 	              -u

Concordance de Genres (Agreement of Genders)

Genders are probably the hardest thing for English speaking people to get. There is no equivalent in English to it, and there are to many rules for French one students to understand, so don't try to understand it, or in the words of Casey, "Your head will explode".French people already think we're stupid when it comes to their language, so don't worry about it if you say le instead of la sometimes. Le is for any word that is masculine, la is for any word that is feminine, and les is for any plural word.

Concordance de Genres (Agreement of Genders)

First Row: Casey, Jerry, Kayla, Ambrosia Second Row: Sean, Autumn Below:Mon Prof Du Français, Msr. Johnson Salut! (See why the French have a bad Rep?)