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This site has blueprints and information on what the classic sabers were built from. If you've got some money to spend and are willing to try to get the same pieces used for the original props, then check out this site. Other than that, the only thing this may be good for is measurements of the originals if you're making replicas or some reference pics to get some ideas from.

Decent site. Has a few ideas on parts to use to build a saber but no real instructions.

Has some great info on building your own saber. High quality pictures of finished products. Although this site is great for sabers, it's even better if you're looking for analysis of costumes from Episode II. Patterns for making Jedi robes are found here. Also has ideas for other jedi props. Don't miss this site!

This is a great site that has instructions on how to make an excellent replica of Lukes saber from ANH. Has illustrations to go with each step. Also has instrucions to incorporate electronic LEDs and sound effects into your saber. Only thing I didn't like was the .midi music on a few of the pages that played at the same time as I was trying to listen to some mp3s... still overall, a great site. This site has been around quite awhile and if I'm not mistaken hasn't been updated since early 2001 and many of the off-site links were dead.

A great web site. Has good instructions on how to construct a lightsaber plus pictures of several very nice completed ones. Also have pictures of other props he's made and pictures of his costumes. Make sure you stop by.

Yoda's House

Good site if you've gotten hold of a flash tube that you're wanting to convert into a saber. Otherwise the only thing you'll be able to use this site for pics of replica sabers. Also sells conversion kits if you have the flash tubes.

Brain Young's lightsaber building instructions

Has instructions on building a lightsaber from wood if you're wanting to use a lathe.

Lightsabers from The Big Yellow Box
A great site! Has several different models that are all original and very cool looking. Plus instructions to make all of them. The only problem is that it's hosted by Tripod and tripod has hourly bandwidth limits that make it hard to access sometimes but keep trying!

Jedis In Training

Has a walkthrough of how he built his lightsaber. He uses the design from Lightsabers from The Big Yellow Box. Also has information on blue screen matting, rotoscoping, and a few videos.

Jedi Padawan's lightsaber 101

Not the best of sites. Limited instructions that don't use the best of materials. No pictures but the site is pretty...

The Ancient Power's Lightsaber Tutorial

Just has list of basic materials and