Temple Square Salt Lake City (1912)

A free information packet mailed to all who finish reading the 9 pages of this website.

Dear Seeker of Truth,

Yes! As incredible as it may seem, the Lord Jesus did visit Salt Lake City in 1912! He came as a thief in the night. Now, a thief in the night comes and goes without waking up the sleepers inside the house. The thief in the night does not kick the door down announcing he has arrived. The Lord Jesus visited His Temple in red garments as a man like ourselves on Sept. 28th, 1912. This is no "spoof" or "joke". We are absolutely serious! Why haven't you heard of this before? You'll find out as you read.

The following 19 pages are going to be the most incredible and remarkable pages you will EVER read on the Internet! Bar none!

You are going to be SHOCKED and AWED by what you read! We guarantee that! These 19 pages (some long and some short) should take you about 30 to 45 minutes to read. You won't be disappointed!

These pages are not copyrighted! Please print them out if you wish.

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