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Do You Hear Me Calling - Part 3

By Tarra O'Neal


Status: Complete

Category: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Romance

Pairings: Sam/Jack

Spoilers: Divide and Conquer

Season/Sequel Info: Season 4 / none

Rating: PG (I'm no good at figuring ratings!)

Content Warnings: None

Summary:  Sam gets sick on a mission.

Disclaimer: Same as Part 1.

File Size:  40 KB

Archive: Here, on this website.

Author’s Note: This story was inspired by the song "When You Lie Next To Me" by Kellie Coffey.  Characters thoughts and dreams are in italics





Jack didn't seem to notice when Janet returned to give Sam her third dose of medication.  Sometime while talking he had grasped her hand.  He was holding on for dear life.  He was not going to lose her.  Not this way.  He could understand in combat.  Maybe.  But not to some sickness.  Some kind of retro-virus, Janet had said. 


He ran his other hand over her head, smoothing back the short blonde hair.  She was still really hot.   Why wasn't her fever decreasing?  The meds should be working.  At least a little. 


Sam's head jerked suddenly. 


"Jack," he heard faintly. 


"Sam, can you hear me.  Answer me, Sam," he rasped desperately. 


Maybe she was coming out of it.  Unexpectedly Sam's body convulsed.  She started shaking significantly, her head twisting back and forth, with such a force that her neck might break. 


"Doc, get back in here," Jack yelled at the top of this lungs. 


Janet rushed back into the hut and became alarmed when she observed Sam's current state. 


"Hold her down Colonel.  Keep her neck stabilized," she said urgently. 


Janet pulled a needle out of her bag.  She flicked the end of it to ready it for injection.  She carefully, but efficiently thrust it into Sam's forearm.  Within seconds the seizure had desisted. 


She sat back and exhaled deeply.  She looked into the Colonel's face and saw more than worry etched on his lined face.  He was scared to death.  And she knew why. 


Ever since the za'tark testing a few weeks ago, tension had been high.   Janet knew the feelings that Jack and Sam shared.  She also knew what they had agreed to in the testing room.  She thought that was unfair for both of them. 


Janet felt drained all of a sudden.  It had been almost ten hours since she first arrived.  She moved over to the corner where a pallet was still set up.  She'd lay down for just a few minutes.  Maybe by then Sam's fever will have subsided.  She could only hope, anyway.




Jack lied down next to Sam, still holding her hand.  Her face seemed more peaceful.  But sometimes that couldn't be good. 


He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 


God, I know I haven't done this for a long time. 


Not since before Charlie.....


But, God, you've gotta help her.


 She has a lot to live for.


 She's still young. 


You can't take her yet. 


Not yet.


Please just bring her back to us.....


Bring her back to me....




He opened his eyes and just looked at Sam. 





  She was walking down a long corridor.  She was at the SGC.  The corridor seemed to go on forever.  The hallway getting longer and longer.  When she thought it would never end, she finally came to a door. 


She turned the knob and stepped through.  That was weird.  She'd never entered the Gate Room through that door before.  She turned around, but the door had vanished.  Disregarding that detail as unimportant at the moment, she returned her attention to the Gate Room before her. 


The room had and odd luminescence to it.  A thick, white fog had fallen on the room.  The Stargate was already activated for some reason.  She looked upwards to the Control Room, but it was vacant.  Where was everybody? 


A movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention.  Someone was emerging from the Gate.  She couldn't tell who it was from this distance.


She made her way cautiously towards the Gate.  You never knew if they could be hostile or not. 


The figure descended the ramp and stopped at the bottom of it. 


She made her way over the figure, and stopped, shocked. 




The woman lifted her gaze to look at her.  The beautiful, youthful face smiled. 




"Mom...what..." she was speechless. 


"Samantha, it is not time.  You must go back."


"But Mom.  Take me with you.  I want to be with you.  I've missed you so much," she choked on a sob. 


"Shh," she said gently as she lifted her hand.


"They need you Samantha.  You are their friend.  They love you.  HE loves you."


"Who..." Sam asked already knowing the answer.


The figure started retreating up the ramp. 


"No, don't go.  Mom.  MOM...."


She ran up the ramp as her mother reached the Gate.  Her mother turned around and smiled and pointed behind Sam, back down the ramp. 


She turned and looked when she heard her name called. 




She was being pulled in two directions.  She loved each of them.  She wanted to be with both of them.


 Her mother lifted her hand and cupped Sam's chin.  "Samantha, I love you very much, you know that don't you?"


Sam nodded her head. 


"Then you must know that I will always be with you, in here," she said as she placed her hand over Sam's heart.  Sam covered her mother's hand with her own.  She felt so real, so alive....


Sam could feel the warm tears sliding down her face. 




Jack was calling her name again.  She looked her mother in the eyes, letting her know what her decision was.  Her mother turned around and walked through the Gate.  Sam stood there for a moment, feeling that long ago pain all over again.  But then she remembered she wasn't alone.  She turned and slowly walked down the ramp, keeping her gaze locked with Jack's. 


His face was filled with concern, and something else.  When she reached him, he held his hand out to her, but when she lifted her hand to take his, something happened again.  Something she was becoming all too familiar with.


A strong, unseen force was pulling at her from all directions.  She tried to hold her ground, but it was becoming impossible.  She reached out to Jack again, desperately urging him to take her hand. 




He moved closer to her, but she was pulled farther back. 






Jack was shaken awake by a terrified scream.




He scrambled closer to Sam, afraid of what might be wrong.  Janet moved like a flash over to Sam's other side.  She felt of Sam's face.  Her temperature had dropped, but she was shaking and convulsing.  Not like her earlier episode.  This was different.  Jack was scared.  Really scared.  They had done all they knew to do to help her.  Janet  had said it was up to Sam to fight this.  From the look of it, it appeared to be what she was doing. 


Sam kept yelling Jack's name, twisting and turning, like she was fighting some unseen adversary.  As quick as it had started it abruptly ended, leaving the deafening silence enveloping the three figures. 


Jack leaned over Sam, holding his breath, trying to find a sign.....any sign, that she was still alive.  He noticed the small vein on the side of her neck.  It was still. 


Then it moved. 




He couldn't breathe.  Not until he saw it move again.


The vein moved again, and continued to move a steady beat.  Pulsing, thrumming, beating.


She was alive.  Sam........his Second In Command......his


He finally inhaled a deep breath, getting lightheaded as he did.


Sam's eyelids flickered, but remained shut.  The second time she blinked for several times before they stayed open.  She appeared disoriented.  But after what she'd been through who wouldn't be.  She cleared her throat and looked around.  She caught sight of Jack.  His brow was furrowed and his eyes looked troubled and tired.  


She tried to say something, but nothing was emitted from her lips.  She ran her tongue over her lips to moisten them and tried again. 


Jack still couldn't hear her so he leaned closer until his face hovered above hers. 


"You shouldn't frown.  Your face will stick like that," she said.


Jack's face split into a smile.  The most sincere smile he had displayed in ages.  Sam was back.  And she was going to be okay. 



The End




Feedback is always welcome!! 
