'Abdu'l-Baha (The Servant of Glory)

The Eldest Son of Baha'u'llah was born Abbas Effendi (Arabic: "Sir Lion") in 1844. He took the name-title of 'Abdu'l-Baha (ab-dell baw-HAW), which means "Servant of Glory" in Arabic. He died in Palestine (as it was then called) in 1921.

'Abdu'l-Baha (ab-dell baw-HAW) was actually quite famous in the early 20th century, and His name and image appeared in thousands of newspapers and magazines. He came to Salt Lake City in the year 1912, and knocked on the East Door of the Salt Lake Temple, but was refused entry.

Many early Baha'is believed that He was the reincarnation of Jesus. Assadullah, the personal secretary of 'Abdu'l-Baha, wrote:

"He is the Son of God, the only Door, the Lord of Mankind!" (Assadullah, Sacred Mysteries, p.74)

Other early Baha'is wrote of Him thusly:

"Abbas is heir and Master of the Kingdom: he was on earth 1,900 years ago as the Nazarene." (Getsinger, Notes at Acca, p.24)

"If this is not the resurrection of that pure Spirit of the Nazarene of 1,900 years ago, then we need not look for another" (Corinne True, A Message from Acca)

"The Master, Abbas Effendi, the Lord of the Kingdom, is the one who was to renew and drink the cup with his disciples in the Kingdom of the Father, the one who taught the world to pray 'Thy kingdom come'." (Anton Hadad, A Message from Acca)

"He has come again in the Kingdom of the Father." (Thornton Chase, Before Abraham Was I Am, p.46)

"I have seen the King is his beauty, the Master is here and we need not look for another. This is the return of the Lion of the tribe of Judah, of the Lamb that was once slain." (Mrs. Brittingham, The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, p.25)

In 1911, in Paris, 'Abdu'l-Baha (ab-dell baw-HAW) told the Jews of Paris that "Europe will rise up against the Jews" but if they accepted Christ, the Christians would protect them. In 1943 the Nazis took the Jews of Paris to the death camps; except the Jewish Christians who were protected by other French Christians.

In 1912, while in London, British Baha'is bought 'Abdu'l-Baha a very expensive first-class ticket to New York City on the new steam liner H.M.S. Titanic. They are completely stunned when they see 'Abdu'l-Baha tear up the ticket in front of their eyes, and tell other Baha'is not to take the Titanic. They all took a different ship to New York City.

From New York City, 'Abdu'l-Baha went to Boston by ship, and there at the docks a Syrian Christian woman ran up to Him and fell at His feet saying: "In Thee I recognize the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Jesus Christ Himself!" (God Passes By, Chapter 19)

'Abdu'l-Baha then went to Green Acres (Eliot), Maine, and then to Buffalo, New York, and from there to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. While in Buffalo He prophesied of a "Great War" soon to begin in Europe (World War One began two years later). While in Montreal He spoke at a Unitarian church, and told the congregation that in a few years the world would be engulfed in war, and that a great disease would kill millions. In 1914, World War One ("The Great War") broke out, and by 1920 fifty million people on the planet were dead from the Spanish Flu.

In Paris, 'Abdu'l-Baha told the Jews of Paris that Europe would rise against them, but if they accepted Christ, the Christians of France would protect them. His words no doubt offended most of the Jews He spoke to. In 1943, the Nazis in France took the Jews of Paris to the concentration camps; except for the Jewish Christians who were protected.

In London, wealthy British Baha'is bought 'Abdu'l-Baha a very expensive first-class ticked about the Titanic: a brand new top of the line ocean liner. 'Abdu'l-Baha tore up the ticket in front of them, and told the Baha'is to NOT take the Titanic to New York, but any other ship. The Baha'is were terribly offended, and confused, but they obeyed the Master. The Titanic hit an iceberg, and sank, drowning about 1000 passengers and crew.

In New York City, the newspapers gave 'Abdu'l-Baha front page billing. He then went to Boston, where a Syrian woman, who was a Christian and not a Baha'i, fell at His feet saying: "In thee I recognize the Spirit of Jesus Christ". From Boston He traveled to Green Acres, Maine, where the Baha'is had a Summer school.

'Abdu'l-Baha (abdell baw-HAW) went from Green Acres, Maine, to Bufallo New York. From Bufallo He went to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. There, in Montreal, He again prophesied of the coming "Great War" in Europe. The Great War (World War One) began when the Archduke of Austria was assassinated by Serbian nationalists in Bosnia. The Serbs wanted Bosnia to become part of Serbia, but the Empire of Austria-Hungary made Bosnia a province of Austria-Hungary. The assassination happened in the year 1914. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russian came to the defense of Serbia (Russians and Serbians are closely related). Germany came to the defense of Austria-Hungary, and declared war on Russia. France and England had agreements with Russia to come to its defense. The Great War began.

From Montreal, 'Abdu'l-Baha went to Chicago, and from there to Denver, Colorado, and then to Salt Lake City, Utah, where He stayed for three days. He sat in "The Prophet's Chair" in the Mormon Tabernacle during one afternoon of the National Irrigation Conference. He visited the Utah State Fair. He knocked on the East Door of the Salt Lake Temple, but, of course, was not let in. One of his entourage is purported to have said: "They build a temple for their Lord, but when He comes to them, they don't let Him in!"

From Salt Lake City, 'Abdu'l-Baha visits Sacramento, and then San Francisco. While in San Francisco He gives a talk at a Unitarian church, and tells the Japanese Consul General, who attended the talk, that a "weapon of terrible destruction" will be unleashed upon his nation, one that could destroy the entire world if not contained. He then goes to Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, south of San Francisco, and speaks in the largest lecture hall before 2,000 students and their professors, telling them that Stanford University (then a small back-water college of little significance) would one day be a leading world-renowned university at the very apex of science and technology. He says to all those who gather to hear Him:

"We are on the eve of the Battle of Armageddon referred to in the sixteenth chapter of Revelation. The time is two years hence, when only a spark will set ablaze the whole of Europe. The social unrest in all countries, the growing religious scepticism antecedent to the millennium, and already here, will set ablaze the whole of Europe as is prophesied in the Book of Daniel and in the Book (Revelation) of John. By 1917 kingdoms will fall and cataclysms will rock the earth." (Baha'u'llah and the New Era, p.243)

Two years later, the Austrian prince was assassinated by Serbian nationalists in Bosnia. Austria declared war on Serbia. Russia declared war on Austria. Germany joined with Austria. England and France joined with Russia against Germany and Austria. World War One began. In 1918, the Spanish Flu erupted, which would eventually kill 50 million people. By 1917, the Czar (king) of Russia was deposed, the Keizer (king) of Germany was out of power and later exiled, the Empire of Austria-Hungary had fallen.

From Stanford University, 'Abdu'l-Baha then goes to Los Angeles, and visits the grave of the first American Baha'i, Thornton Chase, kissing his headstone. He then takes a train to Washington D.C., and speaks at Howard University (a black university) on the subject of Racial Unity and Equality. 'Abdu'l-Baha taught that the "black race" was not black because of any curse of God, but because a black skin protects the skin from the rays of the Sun, and blacks evolved where the Sun's rays were strongest. He taught that it was not a "sin" for whites and blacks to marry, and that the black and white race should have full equality for each other. He then returns to New York City, and from there makes His way back to Haifa, Palestine, by ship.

It is not a coincidence that Mohandas Ghandi was "inspired" in his Peace and Civil Rights Movement for East Indians by the 1911-1913 traveling "Peace Message" of 'Abdu'l-Baha, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was "inspired" by Mohandas Ghandi. Ghandi referred to the Baha'i Faith as "a solace for humankind." (Bombay Chronicle, May 24, 1944).

'Abdu'l-Baha said to the black students and faculty of Howard University (Washington D.C.) in 1912:

"There are no whites and blacks before God. All colours are one, and that is the colour of servitude to God. Scent and colour are not important. The heart is important. If the heart is pure, white or black or any colour makes no difference. God does not look at colours; He looks at the hearts." Promulgation of Universal Peace, p.45)

At all His stops, in Paris, and London, and New York City, Buffalo, Boston, Montreal, Chicago, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Stanford University (Palo Alto), and Los Angeles, Washington D.C., 'Abdu'l-Baha preaches the Oneness of God, the unity of religions, the equality of the races and genders, the need for Esperanto, the need for full rights and opportunities for black Americans, the need for women to vote and hold political offices, and the need for governments to spend their money on helping the poor and unfortunate, and in science and food and energy research, instead of on weapons of war. Most newspapers of the day referred to Him as "The Apostle of Peace".

'Abdu'l-Baha was actually quite famous in the decade of about 1911 to 1921. The "Principles" of 'Abdu'l-Baha became quite popular among educated "Liberals" of the day all over the world. From 1911 to 1913, 'Abdu'l-Baha speaks to many thousands who pack Unitarian churches, concert hall, and theaters, in Paris, London, New York City, Boston, Montreal, Chicago, San Francisco, Stanford, and Los Angeles. There are hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles published about Him in Europe and America. One prominent admirer of 'Abdu'l-Baha was Mohandas Gandhi, an Indian lawyer living in South Africa. Other admirers of 'Abdu'l-Baha became founders or followers of the various social-reform, women's rights, and civil-rights movements in Europe and the United States.

Back in Palestine, in 1915, 'Abdu'l-Baha tells Dr. Habib Mu'ayyad of Beirut, Lebanon, who was visiting Haifa:

"This land is Palestine. It is a Holy Land. Soon the Jewish people shall return to this land, and once more David’s sovereignty and Solomon’s splendor shall be made manifest. This is an explicit divine promise, and there is no doubt therein. The Jewish people will be made resplendent. They will gather under the banner of the Cause. All of these barren fields will become fertile and cultivated. The scattered tribes of the Jewish people will be united. This region will become a center of industry and commerce, and will be refined and populated. Of this there is no doubt." (Eight Years Near 'Abdu'l-Baha, pp.31-32)

At that time (1915) the Turks ruled Palestine, and very few Jews lived in Palestine, and there was no Turkish plan for any major Jewish migrations to the country. Palestine in 1915 was mostly a barren waste-land. Using irrigation, and innovation, the Jews transformed Palestine from a mostly waste-land into a fertile garden.

'Abdu'l-Baha (ab-dell baw-HAW) was once asked about the "Miracle of the Manna from Heaven"; where "food" appeared in the morning that fed the People of Israel in the Wilderness for forty years. Atheists and liberal Bible scholars dismissed this as "mere fictional story" of something that never really happened. Was this just a story, or should it be seen as literal? The Master replied:

"The Arabs on the Arabian peninsula and Yemen greatly enjoy the coming of locusts*, and save them for the future. They say locusts are celestial substance that descends from the heavens above, and they eat and relish them." (Eights Years, p.290)

Note: Locusts can appear in groups of millions, or even tens of millions, in swarms, in and around Arabia, and the Arabs catch them and grind them into a paste from which they make cakes; often adding honey. Locust "meal" is high in protein. This was the "Manna from Heaven" that the Israelites ate, not every day but from time to time, during their sojourn in the Wilderness of Zin (present day Petra, Jordan).

In Palestine, in 1917, 'Abdu'l-Baha orders extra crops to be grown by the Baha'is of Akka and Haifa. The next year, 1918, there is a great drought in Palestine, and the British invade the country (Turkey sided with the Geramsn in World War One). Many thousands starve, but 'Abdu'l-Baha uses the extra food grown by Baha'is to feed starving Muslims and Druze in northern Palestine. The extra crops save many thousands who would have otherwise perished. The British take Palestine from the Turks by 1919. In 1920, the British make 'Abdu'l-Baha a Knight of the British Empire, and commission Him "Sir Abbas Effendi 'Abdu'l-Baha"; because His foresight that saved tens of thousands of Muslims and Druze from starvation from the drought of 1918-1919. Most Palestinians and Israeli Druze alive today are descendants of those saved by 'Abdu'l-Baha during the drought of 1918-1919.

'Abdu'l-Baha dies in Haifa, in 1921. Along with many Baha'is, thousands of Muslims and Druze attended His funeral (right). They knew that it was because of Him that they and their children survived the drought of 1918-1919. You can read more about the prophecies and miracles of 'Abdu'l-Baha in the links at the bottom of this page. But, please read this article first.

'Abdu'l-Baha (1844-1921) was not a Prophet (Manifestation of God) but a "Chosen One"; a station between Prophet and ordinary human. His writings are considered Infallible Scripture to the Baha'is. They refer to Him simply as "THE MASTER". Baha'is use "He" and "Him" instead of "he" and "him" in referring to 'Abdu'l-Baha, as they do with all Manifestations of God and Chosen Ones.

The Miracles of 'Abdu'l-Baha

The Baha'is (baw-highzz) don't like to talk about miracles, because a "miracle" is only "proof" to those who personally witness them. That is why Baha'is don't like to talk about miracles; because they are only "proof" to those who first-hand witness the miracles. However, I don't agree with them on that point, so I will reveal here a few of the miracles of 'Abdu'l-Baha.

Healing the Blind Man

While in Akka, Palestine, 'Abdu'l-Baha (ab-dell baw-HAW) was known to perform miracles. The father of Khalil Shahidi, a Baha'i living in Akka, was going blind. 'Abdu'l-Baha put some fingers in His mouth, took out some spittle, and rubbed them on the man's eyes. Khalil writes:

"The One Whom All Names Revolve ['Abdu'l-Baha] took a little spittle from His Blessed Mouth, and rubbed it on my father's eyes, and said: 'It is nothing [to worry about]!' Not only did his eyes heal in perfect health, but also never again in his entire life did he suffer from eye ailments." (A Life With 'Abdu'l-Baha by Khalil Shahidi, pp.46-7)

Note: Jesus once healed a blind man by mixing His spittle with mud and putting this on the blind man's eyes (John 8:3).

Cigarettes Will Prove To Be Harmful

Around 1900, 'Abdu'l-Baha was noticing that many people in Akka was starting to smoke cigarettes, which was a "new thing" in Palestine. Smoking, at that time, was considered to be not only fashionable, but actually healthy for the lungs and blood! The Master prophesied of this new "healthy" craze: "Civilization will advance to a point one day that they will say: 'Why did previous generations use cigarettes which are so harmful?' This will greatly puzzle them." (ibid. p.112)

The Orchard Of Shaykh Mahmood Saved From Locusts

A Muslim named Shaykh Mahmood Arrabi lived in Akka, where 'Abdu'l-Baha and many Baha'is also lived. 'Abdu'l-Baha went to the Muslim masjid (mosque) every Friday, and prayed along side the Muslims. He knew that the Baha'is sometimes called 'Abdu'l-Baha "the Son of God". This bothered Shaykh Mahmood, who used to taunt 'Abdu'l-Baha every Friday saying in a very sarcastic tone: "Soooo, you're the Son of God eh?". For Muslims, Jesus was only a Prophet, and to call Jesus (or anyone else) "the Son of God" was utter blasphemy! Shaykh Mahmood owned a large orchard near Akka, and, that year, there was an infestation of locusts, which were eating all the crops and orchards around Akka. Shaykh Mahmood feared he would be ruined financially by the locusts, who were eating crops and orchards all around Akka. The local Muslim imaams prayed to Allah for assistance, but the locusts just kept eating and destroying the crops and orchards. Desperate, Shaykh Mahmood came to see 'Abdu'l-Baha and pleaded for Him to do something about the locusts. 'Abdu'l-Baha said "Your olive trees are safe from the locusts, there is no need to go (and look)". Mahmood then jumped on his horse and rode out to his orchard, and saw the locusts were everywhere, eating everything, except for his trees. He road around his orchards, and not one locust was on any of his trees, even though they were eating everything else all around Akka. He road back to Akka, and fell at the feet of 'Abdu'l-Baha saying: "You are the Son of God!" He soon thereafter became a Baha'i.

The Healing Of The Woman's Son

There is another story of a Christian woman whose young son was on his death bed. She prayed and prayed, but the doctor said he was going to die, and to prepare burial arrangements. Desperate, she went to 'Abdu'l-Baha, and fell at His feet, crying and begging Him to heal her son. He said to her "Your boy is well" and she rushed home, to find her son sitting up and asking for something to eat. There are many such stories, told by the people who witnessed them.

The Fish That Lept Out Of The Sea of Galilee

One Summer day, 'Abdu'l-Baha went to the Sea of Galilee with a Baha'i named Khusraw. As they walked around the shore, 'Abdu'l-Baha suddenly stopped and said "This is the spot where Peter used to fish". At that instant, Khusraw ("koos-raw") saw a large fish hurl itself from the sea, and it fell at the feet of 'Abdu'l-Baha, Who said: "Come Khusraw, take it, our daily substance has arrived." When they got back to Akka, Khursaw told everyone what had happened. There are hundreds of such stories; many told by the Baha'is who eye-witnessed them. Are they all lying? Are they all exaggerating. Only "they" and God knows.

Note: Most "Western" (non-Persian) Baha'is are uncomfortable talking about miracles. Most Western Baha'is came from the Unitarian churches, or from the Social-Reform and Civil-Rights Movements. They acknowledge God exists, Messengers of God are sent, and the Afterlife exists, but they prefer to talk about "The Principles" and how to implement the Principles worldwide. They are much more interested in "One World" without nationalism, war, hunger, injustice, racism, sexism, and without the extremes of poverty and wealth, than they are in the "Mystical Teachings".

What Was 'Abdu'l-Baha Like?

An American woman named Lua Getsinger (1871-1916) was born in an affluent American family from upstate New York. She was a Seeker of Truth. She spent her inheritance traveling to India, in search of ultimate Truth. She studied all the religions she could find. In 1897 she finally became a Baha'i. The next year she went to Akka, Palestine, to meet 'Abdu'l-Baha: the first American Baha'i to do so. Akka at that time was a Turkish prison city, where criminals and political prisoners were sent. They were expected to work at normal jobs, but they could not leave the city walls without special permission.

Being from a wealthy American family, Lua had a black servant who went with her on her trips. Lua finally met 'Abdu'l-Baha, in His humble house in Akka. 'Abdu'l-Baha always served His guests Himself, and He served Lua's black servant first before Lua.

Lua asked the Master ('Abdu'l-Baha) "What can I do to serve God?" 'Abdu'l-Baha repied: "Go up stairs and care for the sick man that is dying!" Lua went upstairs, and found a man, dirty and diseased, in a small room. She was shocked, and came back down saying: "He is so dirty, and diseased, I do not want to touch him!" She asked if her black servant could care for the man. 'Abdu'l-Baha said to her: "If you want to serve God, then you must serve your fellow humans, even those deemed to be lowest of your fellow human beings." So, Lua did as 'Abdu'l-Baha said, and spent the next few days washing and feeding the dying man.

'Abdu'l-Baha often cared for the sick and dying in Akka; which was a prison city, and did not have a physician nor a hospital. He later moved across the bay to Haifa, and continued to care for the poor and sick. The Turks did not provide hospitals or doctors to the poor. Only the wealthy could afford physicians. 'Abdu'l-Baha cared for all who came seeking His help: Baha'i, Muslim, Druze, Jew, or Christian.

The Master could sometimes get angry, like Jesus in the Temple got angry with the money-changers, but He usually was very peaceful, generous to the poor (He handed out money to the poor of Akka daily), and kind-hearted. Although the sole Head of a religion with tens of thousands of adherents, He lived very humbly, and frugally, giving what money He had left over to those in need; whether they were Baha'i, Muslim, Druze, Jewish, or Christian. He attended the Muslim masjid (mosque) in Akka every Friday, taking part in Salat (Friday prostrating prayers) along with Muslims. He once said that one could be "a Baha'i-Muslim, or a Baha'i-Jew, or a Baha'i-Christian" ('Abdu'l-Baha in London, p.97) if they so desired. He taught that God does not care if a man is black or white, or what religion he claimed; God only looks at the heart. He once said:

"Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone….When you meet a [stranger]… speak to him as to a friend; if he seems to be lonely try to help him, give him of your willing service; if he be sad console him, if poor succor him, if oppressed rescue him… what profit is there in agreeing that universal friendship is good, and talking of the solidarity of the human race as a grand ideal? Unless these thoughts are translated into the world of action, they are useless." (Paris Talks, p. 16)

'Abdu'l-Baha died in 1921, in Haifa, with thousands in attendance. He was buried according to Muslim rites. His Father, Baha'u'llah, described His Son Abbas Effendi as...

A WORD which God hath adorned with the ornament of His Own Self, and made it Sovereign over the earth and all that is therein." (World Order of Baha'u'llah, p.135)

'Abdu'l-Baha (ab-dell baw-HAW) was not a Prophet, nor a Seer. He was a Chosen One. He was the 6th Incarnation of the "WORD" (Logos/Son) of God on this planet.

Shoghi Effendi

Shoghi Effendi (1897-1957) was the grandson of 'Abdu'l-Baha. Upon the death of 'Abdu'l-Baha in 1921 he became the Guardian of the Faith until his death in 1957.

It was Shoghi Effendi ("show-gee ef-den-dee"), the great-grandson of Baha'u'llah, who said to various Baha'is that "Joseph Smith was a Seer, not a Prophet minor or otherwise." (Haifa Notes of Ramona Brown)

A "Seer" in Baha'i terms is an ordinary "sinful" human being, with a human soul, who has true visions. They are considered vastly inferior to "Prophets" (Manifestations of God) and "Chosen Ones".

Shoghi Effendi was not a Prophet (Manifestation of God) nor a Chosen One, but he was probably a Seer. He prophesied of the "Holocaust" (by that term) years before it occurred, and he prophesied of the Internet decades before the Web became a reality. He died in London in 1957.

In 1936 Shoghi Effendi wrote:

"A mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised, embracing the whole planet, freed from national hindrances and restrictions, and functioning with marvelous swiftness and perfect regularity." (The World Order of Bahaullah, page 20)

The Internet (World Wide Web) did not appear until 1977, and did not become known to the public until the mid and late 1990s.

In May of 1941 Shoghi Effendi wrote:

"The persecution of world Jewry, the rapid deterioration of Christian institutions, the intestine division and disorders of Islam, are but manifestations of the fear and trembling that has seized humanity in its hour of unprecedented turmoil and peril. On the high seas, in the air, on land, in the forefront of battle, in the palaces of kings, and the cottages of peasants, in the most hallowed sanctuaries, whether secular or religious, the evidences of God's retributive act and mysterious discipline are manifest. Its heavy toll is steadily mounting--a holocaust sparing neither prince nor peasant, neither man nor woman, neither young nor old." (Messages to America: Selected Letters and Cablegrams Addressed to the Bahá'ís of North America 1932-1946, Wilmette: Bahá'í Publishing Committee, p. 46)

The "Holocaust" did not begin until late 1943, and it was not called the "Holocaust" until after the War ended in 1945.

The letters of Shoghi Effendi are called his "Directives" and they are considered "authoritative" (not infallible but "binding" upon all Baha'is). The book Lights of Guidance contains excerpts from most of his Directives on hundreds upon hundreds of subjects. Baha'is use Lights of Guidance.

Baha'is are not obligated to accept anything Shoghi Effendi "said" (i.e."Pilgrim's Notes"). They must only accept whatever Shoghi Effendi "wrote" (i.e. "Directives").

In Baha'i terms, a "Prophet" is a Manifestation of God: a sinless and infallible Perfect Man, but a "Seer" is an ordinary human being, capable of sin, with a "human" soul, male or female, who has true supernatural visions. Prophets and Chosen Ones do not have "human" souls. Their Souls are the Names/Attributes of ALLAH.

A Baha'i who goes on Pilgrimage to the Holy Shrines in Haifa and Bahji, Israel, are called "Baha'i Pilgrims". Their "Pilgrim's Notes" are not considered "authoritative"; not "binding" upon Baha'is to believe and accept, because, after all, they are "second-hand" and not Shoghi's written Directives.

Shoghi Effendi also said some interesting things to say to Baha'i Pilgrims who visited him in Haifa in the 1950s:

*Skyscrapers of of which Americans are so proud will fall like houses of cards. The greatest danger is New York. (Pilgrims Notes of Margaret R. Sears, p.3)

*The Towers of Babel today of today are the sky-scrapers. These will be destroyed. the people of the tower of Babel were haughty, proud, filled with vain-glory; they had turned away from God and were arrogant and God punished them. This will happen again for the same reason. The world is in the same condition today. (Haifa Notes of Gayle Woolson, p.4)

*The Adam that appeared 6,000 years ago was the last of many Adams. (Pilgrim Notes of Marguerite R. Sears)

*The early Bábís (baw-bees i.e. followers of The Báb) believed in reincarnation. Mulla Husayn Bushru'i* in Fort Tabarsi was longing to be martyred and then return. (Sears)

Note: Mulla Husayn Bushru'i (Moo-law Hoo-sein Boosh-roo-ee) was the 1st Letter of the Living, the first disciple of The Báb (Siyyid Ali Muhammad Shirazi). He was told by The Báb that he was the "return" of the Soul of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The Báb taught that the Souls of the Prophets and Chosen Ones "return" in every Dispensation. Mulla Husayn Bushru'i was martyred in the Battle of Fort Tabarsi, in 1849. This is explained further in the section below titled "Reincarnation".

*White people have done a great deal of harm, and will suffer. (Haifa Notes of Clara Edge, p.5)

*A new race of men will appear after the Cataclysm*. (Edge, p.6)

Note: The Cataclysm is a Baha'i term meaning a time when a third of humanity will be destroyed, after which the New World Order will be established for "several generations" and after that the New World Order be replaced by the World Order of Baha'u'llah (Baha'i World State). Some think the Cataclysm will be nuclear war, others believe it will be a natural catastrophy.

*The Jews will inherit all of Palestine* because the Arabs will make trouble and the Jews will drive them out. (Haifa Notes of Ramona Brown, pp.4-5)

Note: When Shoghi Effendi said this, in 1954, Jews controlled only about 40% of Palestine. It was the 1967 War where the Israelis captured East Jerusalem and took control of all Palestinian territories West of the Jordan River.

*Joseph Smith was a Seer, not a major or minor prophet. (Brown, p. 5)

William Allison (an African-American professor and a Baha'i Pilgrim) spoke with Shoghi Effendi shortly before his death, in 1957, telling Shoghi about plans for twin towers in New York City, which would be (at that time) the tallest buildings in the world. Allison writes:

"With a glint of sarcasm in his voice, he denounced the so-called American security of giant skyscrapers...With a swift movement of his hand, he demonstrated how quickly those institutions could be swept away in seconds." (Haifa Notes of William Allison, 1957)

Baha'is are free to accept (believe), or reject (disbelieve), anything in a Pilgrim's Note. They are not "binding" upon Believers in Baha'u'llah. Only the signed letters ("Directives") of Shoghi Effendi are "binding" and "authoritative"; things which Baha'is must believe, and must follow.

Shoghi Effendi seems to have predicted the following events years or decades before these events became reality:

*The Holocaust
*Jews taking control of all of Palestine
*The Internet
*The Twin Towers falling on 9/11/2001

These Pilgrim's Notes are not "recollections" (people remembering things) but "notes" which were written down at the time they were said, copies of which were made and stored in Haifa at the Baha'i International Archives. Shoghi Effendi said these things. But, of course, atheists and agnostics will dismiss them out of hand as "lucky guesses". They think this way: "Since there is no God, there can be no Seers, since there are no Seers, then Shoghi Effendi could NOT have seen the future!"

Shoghi Effendi dies in London, England, in 1957,and is buried there. He was succeeded by the Universal House of Justice (an elected council of 9 men) in 1963. The "House" is not a building, but an elected council of 9 men who govern the Faith worldwide, from the Baha'i World Centre, in Haifa, Israel.

Shoghi Effendi was not a Prophet, nor a Chosen One, but a Seer. He was also the Guardian of the Baha'i Faith, a position similar to the Pope in the Catholic Church.. He died in 1957.

The Principles

Most Baha'is joined the Faith because of the "Principles". Most Baha'is believe that Humanity is rushing toward self-annihilation, and that the only "thing" that will save Humanity from the Final Doom, is to establish the Principles worldwide.

Baha'is (baw-highzz) believe that one day there will be a "Calamity" that will take the lives of a third of all humanity. After that point, a World State will be created. The World State will be run by atheists and agnostics. They will "ban" all religions, because the Muslims will attack other religions, and then other religions will start to attack the Muslims. The World State will then "ban" all religion; hoping to establish peace.

However, that won't work. After a generation, crime and drugs and divorce and other "ills" will become very bad, because Humanity will have no "moral compass" without religion. So, the leaders of the World State will choose a religion that accepts most of the Prophets, and that is, in their eyes, the most "peaceful" and least "fanatical" religion, and a religion that is not contrary to science. So, finally, they choose the Baha'i Faith. They mandate that only the Baha'i Faith would be taught in schools around the world.

Eventually, with billions of children being taught the Baha'i Faith in the State schools, the old atheistic and agnostic leaders of the World State are eventually replaced with Baha'is, and the Baha'is replace the World State with the World Order of Baha'u'llah: based upon His teachings and His "Book of Laws" (Kitab-i-Aqdas). In the World Order of Baha'u'llah all religions will be legal, and allowed to operate (as long as no one is harmed), but most people will be Baha'is: because of the World State only allowing the Baha'i Faith to be taught in schools for an entire generation. And thus the entire World, for the most part, will become Baha'is (or at least the majority will).

When that Day comes, then the Baha'i Principles will be "universal" throughout the world. Countries will no longer spend trillions of dollars on weapons of war, but on science and the curse of disease. There will no longer be racism, or sexism, or the extremes of poverty and wealth. Every person will have the fundamental "rights" of basic health-care, food, and shelter (in various degrees). Rich and poor will still exist, but not to "extremes" as we see in Third World countries, where the poor have no education, no healthcare, no rights, and many must beg in the streets, or become prostitutes to survive, and where the rich accumulate billions upon billions upon billions with no end in sight.

In the World Order of Baha'u'llah, rulers shall no longer be allowed to accumulate billions. There will be a "cap" on how much a person can own and earn. Politicians and political parties will be replaced by kings and queens; trained from birth to rule. They will not be allowed to amass great wealth. They will not be allowed to own property of bank accounts, but their basic needs will be provided by the State. The Universal House of Justice will make laws applicable to all around the world.

Criminals (murderers, rapists, child-molesters, thieves, etc.) will be "marked" on their third offense, and then sent to cities of refuge to work for a living, away from law-abiding people. There will be no prisons were criminals are warehoused. All must work if they "can" work. "Marked" criminals will not be allowed to return to commit more crimes, but they must remain in the cities of refuge with their own kind; working for their own bread.

Note: There will be no "marking" of people on the forehead with "666". This "mark" referred to the Image of Nero upon coins and business documents during the reign of Nero, whose name in Hebrew (NERON KESAR) equaled "666".

Baha'is have no idea what the "Calamity" will be, or when it shall come; only that it will be devastating to Humanity. But most of Humanity will survive it. There is no "dates" on when all these things shall occur.

Baha'is believe that the establishment of the World Order of Baha'u'llah will prevent the self-annihilation of the human race, and allow the human species to live in peace each othe, and with nature, and the resources to cure human disease and to colonize the galaxy.

The Baha'is

The Baha'is (baw-highzz) are usually very educated people. Moderately Liberal. They are very concerned with finding "spiritual solutions" to World Problems: war, hunger, disease, injustice, extremes of poverty and wealth, sexism, racism, and nationalism. Most of them view the "Mystical Teachings" (nature of God, salvation of the soul, resurrection, Day of Judgment, etc.) as "secondary" to the "Principles". Baha'is see themselves as crusaders on a holy crusade against the "wrongs" they see on the planet:

*extremes of poverty and wealth
*governments spending trillions of weapons of war instead of on education, curing diseases, helping the homeless, etc.

Baha'is believe that all the ills of the planet can be "cured" not with violence, not with communism nor socialism, not with protests, not with political maneuvering, but with THE BAHA'I PRINCIPLES. By promulgating the Principles, Baha'is believe they will make them more popular, and thus peoples and governments will eventually start to implement them.

Baha'is acknowledge the "Mystical Teachings" (God, the soul, salvation of the soul, afterlife, day of judgment), but they see the Mystical Teachings like "coming attractions" at a cinema. The Principles are the "feature film" and the Mystical Teachings are the "coming attractions". Most Baha'is see the Mystical Teachings are "less important" than the Principles; because "world problems" exist here and now, but the Afterlife is "there and then".

The Baha'i Faith does offer a system of soul-salvation called the Path of Holiness, which is discussed in "Question and Answers".

Baha'is must keep certain Holy Laws, which include:

*No alcohol
*No illegal drugs
*No sex outside of heterosexual marriage
*No protesting any government
*No backbiting and gossip
*No stealing
*No false witness
*No shedding of blood except in self-defense
*No polygamy
*No open marriages
*No divorce until after one year of celibate separation

Baha'is meet every 19 days for Feast: usually in the evening. There are no required Sunday meetings, but some Baha'i Communities (congregations) do offer Sunday Morning Devotionals which last about one hour. There is no Sacrament (Eucharist). There is no baptism. There are no priests. There is no tithing, and no "tithing settlement". No Sacrament (Eucharist). There is no confession nor confessional. Baha'is may choose any day in seven as their Day of Rest.

The Baha'i Faith is headquartered in Haifa, Israel, at the Baha'i World Centre.

Either Baha'u'llah was just a man, or He was the promised Spirit of Truth: the incarnation of the Holy Ghost. You can read about His prophecies, and their fulfillment, in the book The Challenge of Baha'u'llah by Gary L. Matthews. There is another way to "know" if He is the Spirit of Truth or not. You can attend a Baha'i Fireside (public information meeting) and listen to the Words of Baha'u'llah being recited in a Baha'i Prayer. When you hear His Words being recited your soul will vibrate. It will be like nothing you're ever felt before. There is a Baha'i Fireside near your home, at least one evening a month. They are free, and last about one hour. Contact information is in Part 2 (Questions and Answers).

Questions and Answers

YOU ARE NOW EITHER attracted to the Baha'i Faith, or you are not. If not, then thank you for reading The Prophecies of the Baha'i Seers. Go in Peace!

However, if you are attracted to the Baha'i Faith, and want to know more, then there are two more "Steps" you must make:

Step Two: Read "Questions and Answers" below. That website will answer most questions that Seekers usually have about the Faith.

Step Three: Attend a Baha'i Fireside (public information meeting for Seekers) near your home. Contact information will be on the website linked below.

Reading Questions and Answers for the Seeker of Truth takes anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes. If you do not have the time now, then come back later. Our website is:

bahaisofutah DOT angelfire DOT com

The article linked below will answer questions on the following subjects:

Salvation, Second Coming of Christ, reincarnation, Afterlife, homosexuality, nature of God, stations of the Manifestations, the three types of Sent Ones, Kingdom of Heaven, Paradise, Hell-fire, sexuality in the Afterlife, resurrection of the dead, the meaning of "Satan", the meaning of the Story of Adam and Eve, evolution, and many other subjects. It takes about 30 to 45 minutes to read.

If you have the time now to read it, please do. Most of your questions will be answered on that webpage. Contact information is at the bottom of that webpage. Enjoy your read. Thank you!

Questions and Answers for the Seeker of Truth