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Police Explorer's Online

Explorer Forum
Police Explorer Program
Law Enforcement and Explorer News
Awards and commendations for explorer's
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Explorer Stories
Explorer Post Database

Welcome to my site it was built and is maintained by an explorer.The purpose of this site is to inform the public of the police explorer's program,it's other purpose is to give other explorer's the chance to communicate and share ideas.This site has been around for a couple of month's now.I am currently revising and updating the entire thing.The main problem with it is getting web traffic.I dont feel like spending $100's to have it placed in all the search engine's.I will continue to update this site as time goes on so check back often and tell anyone involved with the program to visit the site.Remember if you want your post's link added or you have a story pertaining to explorer's you would like posted in the storie's section please e-mail me. -Law Enforcement related humor- YOU MIGHT BE A COP IF...... You have the bladder capacity of five people; You have ever restrained someone and it was not a sexual experience; You believe that 25% of people are a waste of protoplasm; Your idea of a good time is a robbery at shift change; You call for a CCH on anyone that is friendly toward you; You think it is perfectly normal to discuss dismemberment over a gourmet meal; You can identify a negative "tattoo to tooth" ratio just by looking at a person; You find humor in other people's stupidity; You believe in the aerial spraying of Prozac; You disbelieve 90% of what you hear and 75% of what you see; You have your weekends off planned for a year in advance; You believe that a "shallow gene pool" should be grounds for an arrest; You believe that the Government should require a permit to reproduce; You believe that unspeakable evils will befall you if anyone says "Boy, it sure is quiet around here"; You refer to your nightstick as your "Dork Slayer"; You believe that chocolate is a food group; You take it as a compliment when someone calls you a prick; You have wanted to hold a seminar on "Suicide, getting it right the first time;, You believe that "too stupid to live" should be a valid jury verdict; You have had to put a complainant on hold, while you laugh uncontrollably; You have wanted a terrorist to deliver a Ryder truck to a particular bar; You believe the dispatcher is possessed; You think caffeine should be available in I.V. form; You're not referring to food when you mention vegetables; You believe that the holding cell should come with a Valium saltlick; You have heard: "I have no idea how that got there," on more than a few occasions; You suddenly realize one night that you are patrolling the Twighlight Zone; You correlate "two beers" with 0.15 BAC; You have learned a lot about paranoia, simply by following random cars around in your patrol car; You believe that it is a "good" death only if it involves overtime

This Five-O Webring site owned by brian  

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