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"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."

1 Timothy 4:12

Hey, everyone. Thanks for taking the time to check out my site. Make sure to check out the pics and the other links provided.

My name is Andréa Éllens Carey. Normally I would go into what I have been up to and all that good stuff, but I figured that if you really care to know that, you will ask me! But I do have one little request... please sign my guestbook. It irritates me to see that so many people have visited my site but never bothered to even say hello!

Anyways! A lot of stuff has happened to me recently. Some good, some not so good... but let's just say that things are finally starting to work themselves out! It's amazing... I had given up on the impossible, and then it comes to find me...

Amy, gurl, you're my little sis with the biggest heart! I love you so much, babe!

Derek, my friend, you know me better than I know myself. You know what I am thinking without me even hinting at it. We know each other's darkest secrets, and we are still the best of friends. I love you dearly, my friend. Wal-Mart isn't the same without you!

Rock, you are always there with encouragement and a smile. You knock the sense back into me when I'm screwing up. Many people have tried that. You are the only one that continuously succeeds. You are my rock when I am weak. You are so kind and caring. You put up with my crap like very few people I know would ever dream of doing. I don't know how exactly you put up with me, but I am very glad you do. Thanks for always being there. I hope one day I can return the favor...

Amanda, you were the coolest roommate I could have ever wanted! Our freshman year at MoWest sure was something. I will never forget it. Remember the plunger? LMAO! I don't think I will ever forget it! You were there through all those rough times (which will go unnamed, since other people are reading this.. but you know what I am talking about). It seemed you were always smiling!... and laughing! I miss that laugh! You brightened everyone's day! You will always be my favorite roommate! I love you, girl!

Craig, you made MoWest what it was. You are always there with a smile and a friendly ear. And oh my goodness did I ever use that ear! I'm surprised it hasn't fallen off yet! You are and always will be my Craigy-Craig. And don't you forget it!

Trisha, you are the coolest cousin I could ever ask for. Be careful at college, babe. Things happen. But you know you can call me anytime if you need me. Enjoy your freshman year, stay outta trouble, and by all means... have a LOT of fun while you enjoy being single! Luv ya, cuz!

To Brad, Kim, and Steph... my brother and sisters of which I have lost 8 years with. We have a lot of catching up to do... I look forward to becoming a family. I love you all!

Pat, you are my brother. I know you don't tend to own up to that. But tough cookies. As much as I complain about you, I still love you. It's my job to give you a hard time! What are big sisters for?! I now you think you are all grown up since you moved outta Mom & Dad's place. Pat, bro, dont be in such a hurry to grow up. I was there not too long ago, remember? It's hard. Listen to Mom & Dad. They know what they are talking about, believe it or not. I learned that the hard way. You know that. You were one of the ones that pointed it out. Don't make the same mistakes, ok? Swallow your pride for once! It doesn't hurt as bad as you think! No matter what you are always gonna be my little brother... so deal with it! LOL!

To my Mom and Dad, you guys have always been there for me. I love you so much. Mom, you are not just my are my best friend. Dad, everyone swears I am yours by blood... i like it that way. I love you both so very much. Thank you for raising me and making me who I am today. I know I may not always do the smartest thing, but thank you for letting me grow up and make my mistakes. I hope I will one day be just like you.

Anyways, please make sure to sign my guestbook! It is there for a reason!

My Favorite Sites

Interview With God
Missouri Western State College
Get Fuzzy
Make-A-Wish Foundation
