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The following is what I remember over the last few (excellent) years.
Got Into Music production from about 15, from there ended up working various jobs for Limerick '95FM while in College (trying) to Study Media. At this time I was presenting shows on the local student radio station WiredFM and writing for the (old) Limerick Events Guide while DJing clubs at night.

Started work full time in Radio Limerick One doing various jobs from Presenting, Producing for Radio&TV, Camera Work and also looking after the IT side of things. I got into video production from there and thats where The Unkknowns video (eventually) came about. There have been many videos before the Unknowns but they are rare now.

Currently I'm looking forward to working on the next video and working on some new music.

I can be contacted via the contact section of this site when its online soon.

Oh if you know me and wanna front thats fine Ill have a section just for people like you soon who have too much time on their hands...

You can find me on the Mad Onion message boards quite a lot. I am still pushing to increase my 3dMark2001 score from 6397 to 7000 so you know where to go to compete... Later...


BIO - Da Rough Guide To Fintan Moloney

Coming Soon:

January 2002

© 2001 Fintan Moloney

Peace, and we out...

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