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- - X A N A T O M Y - -

Do you want to talk about hacking and not be worried about getting flamed?
Do you want to be a white-hat hacker, but be able to discuss the factors and modes of black hat hackers?
I for one am tired of absurd rules, and ignorant members of other BBSes. Xanatomy hopes to be more than that.
We will stand out from all other sites.
Are you tired of not getting the help you need?
Are you just tired of the normal shit you see on every other site over and over?
Well, come to Xanatomy. The best place to get all the information on hacking and cracking. We have ethics and morals, but we know how to step across boundaries.
Xanatomy is a no bullshit place. We have the facts. No wannabes running this site. All staff members are professionals in atleast one hacking related subject. Together we all form Xanatomy. Not some super hero crime fighting team, but one hell of a computer specialists team.
Network security never looked so vulnerable.
We are Xanatomy. Look for us to up in September.

For more information check out X A N A T O M Y

And don't worry. The site won't be hosted on angelfire. We will have our own dedicated servers working for us, secured by us.
And sorry for the horrible pop-ups.
Visit the above link for more information or contact me