She (F- off, it's a title)

Many experiences have crossed my lips
And left their bitter taste
But once I received a drop of sugar
And it's giver knew I was hooked
Dizziness was welcomed with open arms
A euphoria of a different chemical commenced
More than a simple injection or ingestion
This packed a punch I was not used to
My life had taught me well, but wrong
There was only Lust and breeding
Love, if it existed, was buried
Deep in it's shell an in an abyss so deep
Few dared tread its waters
I cannot recall if I swam to her
Was beckoned, or clawed my way downward
All I know is that I arrived
And if drowning was her price, then it was worth it
Everything I had kept locked
Everything in my dark corners
She opened and illuminated
I believe in her and the miracles she has delivered
Though my lips professed such over and over again
It finally took the actions of my hands
To convey the message
My essence laid bare, and for once
I cared not who saw
She never asked for anything
Yet I gave her my all
She has swallowed me
And in her I find a warm place
And with her whispers
I hear an orchestra playing
The tune can haunt
An odd mixture of happiness and sorrow
Complacency and contempt
Want and warning
Though all I hear are the words "I love you"
She speaks in tomes numerous and complex
though when I met her I was Shattered
She has pieced me back together
Filling my voids with her own jagged bits
Together we have become whole
And as one we stand
