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Welcome to my Study

This Page Is about my three Role Playing Characters

My Favorite Web Sites

Dragonmount my Role Playing home based on the Wheel of time series.
Official Star Wars movie information homepage.
Official Lucas Arts Homepage for gaming information
World of WarcraftMists of Pandaria is their next expansion. I'll miss it first time since vanilla WoW. Miss you guildies!!! Go Arcturus!
Star Wars: Old Republic Star Wars MMO Game
501st Legion Star Wars Costuming Group
Rebel Legion Star Wars Costuming Group

Okay so my site is mostly done now. Hurray! I'll be adding things occasionally so stop by. *smiles*

It was a time of conflict... It was a time for fun...

Morgan Sedai

Miscellaneous :

Dream Journal
Come read some of my poetry
My Music Composition Take 1


November 07, 2011- So much time has passed and so many things have changed lol. I stopped playing World of Warcraft this past spring. Got into Star Wars costuming both good guys and bad guys costumes. It's a ton of fun. Next up on my schedule. Star Wars MMO strikes again this time BioWare, LucasArts, and EA Games have teamed up to bring us Old Republic and after waiting on their site since June of 2009 it's just around the corner with official release date of 12/20/2011. Till then its agonizing waiting for it to come out. Also been working on costume projects primarily some bounty hunter holsters for a friend in the Mandalorian Mercs. Once those done on to imperial holster for friend in the 501st and then hrm maybe a Jango Belt. That's if I can drag myself away from the game... Anyway not much else going on atm. One day I'll update everything else in here. lol. If you know me then I'm on Facebook land if not maybe you'll find me in the costuming world. Till next time I'll try to update sooner than this... maybe. No promises. Later peeps!

June 16, 2009- New contest for those who are wow players check out the link below.

Mountain Dew Game Fuel Horde Banner

March 04, 2009- Wow two years gone by. Well I'm enjoying the World of Warcraft expansion and looking forward to the new content they keep adding. Must get back to transcribing dreams at some point but till then take care all.

March 05, 2007- Via La Horde! Unite with Tarisiasun. Yes my addiction continues.

March 12, 2006- Hi everyone. Okay ended up leaving Star Wars Galaxies was getting too much lag and they nerfed Creature Handler. Now playing World of Warcraft with most of the know world. LOL anyway I'm on Suramar either Myshadowstar or Tarisiasun. Long live the Horde!

August 1, 2005- Hi everyone. Well I've been busy so if you want to find me head to the Wanderhome server for Star Wars Galaxies and look up My'Shadowstar. I'm thinking of making a journal for my adventures but we'll see. :)

December 22, 2004- Merry Christmas.

December 04, 2003- Okay I've been a little on the late side but it's been a rather busy year. Anyway I'm putting a song I created up for your listening enjoyment. Not the best but I only have sound recorder basic to work with *grins*. Take care and see you in a few months.

December 16, 2002- Gee, it appears I'm actually keeping up a little bit better. Anyway 1997 Dreams are now complete and hopefully in a couple of weeks 1998 will be up. Untill then all 1998 Dreams are under construction.

December 6, 2002- Hello again any that might stop by. Just an update. I've gotten a couple years of my Dream Journal uploaded, specifically 1995 and 1996. 1997 is under construction with only the words to be uploaded. Hope you take time once in awhile to read them. Any interested in dream interpretation are free to analize away but ask if you wish to reproduce any. Thanks. Anyway take care. :)

September 5, 2002- Okay so maybe I was a little off in my updating *sighs*. Well here is one so we can all be happy now. I will be starting a new section soon. I have decided to transfer a work in progress for public viewing. It's my Dream Journal. Anyway anyone interested in reading it can stop by occasionally and read them I've got about 7 years to put in eventually so stay tuned. Thanks and MTFBWY.

October 1, 2001- Hello again well who would have though things would turn out so badly since my last update. While I don't know people personally I do know about through people I know that were lost in our Nations tragedy at the World Trade Center. I offer a moment of silence to those who lost their lives early last month... once life slows down I shall add more to my page.

August 30, 2001- Long time no update... well I've just added a new link to a game I'm just dying to own once it's complete. Star Wars Galaxies brought to you by Lucas Arts and Sony Station. It's a massive online RPG that is expected to be out towards the end of next year. I also added a Group link to Nabubu City an online organization bent on creating the largest City in the Star Wars Galaxies gameworld. I would also like to state my character will be named of course Myshadowstar and once the game is more concrete I shall be doing the background stories for her and once in the game itself keeping a journal as I play. MTFBWY.

June 22, 2000- Look out I'm back. This time with three new things in the poetry section. The first two or more my thoughts called 'Passing Memories', 'Destiny's Meaning', and the last is a true poem called 'That Which Binds'. Ooo yah the deep thoughts are flowing now. Maybe I'll even do an update next week. Well you'll just have to stop by and find out. This is the mysterious one signing off. Over and out!

June 6, 2000- Gee an update at last you say? *grins* Okay stop by the poetry section to read a new poem. Actually this one is more like a song but I haven't the space to load the voice file. I have also revamped the whole site so all the pictures I have loaded should show up and all the internal links on my page are now working. If any problems are noted don't hesitate to e-mail me. Also suggestions are welcome. Until next time...

April 24, 2000- Finally got my picture done for Mist. Please check out that page for the new picture. Enjoy!

April 12, 2000- Another update after so long. This one is located under the Morgan Sedai section at a link called "Sisters Revealed" There is a new updated picture of her sister Silver Sedai.

March 2, 2000- Hey all. Finally did an update to my site. Gee its been so long. *smiles* Anyway head to the poetry section for a brand new poem entitled 'Forgotten Rhythm'.

January 5, 2000- Well I'm back to school so I should get the updates going soon. Gee its the new year and the world didn't end, imagine that. Well keep your eyes open for sometime soon I'll be placing some new things online.

December 21, 1999- Hey all I know its been awhile anyway added a new picture to the Myshadowstar main section. Just scroll down to enjoy. Also updated the Nar Shaddaa picture with the help of my Warder Ladon. *smiles* Also updated on that page is the first story to my Ancient Shadows Past series is now up for reading. Do enjoy and have a wonderful Christmas.

November 30, 1999- Added a picture of my sister Silver Sedai to the Morgan Sedai section under 'Sisters Revealed'. Sorry updates have taken so long. Holidays and all. I hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving. Keep on believing.

November 20, 1999-Added my version of Star Wars Episode II. Links have been updated.

November 18, 1999- Started to add 'Shadow in Hiding', which is part four of the Shadow series. Hopefully it will be completed by Saturday. *Grins* Until next time...

November 14, 1999- Added three stories to the Myshadowstar section. They are called 'Shadowy Beginning', 'Shadows Mystery', and 'Shadow Wrought Dream'.

November 13, 1999- Added the poem 'Warder's Loss' to poetry section.

November 11, 1999- Added two poems to poetry section. 'Knowledge' and 'Nature of Death'.

November10, 1999- Added three poems to poetry section. 'Pondering the Meaning of Destruction', 'Fading Away from Reality', and 'Rain Storm'.

November 9, 1999- Added Poetry section.

November 6, 1999- Added new wolf drawing to Journey from Shienar story in the Mist section.

If you would like to contact me please mail to Morgan Sedai