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Freddy VS Jason...The Real Loser!!!

Me and my friend Jon both love horror movies. He likes Jason, I like Freddy (if you have no idea who the 2 horror movie icons are that im talking about, you should be hung balls/clit first upside down, and striken like a pinyata). He still rags on me, that my favorite horror villian "lost" the big battle. wich isnt true, because if that stupid whore didnt knock freddies head off with the mechette, freddy would have torn jasons shit all up. besides, freddy isnt dead, so how could jason have "won"? atleast freddy could get up the next mourning, pour himself a cup of souls, and sat on his thrown of human skulls, and still feel like the victor. jasons reputation is ruined. jason was finaly deplicted as what he truely is. a crying little pussy. and its about goddamned time.

my pictures kick ass. mainly because they reveal the truth, no matter how shitty they look.