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KCAR Launch Report: October 5th, 2002 Rocketoberfest Launch

Launch date and time: October 5th, 2002, 9:00 AM.
Launch location: Case Farm, Kansas City, MO.
Weather conditions: Wind 5 - 15 MPH, temperature in the low 80s.

Total impulse expended: 1,362.64 N-s, like a partial ‘K’ motor. There were 2 clustered flights (9, 90), and 1 multi-stage flight (20). There were 19 rocketeers, 70 rockets and 106 motors.

If you have pictures taken during this launch please let us know so that they can be posted on the web site. If you can scan them and save them as GIFs or JPGs that would be great. If not, a few of the club members have scanners and can get the pictures into digital format. Send e-mail for details.

Please send e-mail if any corrections need to be made to this launch report.

Official Contest Results

The Schroeders ready their Code Red
Photo by Tim Burger
Streamer Spot Landing
Weighting Factor: 4
Score=distance from target (meters)
Division Place Contestant Results NAR Points
B 1st Allen Cass 33 80
2nd Erin Wingate 40 48
C 1st Dave Bucher 14 *
2nd Frank McMullen 20 80
3rd Dan Kirk 21 48
4th Duane Lanterman Far 8
Far Tim Burger
Far David Lucas
Far Bob Wingate
DQ Ed Cass

* Flying for prizes only

John Palmer readies his Quest DC-X
Photo by Tim Burger
Giant Sport Scale
Weighting Factor: 20
Score=Static Points + Flight Points (one flight)
Division Place Contestant Rocket Result Nar Points
C 1st Duane Lanterman Patriot Missile 779 400
2nd Tim Burger Saturn V 774 240
3rd Frank McMullen Honest John 699 160
4th Dave Bucher R17 Scud B DQ - NEJ *
* Flying for prizes only

Dave Bucher with his scratch made Mars Lander upscale
Photo by Tim Burger
1/2A Heli-roc Duration
Weighting Factor: 19
Score=average flight time in seconds
Division Place Contestant Score Points
C 1st Frank McMullen 38.48 380
2nd David Lucas 16.22 228
3rd Tim Burger 14.00 152
4th Dan Kirk 3.95 76
* Flying for prizes only
C Superoc
Weighting Factor: 15
Score=length x average time (in seconds)
Division Place Contestant Results Points
B & C 1st Duane Lanterman 27,097.74 300
2nd Frank McMullen 23,623.95 180
3rd David Bucher 3,943.73 *
4th Erin Wingate (one flight) 2,184.00 120
* Flying for prizes only

Drag Race
Weighting Factor: 2
Score: first movement, lowest altitude, last down
(1 point each, advance to next heat)
Division Place Contestant Points Comments
B & C 1st Dave Lucas 40 Won Last Heat
2nd Dan Kirk 24 Last Heat
DQ David Bucher * DQ — NDP
DQ Tim Burger
DQ Allen Cass
DQ Ed Cass
DQ — Unknown
DQ Duane Lanterman
DQ Frank McMullen
* Flying for prizes only

Overall Total NAR Points (combined B & C Divisions - corrected):
Place Flier Total Points
1 Frank McMullen 800
2 Duane Lanterman 708
3 Tim Burger 400
4 Dave Lucas 276
5 Erin Wingate 168
6 Dan Kirk 148
7 Allen Cass 80
8 Bob Wingate 8

Section Standings:
Section Points
505 KCAR Kansas City 1,800
427 KOSMO Wichita 788

Contest Notes:
There were a couple of minor mistakes made that were caught by the contest board. These mistakes are corrected in the above tables and are as follows:

  1. The weighting factor for the Super-roc Duration event should be 15, not 10 as was indicated previously. While it doesn’t effect the overall standings for that event, since the mistake was the same on all of the flight cards, it does effect the overall standings slightly since winners in that event had a higher total. Erin Wingate moved up to fifth place putting Dan in sixth. Sorry Dan.
  2. Duane Lanterman’s Spot Landing flight was just outside the 50 meter mark. The contest director recorded it that way, but it is officially a “far” flight. Duane gets 8 flight points rather than third place points. The change is minimal and doesn’t effect the overall standings. Sorry Duane.

Flight Log:
Launch Flier’s Name Rocket Name(s) Motor Comments
1 Tim Burger Sprint B6-4 Spot Landing - way out there
2 Duane Lanterman Big Bertha B6-4 Spot landing — closer but still out there
3 Allen Cass Bandit A83 Spot landing — getting closer
4 Frank McMullen Big Bertha A10-3 Closer still — more motor, Frank!
5 Ed Cass Fire Flash A8-3 Spot landing
6 Mark Schroeder Sizzler A8-3
7 Mark Schroeder MK 109 B6-4
8 Dave Bucher Rascal A8-3 Spot Landing — closer yet
9 Duane Lanterman 3D UFO D12-3 X 3 Kicks motor, impressive launch
10 John Palmer Big Dog B6-4 Very nice flight
11 Luke Wood Code Red B6-4
12 Ed Cass Fireflash A8-3 Lawn dart — sort of
13 Mark Schroeder Blue Ninja D12-5 Beautiful
14 Luke Wood Banshee B6-4 CATO or Unstable
15 John Palmer Storm Caster C11-3
16 Frank McMullen 1/2A Helix 1/2A3-2T Helicopter duration
17 Dan Kirk SkyWriter A8-3 Spot landing flight
18 Allen Cass X-15 D12-5
19 Ed Cass Rocket Vision Six pack A8-3
20 John Palmer Navaho B6-0/A8-3
21 David Lucas Space Pig A8-3
22 Paul Case Quest Razor A8-3
23 Duane Lanterman C Superoc C6-5 Nice flight — good hang time!
24 David Lucas Space Pig B6-4
25 Ed Cass Rocket Vision Six Pack C11-3
26 Paul Case Razor A8-3
27 Dan Kirk SkyWriter B6-4
28 Mark Schroeder Defender F21-8 Nice flight!
29 Frank McMullen C Superoc C6-5
30 Dave Lucas Atom X G40-? Cruise Missile Profile!
31 David Messerschmidt Wart Hog G35-7
32 Paul Case Big Bertha C6-3
33 Dan Kirk Tasmanian Devil 1/2A6-2
34 Dave Bucher C Superoc C6-3
35 Duane Lanterman C Superoc C6-5 No ’Chute — floater
36 Tim Burger Estes Mercury Redstone C6-3 Nice Flight
37 Fred Schroeder Ol Yeller F21-?
38 John Palmer V-2 D12-5
39 Ed Cass De Walt Special D12-3 Needs some nose weight
40 Frank McMullen 1/2A Helix 1/2A3-2T Duration flight
41 Dave Messerschmidt Estes Phoenix F21-6
42 Bill Hensley Estes Magnum C6-3 Good flight, landed on pads
43 Zoron Hensley Estes Alpha 3 B6-4 Very Nice
44 Mark Schroeder Estes Code Red C6-3 Nice
45 Bob Wingate Apogee Blue Streak A8-3 Spot landing flight
46 John Palmer Excalibur E9-6 A tad late on delay
47 Mark Schroeder Blue Ninja D12-5
48 Frank McMullen No Name 1/2A3-4T Drag race with next — no return
49 Tim Burger Micro Sparrow Micro Max Drag race with prev. - DQ
50 John Palmer Sidewinder C6-5 Very scale like spiral flight
51 Mark Schroeder Comanche B6-4
52 Zoron Hensley Blue Ninja C11-3
53 Mark Schroeder Yankee A8-3
54 David Messerschmidt Phoenix F21-6
55 Ed Cass Mach Buster C11-3
56 Allen Cass X-15 D12-5
57 Tim Burger QCR Highrotor II 1/2A3-2T Heli-duration flight
58 Courtney Greathouse Rocketship of Death E9-4
59 Bill Hensley Estes Magnum C6-3
60 Frank McMullen C Superoc C6-5 Contest flight
61 Ed Cass Mach Buster E9-4
62 John Palmer Delta II D12-5 Crashed!
63 Mark Schroeder Heatseeker B6-4
64 Bill Hensley Prowler C6-5
65 Dave Lucas Helicopter 1/2A3-2T
66 Mark Schroeder SR71 Blackbird C6-5
67 Tim Burger Saturn V D12-3 Cruise Missile — no mission points for that
68 John Palmer Patriot B6-4
69 Bill Hensley Prowler C11-5
70 Duane Lanterman Patriot G35-7 Competition flight
71 Frank McMullen Honest John D12-5 Competition flight
72 Tim Burger QCR Highrotor II 1/2A3-2T Competition flight
73 Dave Bucher SCUD R17B F50-5T Comp. flight — didn’t eject
74 Courtney Greathouse Rocketship of Death D12-5
75 Zoron Hensley Alpha 3 B6-4
76 Duane Lanterman Helagram Flier B6-4 Drag race with next — DQ
77 Allen Cass Bandit B6-4 Drag race with prev. — DQ
78 Dave Lucas Space Pig C6-3 Drag race with next — winner
79 Ed Cass MK-109 B6-4 Drag race with previous
80 Dave Bucher Rascal B4-2 Drag race with next
81 Dan Kirk UFO D12-3 Drag race with prev. — winner
82 Courtney Greathouse Army Hawk B6-4
83 John Palmer Gemini DC B6-4
84 Tim Burger Contender C6-5 C Superoc — ’chute tangled
85 Zoron Hensley Alpha 3 A8-3
86 Dave Lucas Space Pig C6-3 Drag race with next
87 Dan Kirk UFO D12-3 Drag race with previous
88 Zoron Hensley Alpha 3 A8-3
89 Zoron Hensley Alpha 3 B6-4
90 Blair Clark Cluster’s Last Stand C6-7 X 3
91 John Palmer Delta 3 B6-4
92 Tim Burger Contender C6-5 C Superoc — Separation
93 Dave Lucas Galahad C6-5 C Superoc
94 Zoron Hensley Alpha 3 A8-3
95 Dave Bucher Mach LOC F50-7T
96 Bill Hensley Prowler C6-3 Hung on the rod
97 Bob Wingate D Region Tomahawk D12-5
98 Bill Hensley Prowler C6-3
99 Zoron Hensley Big Dawg B6-4
100 Dave Lucas Galahad C6-5 C Superoc
101 Paul Case Big Bertha C6-3

Rockets making multiple flights:
Flights Rocket Rocketeer
Alpha 3 Zoron Hensley
Prowler Bill Hensley
Space Pig Dave Lucas
Bandit Allen Cass
Magnum Bill Hensley
Rocketship of Death Courtney Greathouse
SkyWriter Dan Kirk
Rascal Dave Bucher
C Superoc Duane Lanterman
Galahad Dave Lucas
Phoenix David Messerschmidt
Fireflash Ed Cass
Mach Buster
Six Pack
1/2A Helix Frank McMullen
C Superoc
Blue Ninja Mark Schroeder
Razor Paul Case
Big Bertha
Contender Tim Burger
QCR Highrotor II

Number of flights per rocketeer:
Flights Rocketeer(s)
John Palmer
Mark Schroeder
Zoron Hensley
Ed Cass
Tim Burger
Dave Lucas
Frank McMullen
Bill Hensley
Duane Lanterman
Dan Kirk
Dave Bucher
Allen Cass
Paul Case
Courtney Greathouse
David Messerschmidt
Bob Wingate
Luke Wood
Blair Clark
Fred Schroeder

Impulse by Motor
Motor Number Used Total Impulse
Micro Max 1 0.125
1/2A3 6 6.54
1/2A6 1 1.13
A8 17 39.44
A10 1 2.0
B4 1 4.29
B6 22 95.26
C6 25 220.5
C11 5 44
D12 16 269.44
E9 3 83.61
F21 4 241
F50 2 153.66
G35 2 201.64
Total 106 1,362.64

Submitted by Tim Burger, NAR 78486

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Last updated on October 27, 2004.