Aaron Simms

Wrestler Statistics 

Real Name: Aaron Simms


Age: 21
Race: White
Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 215 lbs.
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Green
Overall Physical Description: Aaron has a very muscle toned body and is chiseled across the chest and mid section. His hair is just short of being shoulder length. He has soul patch (aka Clit Tickler) and multiple earrings.
Specific Distinguished Marks: Aaron has a tattoo on his right wrist that says "Virtutus Gloria Merces". And a tribal tattoo on his left forearm.
Ring Attire: Aaron's ring attired consist of a pair of long jean shorts and a black t-shirt with the sides cut out.
Entrance Music: “Beautiful People" (Remix)
Catch Phrases: None
Alignment & Crowd Reaction: Face - of course the women of the arena don’t care about that… they just love him for his looks.
  1. Family Tradition – Sleeper Hold Kneck Breaker
  2. The Big Shocker- A 'Sweet Chin Music' style super kick, with all the showing off to the women in the crowd that go with it.
Setup to Finisher: N/A
Other Trademark Moves:
  1. DDT
  2. Snap Suplex
Wrestling Style: Showstopper – while this isn’t a set style as most others are, basically what it is is a blend of moves that continuously make you stand up and say to yourself ‘Did he just do that!?’ While not all the moves are off the wall or extreme, they all seem to have a way of grabbing your attention.
Current Federation:



: At this time Aaron refuses to talk about his past and family life. All he would comment is that he enjoyed playing the guitar in his spare time and has a great deal of respect for the wrestling profession as a whole.

Affiliation: The New Breed
Current Career Highlights: APWO TV TITLE MATCH
Other Past Accomplishments:
  • Debut Match (APWO) {April 10, 2005}
  • Role Player of the Week {April 10, 2005}
  • Signed Contract with SSW after APWO closed it doors {April 27, 2005}
  • Won Supreme Championship from Stu-E {June 20, 2005}
  • Vacated Supreme Championship {July 18, 2005}
  • Re-signed with the APWO {July 31, 2005}
Trademark Personal Items: "Foamy The Squirrel" T-Shirts
  1. Experience – While not much of his experience is in ring, he has learned alot from his father and uncle.
  2. Intelligence – Aaron is a true ‘Thinking Man’s Wrestler’. He is always aware of what’s going on and thinks several moves ahead.
  3. Skill – Aaron has never been accused of not skill. A master of almost all styles Aaron follows in his uncles foot steps by useing a cascade of different moves in his matches.
  1. Size – Aaron isn’t the biggest boy on the block and knows it.
  2. In Ring Experience – While Aaron knows alot about wrestling he lacks true in ring experience.
  3. Focus – Aaron is new to the ring and that brings a lot of distractions. From the fans, to his over night populatiry. Let's face it, even the most hated wrestlers have their followings.
Aaron's Manager : Gyon