Lab Rat

Apathetic and Ignorant
The world thinks I owe it something
Yet the years prove it is the planet in Debt.
Stabs, scars, blood and beatings,
All are added up in my favor.
I am life’s punching bag
Love? Pow
Acceptance? POW
Family? POW POW
Merely a chance??? POW POW POW
This lab rat is learning
Which buttons not to touch ... all of them
And at the end of this maze one final
Shiny, Black Button
That eventually I'll have to press.
But not until I drag others screaming with me
The probes, prods, tools and tourniquets
Will show they were wrong all along.
"He's biological after all..."
My mechanics fueled by pain and suffering.
Only contempt keeping my heart beating.
And forever those who knew me will be stained
By the tar and ink they helped fill me with.
My existence is a warning.
The Earth is dying, and anymore
Can only create pitiful, self-destructive creatures.
I am hybrid: Lemming, Human, Slug and Dragon;
All of which converge on this hapless soul
I would hate what I have become, if hate weren't so weak a term.
