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January 2007 Meeting Minutes

KCAR club meeting
Date: January 27, 2007
Time: 2 to 4PM
Loc: Trails West Library, Independence, MO

Meeting attendees:

Reading of the previous meeting minutes: Approved as read.

The treasurer gave a report: the current balance is $759.39.

Old Business

There was no business left over from the last meeting.

New Business

  1. A motion was made to waive the membership dues for the six members present. The motion was seconded. Dave stated that this removes the financial burden for the members present and recognizes those who are committed to the club. (Editor’s note: it further removes any uncertainty as to who is a qualified member for the next item, namely election of officers.) Motion carried unanymously.
  2. Election of Officers: After a brief discussion of qualifications, the president entertained nominations for officers for the coming season.
    President: Vice President: Sec./Treas.: Member at Large: Senior Advisor: (All nominations were seconded immediately.) A ballot type election was then held with the following results (Sorry, didn’t record the vote tallys - Editor.)
    President Vice President Sec/Treas Member at L. Sr. Advisor
    Randall Jessee Alan Shaffmaster Bob Wingate Tim Burger Dave Lucas
  3. Launch Dates: New launch dates were discussed. Due to the nature of this topic, the rules of the meeting were temporarily set aside to allow open discussion. Bob set forward the suggestion that we make an allowance for a different date for the Fall Meet to encourage competitors from Wichita to attend our contest. His suggested dates were put forward. The new schedule for 2007 was ratified by all members present.
  4. A motion was made to recharter the club for 2007; the secretary/treasurer will send the required fee and form to the NAR headquarters for processing. Motion was seconded and approved unanymously.

These minutes were recorded by Tim Burger from notes and memory. We all know my memory isn’t what it was, so feel free to point out any inaccuracies or mistakes and make clarifications that you might feel are needed. Thanks!

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Last updated: March 7, 2007