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KCAR Launch Report: May 10th, 2002 Sport Launch

Launch date and time: May 10th, 2002, 10:00 AM.
Launch location: Shawnee Mission Park, Shawnee, KS.

Weather: Overcast with light rain.

Total impulse expended: 164.45 N-s, like a partial H motor. There was one clustered flight (#9). and no multi-stage flights. There were 4 rocketeers.

If you have pictures taken during this launch please let us know so that they can be posted on the web site. If you can scan them and save them as GIFs or JPGs that would be great. If not, a few of the club members have scanners and can get the pictures into digital format. Send e-mail for details.

Please send e-mail if any corrections need to be made to this launch report.

Launch Flyer’s Name Rocket Name Motor(s) Notes
1 Larry Zeilmann Skywinder C6-3
2 Dan Kirk Party Hat MicroMaxx
3 Emmanuel Camburako Marauder C6-3
4 Larry Zeilmann AIM-9 A8-3
5 Dan Kirk Streak 1/2A3-4T
6 Larry Zeilmann AIM-9 B6-4
7 Dan Kirk Aston Space Plane A8-3
8 Dan Kirk Streak A3-4T
9 Emmanuel Camburako Oatlander C6-5 x3 Only two ignited
10 Dan Kirk Goldie B6-4
11 Emmanuel Camburako Oatlander D12-3 World Champ Aerobatics
12 Larry Zeilmann Skywinder C6-3
13 Larry Zeilmann Prowler C11-3 Perfect motor for this rocket.
14 Emmanuel Camburako Marauder C6-5
15 Larry Zeilmann Prowler C11-3
16 Larry Zeilmann Prowler C11-3
17 Emmanuel Camburako Marauder C6-5
18 Larry Zeilmann Purple Passion B6-4
19 Dan Kirk Goldie A8-3
20 Dan Kirk Goldie B6-4 Lost in a tree.
21 T. Jeffries HB D12-3 Lost in a tree.

Total engines by class:
Type Qty. Notes
MM 1
1/4A 0
1/2A 1
A 4
B 4
C 11 Three in one cluster.
D 2
E 0
F 0
G 0

Rockets making multiple flights:
Flights Rocket Rocketeer
Marauder Emmanuel Camburako
Goldie Dan Kirk
Prowler Larry Zeilmann
Oatlander Emmanuel Camburako
Streak Dan Kirk
Skywinder Larry Zeilmann

Number of flights per rocketeer:
Flights Rocketeer(s)
Larry Zeilmann
Dan Kirk
Emmanuel Camburako
T Jeffries

Submitted by Emmanuel Camburako.

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Last updated: October 27, 2004