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*You enter a long dark hallway, the only light coming from ornate candleabras lining the walls. A deep low voice echos from the walls.*

"Welcome. I see that you have found this place, of great intrigue. I am the current caretaker. Feel free to to wander the rooms, but what you may find, may not be what you wished for. Enjoy your stay. I hope that it is most enlightening."

*The voice trails off, to leave an erie silence. It seems you are left alone to explore the contents of the hall, nevermind the eyes you feel upon you. Ignore them, they are figments of your imagination, or a product of your diseased mind.*

*As you move along the halls, you will see several ornate, heavy doors. Each one leads to a different destination. Perhaps your fate will be found, or entwined with what lies beyond.*

Autumn Raine

Cory Snow

Lucien "Thorne" Storme


Hawk §Deputy Constable§

Kate Crowther

Kenneth O'Brien

Shade {Gangrel Wanderer}