
Death and Poetic Suicide
Everything in life is only lies
Everything about society I despise
We all must meet a Gloomy demise

My wardrobe is completely Black
I'm as serious as a Heart attack
I like fingernails down my back
On every CD, I know each track

I was never loved by my mother
Under sexual preference I mark "Other"
Everyone I like is considered my brother
Under my pillow I usually smother

I wish I had a furry black bat
I hate people who always wear a hat
On my jacket a redneck once spat
I try to keep my voice and emotional flat

People ask if I'm a Vampire
I don't like people, 'cause society's a liar
From my candles my curtains caught fire
I refer to elders simply as Sire

I only go out when the sky is dark
On my neck there is a bite mark
I'd borrow mom's car but I can't get it out of Park
I call myself "Darkchylde" but my name's really Mark

I listen to Manson, he is my dream
My tights have a long tear in the seam
I label my look simply "Extreme"
I wonder why they ever canceled "A-Team"?

I'm a Goth, as clear as day
I don't give a poo what people say
This is me and it's here to stay
Or at least until the cool kids say I'm Okay
