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KCAR Launch Report: July 13th, 2002 Fly’n’Fry Competition & Sport Launch

Launch date and time: July 13th, 2002, 11:00 AM.
Launch location: Case Farm, Kansas City, MO.

Total impulse expended: 1790 N-s, that’s mid - ‘K’ impulse range (but assumes all motors burned were full in their respective impulse range.) There were three clustered flights (#13, #15, #31), and two very unique air & water flights (#52, #58). There were 20 rocketeers.

If you have pictures taken during this launch please let us know so that they can be posted on the web site. If you can scan them and save them as GIFs or JPGs that would be great. If not, a few of the club members have scanners and can get the pictures into digital format. Send e-mail for details.

Please send e-mail if any corrections need to be made to this launch report.

Launch Flyer’s Name Rocket Name Motor(s) Notes
1 Ian Jesse Silver Rocket D12-5
2 Marc Schroeder Yankee A8-3 Good flight.
3 Kim Wong Quest DC-Y Delta Clipper C6-3 Nice flight.
4 Steven Wong Super Shot A8-3 Good flight.
5 Hans Jesse Mirage G38-4 Beautiful flight.
6 Roger Schroeder Polaris B6-6
7 Stephen Wong Super Shot B6-4
8 Marc Schroeder Super Ninja D12-5
9 Taylor Jesse Skywinder B6-4
10 Bill Hensley Pathfinder C11-5 Great flight.
11 Zoron Hensley Blue Ninja C11-3 Great flight.
12 Roger Schroeder Polaris B6-6 Almost perfect flight.
13 Blair Clark Cluster’s Last Stand 3 x B6-6 Nice flight — all three lit.
14 Marc Schroeder Estes Heatseaker B4-4 Good flight.
15 Bill Hensley Airspike E9-6 Good flight.
16 Ian Jesse Viper IV 4 x D12-5
17 Marc Schroeder Fire Flash C6-5 No deploy — may have kicked engine.
18 George Scheil Rogue Deep Space Probe C5-3 Great flight; neat design.
19 Ian Jesse Big Daddy D12-5 Separation (after a nice boost).
20 Randall Jesse Ian's Birthday Rocket G35-7 Powerful boost.
21 Blair Clark Archer G80-4 Great flight.
22 Hans Jesse Phantom 4000 G80-4 No ’chute deployment
23 Bill Hensley Lockhee X-7 C6-7
24 Randall Jesse Chris & Sue Rocket G35-4 Awsome flight.
25 Marc Schroeder Mk-109 Stingray B4-4
26 Taylor Jesse Initiator F50-6 Treed.
27 Marc Schroeder Mk-109 Stingray B4-4
28 Justin Messerschmidt Gnome II A8-3
29 Marc Schroeder Wildfire A8-3
30 David Brown Moon Dog A10-3T
31 Taylor Jesse Taylor Rocket 3 x C6-3
32 David Brown Heatseeker A8-3
33 David Messerschmidt Menace C6-7
34 Marc Schroeder Blue Ninja D12-5
35 David Brown Moon Dog A10-3T
36 David Brown AMRAAM B6-4
37 Taylor Jesse X-Wing A10-3T
38 David Lucas D boost glide comp. D12-3 Good flight; 30.9 & 29.0 S
39 George Schiel D SRD D12-5
40 Philip Zuniga Estes Navy Arm A8-3 Nice big spill hole in ’chute.
41 David Brown Heatseeker B6-4 Good flight.
42 Elizabeth Brown Estes Cruise Missile A10-3T Nice Flight.
43 David Lucas D Boost Glide 2nd flight D12-3 Awesome flight!
44 James Case Big Daddy D12-3 Good boost but no deploy.
45 Philip Zuniga Maniac D12-5 Good high flight.
46 Elizabeth Brown Estes Cruise Missile A10-3T Good flight.
47 David Lucas D SRD D12-3 Good flight.
48 David Lucas D SRD D12-3
49 David Brown Estes R2-D2 B6-4 Hard landing.
50 Tim Brown Estes AMRAAM C6-3
51 Kim Wong Water Rocket Air & Water Good, but no parachute.
52 George Scheil Red Baron D boost glider D12-3
53 David Lucas Atom-X G38-4 Great Demo flight! Fun!
54 George Scheil D SRD — 2nd flight D12-5
55 Philip Zuniga Skywinder B6-4 Picture perfect skywinder flight.
56 Tim Brown Countdown Standard ARM D12-3 Great flight.
57 Justin Messerschmidt Gnome II (Viking) B6-4 Good speedy little rocket.
58 Kim Wong Water Rocket Air & Water Good flight — ’chute deployed.
59 Philip Zuniga IQSY Tomahawk F30-7
60 James Case Estes Big Daddy D12-5
61 David Brown Moondog A10-3T Drag Race w/60 (winner)
62 Justin Messerschmidt Outlaw A10-3T Drag Race w/59
63 George Schiel Deltee D12-3 Hung on pad.
64 Dave Messerschmidt Phoenix F21-6 Great!!
65 Philip Zuniga LSX A8-3 Deployed three feet from the ground!
66 Justin Messerschmidt Outlaw A10-3T
67 David Brown Heatseeker A8-3
68 George Scheil Interdictor B6-4
69 Dave Lucas Nemisis F20-4 Pulsing Motor!

Total engines by class:
Type Qty. Notes
MM 0
1/4A 0
1/2A 0
A 16
B 16 One three motor cluster
C 11 One three motor cluster
D 19 One four motor cluster
E 3
F 4
G 6

Rockets making multiple flights:
Flights Rocket Rocketeer
Heatseeker David Brown
Super Shot Steven Wong
Polaris Roger Schroeder
Gnome II Justin Messerschmidt
Moon Dog David Brown
D B/G David Lucas
Estes Cruise Missile Elizabeth Brown
Big Daddy James Case
Water Rocket Kim Wong
D SRD George Scheil
Phoenix Dave Messerschmidt

Number of flights per rocketeer:
Flights Rocketeer(s)
Marc Schroeder
David Brown
George Scheil
Dave Lucas
Philip Zuniga
Taylor Jessee
Justin Messerschmidt
Ian Jessee
Kim Wong
Bill Hensley
Elizabeth Brown
Tim Brown
James Case
Blair Clark
Hans Jessee
Randall Jessee
David Messerschmidt
Roger Schroeder
Stephen Wong
Zoron Hensley

Submitted by Tim Burger, NAR 78486.

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