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Gallery 3

heh heh, ok, this should be good.... for all you underprivelaged people out there who don't already know this guy, this is Jack. (the guy on the left in the picture) This man is without a doubt, the craziest person I know. He'll take you up on anything as long as the price is right.... we even got him to moon a cop once for 150, lol.

This is a picture of Pat (Penguin) Chang and his girlfriend Christina. Me and Pat have known each other for a while I guess, but I just met Christina this last school year. Both of 'em are pretty nice.... they definitely put on a good soap opera. =) j/k, j/k........ lol.

This is a group shot of a lotta my friends from EHS IB. Ok, starting from left to right across the top, we have Sergio, Mike Watkins, Sharazad (sp?), and Dennis. On the bottom row, (once again going from left to right) there's Diana, Ebony (my next door neighbor with an ANNOYING dog), and Amanda C.

Dan the MAN (aka Daniel-san). This guy is a lot stronger then he looks and obviously he has a very, very big grin. Unfortunately we don't see it that much.... usually he's doing something else... like trying to tear his hair out or sleeping in class or ... well, you get the point. =P

This is a picture of Bobby and Christine. I haven't seen Bobby in a long time but whatever, we were good friends in 8th so it's all good. I'm hoping to get in better touch with him over the summer. (Christine is his g/f)

This is a picture of Jenn Hein and Sarah. Sarah lives in Wisconsin now but hopefully she'll be getting back to Gainesville soon. Jenn lives like, right down the street from me so I see her often enough, lol.

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