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To The Eagle Spirit Who Guides Me Through My Toughest and Best Times Be It By Daylight or Dark

Sometimes I look at myself in my mirror and I wonder what my days and nights would
Be like if you weren’t there for me to share a laughter or a sorrow with
As a tear starts to fall, I pray to god that I am there for you as much as you are me
You have shown me ways to open up and face the world as if it were all mine
I had never known the meaning of a true friend until I found you
We have shared some of the deepest thoughts and dreams
But most of all we have shared each other

Your concern and thoughtful ways towards my daughter and I
Is overwhelming at times
But so much appreciated that words could never be enough.
You have taught me to release the guilt that I’ve carried around
For so many years, making me to understand
That the death of my son was not within my control
And for that alone, I could never tell you how grateful I am

There are so many people whose lives cross paths day by day
Sharing a lot of words with each other
But how many can really stop and say
The only honest reason
I don’t call you my bro
Is because you are so much more to me
You are my very special one true friend

As the minutes turn to hours, the hours into days, the days into weeks
And the weeks into years
You can always be assured I will be right there by your side
No judgements, no hesitations
Just being that very best friend

As we both go on living our daily lives
May God Bless You
And keep you soaring like that Eagle in the sky

I Love You My Friend
And my one special gift to you is
My special angel in heaven is watching over you

As time passed by and more words were exchanged
Feelings started to develop
Feelings that we both were scared of
Ones that we thought could be the real reason our friendship might end
How little did we know that those feelings
Have brought about an exceptional love between two people

As we both set here chatting day after day, night after night
All the signs were there, we were just afraid to admit to them
And finally after waiting for months
You were upset and let those words slip
Oh how well do I remember them
At that moment you walked right through those walls
Still afraid to admit it to ourselves
We continued to call ourselves friends
A week passed by and still we were there every day
Still not admitting to what was happening
Until you got the courage to ask me to be yours
That is a night I will never forget
What started out as a joke to our friends
Brought us together

We had a plan to change my name to Eagles-Mandy
Just to see what they would say
Have a little fun and a few laughs
I thank god that when you saw that name
You realized what an impact it had on your life

As our friends begin to find out
There was so much excitement in their words
And you see my dear
What makes this so beautiful is
It all came naturally
No work involved, nothing but pure love for one another

I will never be able to tell you or show you
Just how very special you are to me
We have nothing but complete trust and honesty in one another
Fate has brought us together
And destiny will keep us there
Together there is nothing we can’t accomplish and work through
You have become my life
One that I never want to live without

Oh how lucky I am that those feelings finally got the best of you
I will always treasure this whirl wind romance we have been on
But could never see
I love you now and forever
With all my heart
And thank god you have become mine

Created by Mandy In Honor Of Eagle Spirit

Our Wedding
Fawns Inspiration
Mandy's Home Page
I Honestly Love You