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Necropolis-City of Night

The city of Necropolis is a city of darkness unlike any other. The odd and unusual flock here and make Necropolis a hell on earth for the common man. The street are dirty and crime filled. The businesses that do make it here are corrupt.

The streets are dark and gloomy and no one but the foolish travels them at night. Evil lurks in ever alley and dark corner. Now run to a safe place. The sun is going down.

((I will put every WW chat related site on here I can get my hands on. If you have a site about the chats, a character page, chat room or anything else that you think would be of help to the players and ST's out there. Bookmark this page as the links that this page leads to don't have links back. This is not a web ring.))

((Some of you may have notice I took the "Secret rooms" off the links. I have a good reason for that. I was asked very nicely(Well they did say please) to remove them for ST reasons.(Odd how this ST never heard of these rooms till now. I have STed for a few groups now and never heard of them.) I have, cause I was told that the addies were handed out but the Games ST's for the group that played in those rooms. I am trying ot get a list of these ST's so you will know who to ask for th4e addies. And in all fairness, those that might have bookmarked the rooms, if it says Garou and your a vamp, stay out. And if it says Wraith and your a shifter......well you guys bitch about this stuff enough. If you need a room for something(cybering or what have you) let me know and I'll make you one free of charge. Don't invade other game's rooms to do your secret stuff.))

Places to go.

Fair grounds
Bamboo Tower
Firnost Free hold
City Hall
The Necropolis Institute for the Mentally Unstable
Necropolis Memorial Cemetery/Old Seville Mansion
The Fallen Angels Club
Burned Out Apartments
Club Darqness
Alley way
Lake Smithville Woods
The Infinity Chantry
The Necropolis Arms Hotel
The Immaculate Heart Cathedral
Open chat room
Open chat room

More places to go(Player created chats)

Other places I heard of.
Streets of Independence MO.(Anarch controled)
Streets of Necropolis part 2
Alternate Chat sites plus(sites that mirror the rooms in WW for when they go down.)

Informational links or sites

KoE(Coming soon)
Other Stuff(Multi-game character pages, down loads, wrestling...))
Necropolis by Night(The ST's offical Necropolis Home page)
Character Approval/Registration
Necropolis Times News Paper.(Let me know what happens and I'll print a story.)

This Passages of the Undead site is owned by Dale Burden.

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