The Ross Experience

Hello again. Yet again, it has been a very long time since I updated but, as always.... it gives me more to say.. A lot has happened since I last updated so here goes.

Since I last updated, I have left the "Big Apple" and gone back and left again. Last I posted I was trying to schedule some rotations back home in Missouri. That worked out. I got to spend the months of October and November at the University of Missouri - Columbia. The rotations there were great. The staff was very enthusiastic about teaching and very receptive to my visiting student status. The thing I was surprised most about was the warm reception I received from my fellow students in the rotations. I was afraid that they would look down on me because I went to a foreign school. They didn't! They were very helpful in showing me around and very accepting of my presence in general. I also was able to reunite with a few familiar faces from High School.

After finishing rotations in Columbia, I took a little time off to interview for rotations and to take my CSA exam (now known as the USMLE Step 2: CS). The interviews went well as did the CSA. I also enjoyed the much needed down time that I got to take from Christmas to New Years.

After the much needed vacation, I was off to New York City again for one last "tour of duty." I had to do my surgery rotation which was as exhausting as you might think. mostly because I was living in New Jersey (with the same family as before) and I had to drive to the Hospital. I had to be at the hospital at 5:30am for 3 months. Usual time and I am not complaining about that. The only problem was that New Jersey Transit couldn't get me to the hospital before 6 am. Well, since I was driving that meant that the days I actually got to leave early, I was stuck in the middle of New York Traffic. That was a nightmare on many occasions. I was quite amused and thankful at times that the movie scenes were not comepletly staged when you see a line of cars following an emergency vehicle just to get through traffic faster. Saved me a few hours a couple of times. SHHHHHHHH don't tell anyone.

So After I, finished surgery, I had a few more rotations to take, one of which was another pediatrics rotation. That was very fun and enjoyable. I did find out however that situations arose such that I missed being able to graduate in May and I also was not able to start residency this year. Should everything pan out though I am planning on graduating at the end of the month and I should have to return to New York one more time in order to walk across the stage.

Other events have transpired since I last posted here. Do you remember the friendship that I mentioned was rekindled into something much stronger while I was in Miami? Well the flames are burning very bright now. Rebecca flew up to New York in order to make the drive home with me and bring all my stuff home. Well we didn't drive straight home. We took a little detour NORTH to Canada. A little place you may have heard of called Niagara Falls. We had a great room overlooking the falls complete with a jacuzzi. What better place to "pop the question?" in case you haven't figured it out by now.... she said yes. I am hoping to start a page very soon (if I don't just convert this page to it) about our engagement and the upcoming wedding. If there are any of you out there who may have been reading this to see what life was like at Ross University I may also create a new site to sum everything up into a nut shell. I would like for my experiences to help others decide if the life of a Foreign Medical Student is for them before they make the leap and go.

Well, for now.. I think that is about it. Right now I am just in the middle of trying to get applications together for Residency again while planning a wedding. So I will leave you now and hopefully I will make the other changes that I have in mind very soon

Don't forget to sign my guestbook at the bottom of the page before you go.

Check out my links while you are at it.

days until the New Year.

days until I am a Doctor. (Stay tuned as this date may be adjusted)

Last Reset 3/15/99

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