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Just think about it

Just think about it

Here is where you'll find past quotes I've used, and some really make you think.

Most people don't sound dumb untill they start talking-"Marky Mark"

Who is more foollish? The fool or the fool who follows? "Obi-wan Kenobi"

A picture is worth a thousand words, but true Love is worth a thousand questions - "Marky Mark"

I did it all for the NOOKIE!!!!!! - "Limp Bizkit"

100% of the shots you don't take don't go in.- "Wayne Gretzky"

He shots! OH BABY what a save by Joseph!!! "Kent Willson"

You don't know where you've been untill your homeword bound and you don't know what's lost untill it's found-"Marky Mark"

If you can't let go of the past, there is no hope for the future.-"Marky Mark"

Behold the power of cheese!! "Jay"

And One time at band camp.......

Do or do not. There is no try. "yoda"

Its harder to say goodbye to the ones we love, then it is to tell them to fuck off. -"Marky Mark"