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Hey! My name is Joselyn and I'm from a little hicktown in Mid-Missouri. I currently attend Truman State University

By the way, sign my guestbook, please

Quote of the week: "If snowpeople have to stay cold to stay 'alive,' why are there so many pictures of them wearing hats, gloves, and scarves? Is that their way of living on the edge?"

Past quotes of the week

In Memory of Jason "Toebben"

I like writing poetry, check some out:
A Friend
Densely Empty
I Know
Fourteen and Pregnant
My Mommy

These are some poems I found that I liked so much I had to put them on here.

The Bullet
Black Angel of Death
The Bridge
Just Some Stuff

Pics of Me
Pics of my Friends
The HardKore Champ
The Babies Page
My Mystic Page

Funny Stuff

My Britney Spears Page
Funny Anagrams

Tina the Troubled Teen

Take the bitch test

at The Spark

Morty the Death's Head

Tell me what you think

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

Guestbook by GuestWorld