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Welcome to cool treats for the hot summer. Here you can find treats  that will cool you off.
Party Punch
*1 two litter bottle of Sprite
*1 one gallon of Hawiian Punch

*Get a punch bowl add  1/2 of the Sprite, 1/2 of the Hawiian Punch to the bowl then cover the top of the bowl with Serbert.

*1 cup sliced stawberries
*1 cup milk
*2 cup orange sherbet
*8oz can crushed pineapples

*combine stawberries , milk ,1 cup of the sherbert and the pineapples in a blinder container or food proccessor cover and blend untill smooth pour into glasses and top each one with another scoop of the remaining sherbert.  
    Pineapple orange pops
     * 8-oz carton plain yorgart
* 8-oz can crushed pineapples undrained
*6-oz can frozen pineapples-orange, concentrate, thawed
* 8 drink cups
* 8 wooden sticks

   In a blinder or food proccessers combine yorgart pineapple and juice concentrate and bliend untill smooth fill each drink cup with about 1/3 cuppineapple mixture and freeze untill partially frozen (about an hour) Insert stick and freez untill firm 2 more hours peel off paper cups and serve.
     Orange mint slush
* 2 cups sugar
* 1/4 fresh mint leaves
* 7 cups water
* 12-oz can frozen orange juice (concentnation)                
* 5 cups club soda
* 6-oz can frozen lemanade

In a havey saucepan, mix sugar, 3 cups of water & mint leaves. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat let simmer for 2 minutes,removepan form heat & cool for 1 hour. Strain mixter and reserve the liquid. in large non nutal freezer4 container, combine strained liquid, remaining water, orange juice concentrate & lemonade concentrate and mix well untill soild(3 hours). To serve, scrape 2/3cup slush mixture into a serving glass and slowly pour 1/3 cup club soda over slush.