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Here is some brief information about my music career - online listening available soon...
I started off producing tracks at home with an old friend of mine (Nick) from there I started remixing songs and re-editing tracks for use in the clubs.

Some of my earliest tracks where produced under the name of 'Space Phunk Allstars' which were heavily influenced by the (then) new phenomenon of Speed Garage which had been brought into the mainstream by Armand Van Helden. I was able to air these tracks on the local student radio station Wired FM when it was on its old frequency of 103FM.

I then started producing under my own name various tracks very disco house orientated but also some downbeat tracks in a hip hop/trip hop style which lead to me being asked to do a soundtrack for a short movie called 'Plastic Jesus' which was directed by Ian Moriarty. This worked out well and I added a laid back funky feel to this movie of which I took inspiration from David Holmes' work on the 'Out Of Sight' Soundtrack.

The other big event for me around this time was being asked to remix a single called 'Mama Said' for Limerick band 'Radars' who are now known as 'Sub Zero' and are now signed with Roger Sanchez - I completed the remix, added a UK Garage vibe to it and called it 'Fintan's Temple Revenge Mix' due to the fact I was resident DJ in Temple Of Sound, Limerick at the time and it was played there quite often by the resident DJs.

Following that more tracks followed such as 'Do What You Like' which entered the top 20 in the House section, 'Cause I Told Ya' (My first entry into the world of Drum N'Bass) and 'Ya Don't' which was scratched and sampled live - put together not long after I qualified for the DMC Ireland mixing championships (incidentally I qualified due to my scratch mixing of house music so it was for sure that a track was going to follow in that style!!

Lately (the last six months) have been quiet due to an increased workload but between 2001-2002 more tracks followed including 'Cause I Told Ya Scream' - the follow up to 'Cause I Told Ya' which samples the soundtrack to the movie 'Scream' and '2 Da Head' which samples the soundtrack from the John Carpenter movie 'Escape from New York' - tracks old and new available to listen online soon. Later...


Da Rough Guide To Fintan Moloney

Coming Soon:

January 2002

© 2001 Fintan Moloney

Peace, and we out...

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