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"Gladiator" Actor Gets "Thumbs Up" from Jefreys

CINCINNATI, Ohio -- While watching the Oscars Sunday night, Jefreys guitarist Bryan Erwin suddenly burst into tears. The weeping episode was brought on by Best Actor recipient Russell Crowe's acceptance speech.

"It really hit home," Erwin said. "He specifically addressed kids that live in the suburbs and I thought, hey that's me. Then he went on to talk about how those of us that grew up in the suburbs on the downside of advantage can still make it as huge superstars that break up long marriages. Or, in so many words."

Erwin noted that he has faced a number of difficulties growing up in the suburbs.

"People don't realize how rough life out here is," he said. "I mean, one day I really needed to borrow my dad's car and he wouldn't let me. So I had to take my sister's old clunker instead. It was so embarrassing. How can I achieve in life if I have to deal with crap like that?"

Erwin went on to detail horror stories of food that had been in the refrigerator too long and the time the furnace broke down on a 40 degree day.

"I had to wear a coat in the house," Erwin said. "Can you believe that? Wearing my coat inside my very own house!"

Hours after the ceremony, Crowe's speech continued to echo in Erwin's mind. Finally, at 3 a.m., he couldn't take it anymore and had to call Matt Zimmer, Jefreys singer.

"I just told him about Russell Crowe's speech and urged him not to give up on our dream of becoming international superstars with everything we could ever want given to us for free," Erwin said. "That would be quite a change from the horrible life we've known where, for example, I can't even get twenty bucks without having to do some kind of chore first."

Zimmer did not find Erwin's phone call inspiring.

"Frankly, I asked him what the hell he was doing calling me up at 2 in the morning on a Sunday," Zimmer said. "I know he just sits on his ass all week, but I told him, you know some of us have jobs."

Erwin refused to comment further on the events of the telephone call. However, he did bring up Crowe's speech once again.

"It's just great to see a disadvantaged suburbanite with things going their way," Erwin said as his eyes begin to water up. "I just hope one day Matt and I can achieve the same kind of greatness and overcome the same obstacles as Russell Crowe."