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KCAR Launch Report: Sport Launch — August 2003

Launch date and time: August 23, 2003 at 11:00AM
Launch location: Tickwood Ranch

Launch Report
Launch Flier’s Name Rocket Name(s) Motor Comments
1 Taylor Jessee Basement Fin Can (scratchbuilt) C11-7 Good flight
2 Taylor Jessee 3 x 18 Rocket (scratchbuilt) 3xA8-3 Only about 100 feet, Crashed
3 Mark Bazinet BSD Sprint G35-4 Great flight, beautiful
4 Taylor Jessee Estes Big Daddy C11-5 Late chute but OK
5 Mark Bazinet AeroTech Sumo G80-7 First flight — Nice except wet (splashdown in pond, recovered)
6 Taylor Jessee PML Amraam 2 F23-4
7 Randall Jessee Yellow Bird (scratchbuilt) A8-3
8 Taylor Jessee Estes Blue Ninja D12-3
9 Christian Bruggeman Estes Silver Chrome Dome C6-3
10 Mark Bazinet Estes Big Daddy D12-5
11 Christian Bruggeman Estes Mercury Redstone Liberty Bell 7 C6-3
12 Mark Bazinet BSD Sprint G80-7 Great boost, into trees
13 Dave Messerschmidt Sunward Phoenix C6-5 Good flight
14 Randall Jessee Crayon Bank (scratchbuilt) G38-4FJ 1st flight with that size lamp shade, good flight
15 Christian Bruggeman Viking A8-3 Seperated, recovered OK
16 David Lucas Thrustar (scratchbuilt) 3xC6-5 Slight hang on one clip, but good flight
17 Taylor Jessee AeroTech Sumo G38-4 Good flight
18 Christian Bruggeman Super Bird C6-5
19 Dave Messerschmidt Stealth 2 (scratchbuilt)
Too windy, crashed
20 Bob Wingate Small Wonder (scratchbuilt) A3-2T Good flight
21 Taylor Jessee Apogee Aspire F72-10 Head’s up, CATO, motor failure, no fire
22 Christian Bruggeman Klassic Kones Flying Jenny clone A8-3 Head’s up
23 Dave Messerschmidt Andromeda
No chute, hard landing
24 Taylor Jessee Estes Banshee C6-5 Good flight
25 Bob Wingate Estes Eliminator C11-7 Good flight
26 David Lucas Nemesis (scratchbuilt) F23-4J Not quite open ’chute
27 Taylor Jessee PML Tiny Pterodactyl F24-7 Unstable due to reload failure, fire quickly doused with water bucket
28 Christian Bruggeman California Dave’s Surfin’ Nosecone (scratchbuilt) C6-3 First flight, Good demo flight
29 Dave Messerschmidt Whatever (can’t remember whatever it was) 2xB6-4 Another nice demo flight
30 Taylor Jessee Basement Fin Can (scratchbuilt) C11-7 Seperation
31 Randall Jessee Estes Sky Writer A8-3 OK
32 David Lucas Starship Epsilon (scratchbuilt) F23-4J
33 Dave Messerschmidt Lawn Dart C6-5
34 Taylor Jessee Estes Big Daddy D12-5
35 Christian Bruggeman Estes Mini Meanie A10-3T

Flights by Rocketeers
Flights Rocketeer(s)
Taylor Jessee
Christian Bruggeman
Dave Messerschmidt
Mark Bazinet
Randall Jessee
David Lucas
Bob Wingate
Rockets Making Multiple Flights:
Flights Rocket Rocketeer
2 BSD Sprint Mark Bazinet
Basement Fin Can (scratchbuilt) Taylor Jessee
Estes Big Daddy
Totals by motor:
Motor Number Flown Impulse (Newtons)
A10 1 2.00
A3 1 2.22
A8 7 16.24
B6 3 12.99
C11 4 35.20
C6 10 88.20
D12 3 50.52
F23 3 158.55
F24 1 47.31
F25 1 77.92
F72 1 74.92
G35 1 100.82
G38 2 175.36
G80 2 232.50
Total: 40 1074.75

Submitted by Bob Wingate
Photos by Christian Bruggeman
Web page by Tim Burger

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