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KCAR Launch Report: Polar Bear/TARC Launch

Launch date and time: February 21, 2004; 11:00AM
Launch location: Tickwood Ranch near Drexel Missouri
Launch wind and weather: Warm, mostly sunny, and light winds

The club held our second launch of the year this Saturday at the Tickwood Ranch. The weather was perfect! It was nearly calm most of the day, and the big motors were brought out. The temperature was cool but not cold and combined with lack of wind and the sun it was actually quite nice. The drive in was a bit of a problem, though, with a couple of drivers getting stuck in the mud and a couple of others nearly getting stuck. Hans was able to get everyone moving again with his Jeep Cherokee and a pair of heavy chains. No one had problems getting out when the flying was over, thankfully. We had a particularly good turn out for a Polar Bear launch. Generally people show up, fly a few, shiver a bit and wander off. Today was much more like a standard launch with a pretty good crowd all day.

Photo by Christian Bruggeman
We broke tradition again this year by flying at Tickwood as apposed to New Mark, and a added little more formality to allow for TARC rockets that might weigh more than 16-ounces. Alas, not a single team chose to come to the launch so the closest we came to having a TARC flight today was with my answer to the challenge. No, I’m not qualified to enter the contest, being long out of high school, but figure if I’m going to mentor teams I should try it once at least. I was a bit concerned that maybe the fins on my design are too small, but the nearly perfect flight allayed that fear. Indeed, the flight profile was very straight without a hint of wobble despite one of the motors in the three motor cluster not igniting.

Because the wind was so light, a lot of gliders came out of the boxes for flying. Dave Bucher demonstrated his sliding wing “C” rocket and boost gliders. By the end of the day he had managed to get a pretty good trim on at least one of them which put in a really good glide. Also displaying some absolutely flat gliding was Christian’s Edmunds’ model.

Dave Lucas and I had a couple of Sunward models to fly — Dave’s are finished in typical excellent fashion complete with a chrome tail section and USA markings. We compared notes on Sunward kits — they are worth the time and effort if a bit of a pain to build. My Phoenix flies a bit funny; it must be due to all the shroud. Dave’s Liberator flew quite nicely, though. It’s a neat kit, reminiscent of the old Centuri jet-fighter products. We both flew our models in the same few minutes; I don’t know why we didn’t think to drag race. Dave also had a huge glider made in his standard technique with art and craft board, etc.

Lance and AJ flew a wide variety of rockets and motors and were clearly having a good time flying and spending time together. These two were the top fliers for the day, getting in not less than 16 flights. The Jessee family were also very active, launching a lot of models, and their Initiator more than once. If you combine Taylor and Randall’s flights they would tie with Lance and AJ — not that we’re counting. Mark Bazinet was also getting some good air-time on his Initiator and that seriously big BSD Sprint as well. George came, got stuck in the mud, flew one rocket, and went! We did get a chance to catch up a little though.

Bill Hensley with the “Lockheed X7”
Photo by Tim Burger
If you haven’t noticed yet, there are two very skilled, scratch-building, scale modelers in the club that come up with some interesting things to model, and have the ability to make truly nice scaled models that still fly as well or better than the original. Bill Hensley brought and flew his Lockheed rocket — take it from me it flies just as well as it looks. Also seen on the range today was a boilerplate model to test the design for an all out scale N1 being planned by Dave Bucher. Even the centering rings are beautiful to look at — with cleanly cut lightening holes spaced around the edges (and this is just the boiler-plate model). It flew pretty nice too, though I was distracted taking photos and didn’t fully appreciate the flight. All I got for my trouble was a photo of the smoke trail, rats! It’s amazing that a fin-less rocket such as that flies so beautifully.

Classic kits from the Wondrous Days of Yore are becoming increasingly popular with many of the club members. Scratch made clones and re-manufactured kits from the 60’s, 70’s, and (dare I say) 80’s are seen on the field a lot these days. Upscaling them is very popular, too. A unique twist seen today was a scaled down version of the old Mike Dorrfler design Sprint made and flown by Bob Wingate. And it flew quite as nicely as the normal size ones do. Bob says he was looking for performance on a small airframe and certainly found it! Also seen were not less than two scaled up versions of that same design; the previously mentioned BSD model flown by Mark (I believe that’s a 3-inch diameter), but also my 2.6-inch scratch made version. Both flew quite nicely. Mark’s on a “G” twice, and mine on an F21. Another favorite is the Estes Drifter; Dave Bucher’s model flew again today. I believe this is the same rocket that suffered a CATO last month and survived to fly again. What’s your favorite?

The club wishes to thank Dave and Carol for making the field available again; it’s a great field and we’re lucky to be allowed access — thanks! We appreciate the FAA being so helpful with getting our paperwork filed, too.

There were 4 staged flights (30 60 65 70 ), 5 clustered flights (3 30 36 60 67 ), and 2 that were both clustered & staged (30 60 ).

Flight Log
Flier Rocket Motor(s) Comments
1 Lance & AJ Fischer Mini Patriot A10-3
2 Bill Hensley Little Bertha D12-7
3 Mark Bazinet Tre 3 x B6-4 Return to top
4 Bill Hensley Big Daddy E9-8
5 Christian Bruggeman Fiesta C6-5
6 Bob Wingate Flying One Ring of Power C11-0
7 Lance & AJ Fischer Alpha B6-4
8 Tim Burger Maxi-Alpha C11-3 Low and slow
9 Lance & AJ Fischer Flash C6-5
10 Mark Bazinet Seriously Big Sprint G64-7
11 Tim Burger Sprint B6-6 Nice high flight
12 Mark Bazinet Initiator F20-4
13 Bill Hensley Lockheed X7 F20-4
14 Tim Burger Airspike F40-10 Fast and high, ejected a second past ap.
15 Lance & AJ Fischer Pipsqueak C6-7
16 Christian Bruggeman Cosmic Cobra C6-5 Separation
17 Mark Bazinet Initiator G38-4
18 Taylor Jessee Airspike E9-4
19 Dave Lucas Wild Goose D12-3 Party horns heard — lawn darted
20 Lance & AJ Fischer Cheetah G35-4 Igniter wire hung onto nozzle, but it flew OK
21 Tim Burger Phoenix C6-3
22 Bill Hensley Big Brute G35-7 Beautiful flight
23 Dave Lucas Liberator C6-3 Nice flight
24 Dave Lucas Nemesis F21-6 Nice
25 Randall Jessee Mean Machine D12-5 Nice flight, slight “wiggle”
26 Taylor Jessee Initiator F20-4
27 Tim Burger F104 B6-2 Little short on the delay, nice flight anyway
28 Tim Burger Phoenix B6-2
29 Dave Lucas Nike Smoke C6-5 Very nice flight
30 Tim Burger Discover TARC 3 X C11-0 to C11-3 Nice first flight, fast boost, staged OK, and flew straight despite one booster motor not lighting Return to top
31 Bill Hensley Airspike F12-5 Nice & smoky
32 Lance & AJ Fischer Recoil A6-4 Didn’t eject — lawn dart!
33 Mark Bazinet Sumo G80-4
34 Randall Jessee Mean Machine E9-6 Cato!
35 Lance & AJ Fischer Falcon B6-4 Perfect! Almost landed on the pad
36 Mark Bazinet Tre 3 X C6-3 Return to top
37 Dave Bucher Extreme Drifter E9-4
38 Lance & AJ Fischer Big Daddy D12-3 Cato!
39 Taylor Jessee Airspike E9-4
40 Bill Hensley Spool F20-4 Nice flight, hard landing
41 Randall Jessee Super ? C6-3
42 Dave Lucas Glider Red Dragon G35-4 Lawn Dart (see the photo!)
43 Tim Burger Sprint Magnum F21-6
44 Lance & AJ Fischer Sizzler A8-3 ’Chute didn’t deploy fully
45 Bob Wingate Kit Bash X-Ray B6-4
46 Mark Bazinet Seriously Big Sprint G35-4
47 Alan Shaffmaster Astro Cam C6-7
48 Dave Bucher C Rocket Glider C6-3 Nice glide
49 Lance & AJ Fischer Mini E/X A10-3
50 Alan Shaffmaster Fat Boy C6-5
51 Dave Bucher Brighthawk G38-4 Nice
52 George Scheil DSP C5-3
53 Randall Jessee Screaming Mimi D12-5
54 Taylor Jessee Initiator F20-4
55 Alan Shaffmaster Astro Cam C6-7 Landed in pond
56 Alan Shaffmaster Astro Cam C6-7
57 Alan Shaffmaster Astro Cam C6-7
58 Lance & AJ Fischer Star Dart C6-7
59 Mark Bazinet Big Daddy E9-8
60 Dave Lucas Awesome 2 X E9-6 to 2 X D12-5 Airstart of D12’s Return to top
61 Bob Wingate Eliminator D12-5 Separation
62 Alan Shaffmaster Black-Brandt II D12-7
63 Tim Burger Interceptor G G80-7 Landed in the pond
64 Lance & AJ Fischer Patriot B6-4
65 Taylor Jessee April Star C6-0 to C6-7 Return to top
66 Christian Bruggeman Deltie A10-3T Nice flat glide
67 Dave Bucher Super Mega Big Bertha 4 X D12-5 Return to top
68 Randall Jessee Hot Tamale C11-5
69 Lance & AJ Fischer Heat Seeker B6-4
70 Alan Shaffmaster Magnum D12-0 to B6-4 Return to top
71 Alan Shaffmaster Shuttle B6-4
72 Taylor Jessee Silver Streak C6-5
73 Alan Shaffmaster Initiator G33-5J
74 Mark Bazinet Initiator G38-4
75 Lance & AJ Fischer Thunder Hawk A8-3
76 Randall Jessee BLU 97B C6-3
77 Bob Wingate Small Wonder 1/2A3-4T Excellent!
78 Taylor Jessee Silver Streak C6-5 Loop-the-loop!
79 Tim Burger Loc Lil’ Nuke E18-4 Fast, loud, straight, cool!
80 Lance & AJ Fischer Fat Boy C6-3
81 Randall Jessee Mach 12 C6-3
82 Alan Shaffmaster Initiator G40-4W
83 Tim Burger Bertha Magnum F21-6
84 Bob Wingate Flying One Ring of Power D12-0
85 Lance & AJ Fischer Sky Writer B6-6
86 Randall Jessee Very Hot Tamale E9-6
87 Dave Bucher N1 Boilerplate G38-4
88 Dave Bucher Extreme Drifter F32-10
89 Taylor Jessee Maxi-Alpha III E9-4
90 Tim Burger Maxi-Alpha D15-7 A bit long on the delay
91 Dave Bucher C Rocket Glider C6-3
92 Tim Burger Maxi-Alpha E9-6
93 Dave Bucher C Boost Glider C6-3

AJ & Lance
Photo by Tim Burger
Flights by Rocketeers:
Flights Rocketeer(s)
Lance & AJ Fischer
Tim Burger
Alan Shaffmaster
Mark Bazinet
Dave Bucher
Randall Jessee
Taylor Jessee
Bill Hensley
Dave Lucas
Bob Wingate
Christian Bruggeman
George Scheil

Bob Wingate with his mini-Sprint
Photo by Tim Burger
Rockets Making Multiple Flights:
Flights Rocket Rocketeer
4 Astro Cam Alan Shaffmaster
3 Initiator Mark Bazinet
Maxi-Alpha Tim Burger
2 Seriously Big Sprint Mark Bazinet
C Rocket Glider Dave Bucher
Extreme Drifter
Phoenix Tim Burger
Mean Machine Randall Jessee
Airspike Taylor Jessee
Silver Streak
Initiator Alan Shaffmaster
Flying One Ring of Power Bob Wingate

Dave Lucas readies his “Glider Red Dragon”
Photo by Tim Burger
Totals by motor:
Motor Number
1/2A3 1 1.09
Total 1/2A’s: 1 1.09
A10 3 6.00
A6 1 2.00
A8 2 4.64
Total A’s: 6 12.64
B6 14 60.62
Total B’s: 14 60.62
C11 7 61.60
C5 1 9.10
C6 27 238.14
Total C’s: 35 308.84
D12 15 252.60
D15 1 18.96
Total D’s: 16 271.56
E18 1 36.54
E9 11 306.57
Total E’s: 12 343.11
F12 1 43.20
F20 5 302.25
F21 3 181.35
F32 1 79.20
F40 1 78.09
Total F’s: 11 684.09
G33 1 98.39
G35 4 403.28
G38 4 350.72
G40 1 113.74
G64 1 118.80
G80 2 232.50
Total G’s: 13 1317.43
Total: 108 2999.38 (L)

Dave Bucher with his “boiler-plate N1”
Photo by Tim Burger

Bill’s “Big Brute” goes for a spin
Photo by Tim Burger

Randall (center) assists Hans (right) with their “Meaner Machine” while Bob looks on (left). That’s Bill walking by.
Photo by Christian Bruggeman

Tim logs Mark’s Sumo after it’s been checked.
Photo by Christian Bruggeman

Mark’s Sumo launches.
Photo by Christian Bruggeman

Submitted by Tim Burger NAR 78486 L1

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Page created on February 27, 2004.
Last updated on May 3, 2004