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Mommy's World


Thanks for stopping in to visit me, I know I'm slacking on keeping up with the most recent up-dates, but with everything that is going on currently in my life, finding time to up-date a webpage happens to be the last thing on my mind. I'm dating a man named Jason from Dixon Missouri, we've been together for awhile now and have just recently discovered that we are having a baby!!! But aside from that, Austin is getting bigger everyday- Anyways, take care & you can also follow up with me on myspace! You can get to it by clicking the first link below, thanks!!! (Oct. 2008 Up-Date)


A Mommy's Update...

I hope that all of you continue to visit my site and keep in touch, I will try to get better about posting more recent pictures as much as possible..if you want to find my most recent pictures you should go ahead and click on Baby Girl's MySpace Link below...ttys!

Baby Girl's Guestbook!! Baby Girl's Guestbook!! View Baby Girl's Book!!

Baby Girl's Links

Baby Girl's MySpace
A Few Of My Pics...
My Poems...
Julie's Page...
Paulie's Page
The TOOL Page
