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My name is Abrahán Garza.

It is pronounced AHH-BRAN en Espanol.

My name was spawned by my father reading the Bible in Espanol.

He found it spelled this way on his way to the hospital for my birth.

My life has spanned over 4 decades.

I celebrate the day of my birth on the 28th day of each year.

I am 21 years old.

I feel older than others my age.

I work for the Houston Press.

I wish I had more time as a kid.

I am a dreamer.

I have my own apartment in the Heights.

I am a co-founder of "Work Is A Four Letter Word"

I am founder of Yahoo's First 'Beulah' Club "When Your Heart Strings Break"

I am also founder of "There's Only One Geeky Net Girl"

I sometimes wish I had never moved out of my mother’s house.

I talk too much.

I am so alone.

I have my own apartment.

I live alone.

I hurt.

I play guitar.

I love o a s i s.

I think Noel Gallagher is a genius.

I want someone just like me.

I think Morrissey is the greatest artist alive.

I’ve got his back in a fight.

Morrissey's Your Arsenal is the soundtrack of my life.

Read the tracklist if you have time & you'll see what I mean.

Anytime I am sad I think of how more miserable others are.

I know that is wrong of me.

You can find a list of music I like here.

I wish I knew more people.

I'd like to make everyone laugh.

If I win the lotto I will buy Omar a new Ford Mustang.

I love myself.

The more you ignore me the closer I get.

I want to make everyone happy.

I hate myself.

I once got the one I thought I wanted. . .

. . . and I lost her.

again. . .

Would you like to meet me?

I want to form a great band

I miss my cat Tober.

If I could meet one famous person it would be Peter Jennings.

He knows so much.

I love Janeane Garafalo's acting.

I wrote to her once.

I got some stupid fake autograph back.

I think about Silver and Quiety alot.

I like watching The Simpsons.

I love my sister.

I do not to want to feel alone.

I want to see The Smiths reunite.

I do not spend too much time on my hair as I used to.

I think I am handsome.

Do you?

I am 21 & I do not have a driver’s license yet.

What is this monstrosity?

I would love to be a character on Seinfeld.

Did I mention I talk too much?

I enjoy emails.

That was not a hint.

Need a subject for the email?

Tell me if I bored you.

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This site is maintained and updated daily by Abrahan Garza.
Copyright 1999 - 2000.