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Venturer Crew 995

Thanks for stopping by the homepage of Venturer Crew 995. Updates have finally been made. Just use the handy navigation bar to move around. Be sure and check out the Swift Slide Show!

BTW, scroll down for a cool cartoon-a-day to make you smile ;)

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CLicK HeRe FoR SWiFt FuN!!

After some technical problems, I've had to settle for finding a new guestbook server, so I'm very sorry to have lost everyone's old messages...feel free to sign again!

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For your information, this page was created and is maintained by Amy Wright and if you have a problem take it straight to the chick in Thank you. :)
Note: This page was created in TrueColor setting, Internet Explorer 5.0. Please make necassary adjustments for best viewing....and MAXIMIZE your screen please...thank you!

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