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This is TJ, the great. Also known as Tampon or Tampax... lol. He's ur average cool guy... until you get him pissed off that is. This guy is one crazy mofo once he's upset. For instance... if you go to his house and eat all his food he'll get really pissed and beat you up. heh heh heh, take it from me, he hits pretty damn hard. Well, let's see, other things of note.... he has a Silver Eclipse with some tite rims on it but he can't drive worth a damn so it's only a matter of time until he wrecks it and ends up driving his mom's Monte Carlo... lol, j/p.

Well I guess all good things must come to an end..... hope to see ya round.. and next time we meet, may it be as friends. Amen.

This is Paul (a.k.a.- The Monkey Boy) This guy is incredible... his great claim to fame is his ability to call through or up anything ever built by man. Seriously, this guy is unbelievable. He's been a key player in many successful 187's. Word up.

This is a picture of Michael Stravinsky with his girlfriend Diana. Mike unfortunately was gunned down in New York on April 28, 2000. He was shot on 49th Street while coming back from a friend's house and died in Queen's Memorial Hospital. We all mourn for the loss, but this comes from the heart. Mike, you were the closest thing I had to a brother man. Don't worry, I'll get those suckers back before I'm buried. I swear.

This is Josh Johson, a.k.a.- Homework Helper. He is also known as the Angel of IB Hell.... yep, u guessed it. He is the primo resource for homework help if any of the not so intelligent IB people need some. Or if ur a slakker he just might hook you up. =)

Guess who... it's BEN!! Ur friendly neighborhood drunk. ok ok... so maybe he's not an alcoholic, but he's a great guy with a good sense of humor. If it's one of those rainy days, chances are good you can run to his house and crash the night if you got nowhere else to go... and the deal includes free beer and aspirin. You can't go wrong there.....

This is Angel... the lean mean Phillipino fighting machine. He robbed me of the state championship in the 98-99 tournament, but failed to defend it against me in the 99-00 round. =P lol, no hard feelings man, we're still down aight? Train hard... it's up for grabs again, next year.....

Justin is probably one of the quietest guys I know. I've maybe heard him say 100 words in all the time I've known him. However, those 100 words have said more to me then all the other chatter I heard from his friends combined.

Hmm... who could this blond hottie be? lol, this is Danielle, sister of Natalie. They share a lotta things in common... they both tend to get worked up over pointless stuff, they like to beat up on lil' 14 year old south korean people when they're having a bad day, and they both do incredibly stupid things at random intervals throughout their days. =P Ok, seriously speaking, Danielle's a pretty cool chica, especially if you like to get beat up.

This is Andrew. Andrew in a nutshell is the best driver I know. Seriously. This guy is unbelievable. If he ever becomes a po (.00001% chance) he'll be the terror of every get-away driver ever born. lol, keep cruizin' dawg.

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