The Gist

Summer Issue -- 2000

“A Free Voice to Free Will Baptists”

Dale Burden - Editor


Jeremiah complained that his people had turned from their God—“the fountain of living waters”--to useless, broken cisterns they hewed out for themselves (2:13). America has done the same. They have rejected the divine, crucified and risen Jesus of the Bible who saves from sin and replaced Him with one they have “hewed” out of their own imagination. This has been going on a long time in liberal colleges and seminaries. Now it has reached the media and the masses. “Experts”—the best Jesus scholars in world--(their claim) have been all over the air waves telling us about the “real Jesus,” but it is not the Savior of the scriptures.

Larry King Live did a program July 6 titled “Who is Jesus?” Peter Jennings hosted a TV special June 26 titled “The Search for Jesus.” Oregon State University held a “Jesus at 2000"”symposium February 8-10, 1996 that was televised live across America “to explore what scholars have to say about the man described as a mystic, a healer and the Son of God.” They advertised they had “six of the most renowned religion scholars in the world.” They did a follow up titled “God at 2000” and televised it live February 10-12, 2000 and featured more “scholars” to offer a “new image of God for the twenty-first century.”

These self-proclaimed experts, who cannot agree among themselves, argue that the Bible is not reliable so they say we cannot be certain who Jesus was. About all they agree on is that miracles do not exist and that anyone who believes they do cannot be a “scholar” so that person is excluded from participating in these programs. They have made a god of their own supposed wisdom and think their doctor’s degrees qualifies them to set in judgment on the Word of God that has stood for centuries. Amazed at their unabashed arrogance and pride, we found words to describe them in the Book they say isn’t true: “[They] became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” (Romans 1:21,22)

In the Bible, God mocks proud, human wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:17-31). He makes it plain that man by searching could never have found out who God is (Job 11:7). The Greek philosophers learned that centuries ago. One of them said, Unless the gods come down to us, we will never know who they are. Jesus, God in flesh, did come down to us. Also, God has revealed Himself in His infallible Word that will stand every test. He not only places no premium on human wisdom, He says it is a hindrance in knowing God. We have to humble ourselves and become as little children (Matthew 18:3) Hear Jesus say, “I thank thee O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou has hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.” (Matthew 11:25)

Education of the right kind is wonderful. It will make a man a bigger man and a better man if he is a man of God. If he is a fool, it will make him a bigger fool. Billy Sunday said it long ago: “Education without regeneration will be the ruination of the whole creation.”

Think of the arrogance of these “scholars!” They dare dispute the testimony of the eyewitnesses of Jesus and His ministry. Not only did those early apostles testify to the truthfulness of Jesus’ miracles and His resurrection, they sealed their testimony with their blood.

Then consider how their arguments defy reason: While they would have us believe these were good men and Jesus was a good man and His influence for good in the world surpasses all others, still they want us to believe Jesus and His followers were liars. It has been said before. If Jesus was not God, He was not good, for He claimed to be God. He is either Lord, lunatic, or liar! The Bible, logic, and the testimony of millions of good men and many of the world’s most brilliant men testify to the fact He is Lord! (See footnote to this article.) Of all the men who ever lived, only Jesus was so unique books have been written trying to prove He was only a man, thereby proving He was more than man.

The aim of the media is to get our attention. We see this as the motive back of these attacks on the Christ of the Bible. Such blasphemy would not have been dared only a few years ago. But there are so few real Christians today and so little Bible knowledge, the media can get by with this. By creating the image of this “New Jesus,” Satan is preparing people to accept the counterfeit Messiah—the Anti-Christ. Remember Jesus said, “I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” (John 5:43)

These proud, self-elevated “scholars” use the same approach as the evolutionists. They assume the position of authority via their imagined intelligence and degrees and refuse to hear the other side, claiming they have to be ignorant not to agree with them. Additionally, they work from the same motive: Get rid of the idea of a holy and righteous God to whom they must answer, and then they can live as they please. Remember how the soldiers blindfolded Jesus so they could hit Him and supposedly He would not know who did it. They did not pull the wool over Jesus’ eyes, however. He saw through it. They only blinded themselves. That is what these unbelieving “scholars” are doing.

Footnote: Some of the above material is from an article entitled Who is Jesus? by David Hunt, The Berean Call August, 2000. He lists some true scholars who believed the Word of God, namely Daniel Webster and two great legal minds from England, Sir Robert Anderson, head of the Criminal Investigation Division of Scotland Yard whose books, Hunt says are classics. He names The Coming Prince and Daniel in the Critics Den. Also listed was Lord Caldecote, Lord Chief Justice of England, whom he quotes as saying, “…the New Testament…makes an overwhelming case…as a matter of strict evidence, for the facts therein stated…[including] the resurrection.” Lastly, he lists Lord Lyndhurst, one of England’s greatest legal minds. He quotes him as saying, “I know pretty well what evidence is; and I tell you, such evidence as that for the Resurrection has never broken down yet.” We noticed, these “scholars” shun the subject of Jesus’ resurrection and the amazing conversion of the apostle Paul. They cannot handle such weighty truth.

Related article: Daytime TV celebrity Oprah Winfrey is exerting a major influence in the spiritual arena in America, especially with women. Breakpoint recently carried an article about this. They report that her new magazine “O,” sold out the initial press run of a million copies in just a few days.

“She writes about praying to ‘the force that I call God’ that her fame will be used to help people acquire ‘a greater sense of self-value.’ As she puts it, ‘I have a contact with the Universe…”

The article quotes Terry Mattingly’s observation that Oprah’s “musings past muster because [her] ‘spirituality’ reflects the spirit of our age, and this vague generic spirituality has for many become the principal alternative to the gospel.”

They note, “American’s have long been attracted to what I’d call ‘do-it-yourself god kits.’ They see themselves as religious people, but on their own terms. It’s religion that doesn’t require anything in the way of obedience or sacrifice…It’s the perfect religion for an age obsessed with ‘self.’ It raises self-preoccupation to the level of religious duty, and turns self-indulgence into a spiritual discipline.”

We add our observation: This is exactly what the “seeker friendly” churches are doing.

One More Note: A Muslim delivered the opening prayer Monday night, July 31, at the Republican National Convention, revealing how the idea of any religion is good as another. Now Joe Lieberman, the Democratic nominee for Vice President, a Jew, openly talks of his religion and that seems to be a plus politically. Imagine what the reaction would be if Bob Jones or any Fundamentalist attempted to pray on one of those platforms! America has rejected the God of the Bible—the only God there is!


Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in this world. It controls our thoughts, minds, hearts, and spirits. This precious gift has been given to man alone that he might thereby remind himself of the fact that God created man for himself for the express purpose of extolling and praising God. –Martin Luther

I am on the music circuit, a speaker at these Jesus festivals. Being in the back room with many of these famous groups before they go on stage is absolutely frightening—the ego trips they are on and the language they use; to hear their hate for others—when show time comes, however, they go out on the stage with a “Hey, aren’t we together in Jesus Christ and the love we share, etc.” –Tony Campolo, a liberal preacher

Addendum: Michael English, a Christian music singer, surrendered to authorities on drug charges and was immediately released on bond. The 38-year old singer faces 12 counts of fraudulently obtaining the prescription drug hydrocodone, a sedative similar to codeine. Police raided Mr. English’s Nashville apartment in February after an investigation showed he and a friend were having numerous prescriptions filled by doctors. (World, 7/1/2000)


Jesus said, “Thy Word is truth.” (John 17:17) That Word clearly says there is only one God and the only way to Him is through Jesus Christ, His son (Deut. 6:4 Jn 14:6). We are constantly told America is a tolerant nation—a pluralistic society with room for every race and religion. But all of those religions must say one is as right as the other. It is anathema to state what the wise Solomon said centuries ago: “There is a way that seemth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” (Proverbs 14:12)

The exclusiveness of the gospel is what brought persecution down on the heads of the early Christians though they preached it lovingly. It will doubtless come again to us if we remain true to our commission. Even praying in Jesus’ name is now taboo. Want to know how to pray and be “politically correct” in America today? Consider the following:

President Clinton’s “New Millennium” Prayer

“…We are all your children. Our Constitution tells us you created us all equal. Jesus told us to love our neighbors as ourselves. The Koran says we must do unto all men as you wished to have done to you, and reject for others what you would reject for yourself. The Talmud instructs us, should anyone turn aside the right of the stranger, it is as though he were to turn aside the right of the most high God…[T] he most important fact of life…is our kinship as brothers…and our oneness as children of God.”

--Prayer at the Washington National Cathedral (1/10/00 Christian News)

Quote: “We rarely find substantial differences” when comparing the moral behavior of Christians and non-Christians in 70 categories. – Pollster George Barna.


In the previous issue of The Gist, we shared with our readers something of the problems regarding our churches in Mexico that are connected with our Home Missions Department. There have been a number of

developments with regard to the situation since that issue. The situation is very complicated and involved—too much so to try to spell it all out here. We will try to give you our understanding of the situation and where things stand at this time. It is not where any of us would like to see it. It appears to be a “lose/lose” situation for both sides. At the least, the devil has distracted God’s servants from the main task of winning souls. Lots of hours and money have been wasted. The situation really is heartbreaking and needs our prayers. Mexico had been the jewel of the Home Missions projects. Millions of dollars have been poured into it.

Congregational church government as opposed to connectional church government is at the heart of the issue. However, personalities and problems on this field over the past three decades have also affected it. Here are the basics as we understand them:

1. A group of Mexican pastors in March of this year met and formed a new FWB Association in Mexico, citing numerous offenses, mainly relating to policies smacking of connectional church government and control. The majority of the Mexican pastors sided with this group. Rev. James Munsey, an American FWB Home Missionary and the key representative of the department is with this group.

2. At a Board Meeting with Home Missions May 3, Rev. Munsey, unable to resolve matters, resigned as an employee of the Board.

3. The May/June eidtion of AIM, the official publication of the HM department, dealt with the matter, justifying its position and claiming “There is no evidence that indicates any church government is being practiced except congregational church government.” (P.10, statement by Rev. David Joslin)

4. The aggrieved parties (the new group) appealed their case to the National Association of FWB at their meeting in July in Anaheim, CA. The Executive Committee received the 78-page report and recommended that they intervene as mediators. The General Board, heeding an appeal from the HM department, passed a motion made by Joslin that effectively sent the matter back to the HM board.

5. The matter resurfaced on Wednesday on the floor of the main business meeting resulting in a committee being designated to investigate the matter and report back to the body on Thursday. That committee met with representatives from both sides and concluded the aggrieved parties had followed proper procedure and that the work in Mexico would be best served if the Executive Committee would mediate in the matter.

6. Word of what the committee was recommending leaked out ahead of their report. (Reports are that HM worked diligently Wednesday evening getting support for the vote Thursday.) When it came to the floor, the Vice Charmin of the HM Board moved to table the matter. It carried by a vote of 121 – 61, leaving the matter with the HM Board. We have heard from more than one source that the parliamentary procedure was not properly followed in +his matter and that the tapes of that meeting reveal this.

Where the Matter Now Stands

On August 21, in contact with two members of the HM Board, we were told it appears the two groups are going their separate ways and that the churches pulling away from the old association were going to be given their property, but that there are many legal questions. Reports from James Munsey give a different picture. He says “since the Free Will Baptists have chosen not to intervene, the Mexican government is saying it will.” They are stepping in to “arbitrate” this matter. He told us the group HM is working with—the old group—has filed papers with the government (apparently to get them recognized as the legitimate organization), but that the papers had been rejected. Munsey says the matter could be drawn out for years!

Our View of the Situation: This writer’s concern with this matter has been, not personalities, but the matter of local church control as opposed to denominational or connectional church government. Our position as a denomination is that of local church control and we are firmly in agreement with that. We understand that the situation in Mexico for years made it impossible for local congregations to own their own property. That was changed in 1992. From our research on this matter and from those we have talked with, including one brother who is as familiar as anyone in our ranks with the situation, here is our view of this situation:

1. There have been instances of connectional church government practiced in FWB ranks in Mexico since 1992 until the present. (And we do understand what connectional church government is!)

2. The aggrieved parties in Mexico have not been treated fairly by the denomination. An investigation by representatives of our denomination other than the HM board should have met with them and reported back to the National body. Both the Executive Committee of the National and the special committee chosen at this year’s convention felt some entity other than the Home Missions Board should at least be brought in to mediate this matter.

3. The Home Missions Department, by only investigating itself, and maneuvering to prevent any other entity from conducting an investigation or mediating the matter, has crippled its credibility. If there was nothing to hide they had nothing to loose and much to gain by an outside committee looking into the matter. They should have welcomed outside help.

4. This experience should make our departments more sensitive to such matters in the future. The HM contract with missionaries in the U.S. is not in line with true local church government. We expect to see that corrected because of this conflict.

5. The willingness of the body on Thursday morning to simply table the matter rather than giving it a hearing reveals two things: (1) The inclination of many to sweep matters under the rug. (2) The apathy of others. It appears they simply did not care. They only wanted to adjourn and get out of there.

(2) Conclusion: We confess we do not know the solution to this situation. However, we are confident if hearts were humbled and God were allowed, He would find a way to solve this. May God help all involved to be willing to do this soon in order that our brethren there will be able to refocus and return to the paramount task of winning lost souls. Please pray for God’s guidance for the Home Missions Board at this time. Not only do they have this matter facing them, but a search committee is looking for a new General Director. Brother Messer is retiring.

Thot: In Bible times, the wealth and generosity of the bridegroom determined the length and lavishness of the marriage supper. Apply that to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!


In celebrating the Fourth of July yesterday, I pondered how wonderful it is to have a good family and good friends. I feel for families that are torn apart with strife. There are many such cases in our age. I have preached funerals where one brother sat on one side, another brother on the other with mother’s coffin in front of them and the brothers would not speak. How often have we known of such animosity arising after the parents die and the children greedily squabble over the inheritance! Brothers, but not friends. That is so sad. Such was the case with the first brothers born into this world. The end result was Cain killed his brother Abel.

If being brothers and not being friends sounds tragic, ponder the matter of having friends who are not “brothers”—not saved. There is no burden of heart like this for the real Christian. This is so evident in Paul’s writing. His love for lost souls—all lost souls-- was apparent to all. But the burden for his own was overwhelming. Hear his heartbreak in the opening verses of Roman 9 and 10: “I have great heaviness and continual sorrow in my heart. For I could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh...Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved.”

Those are awesome statements. He says his burden for them was so incessant and his desire for their salvation so intense, he could wish the loss of his own salvation if it would mean theirs! These were his Jewish kinsmen—his old friends. Friends of a lifetime. Lost friends. How Christ-like was he in this willingness to lose all to win souls! This passion for the souls of others marked the big change in this man. When he was saved, he didn’t just become moral, start going to church, and studying the scriptures. He had been doing that for years. The noticeable difference was his passionate love for souls. When he couldn’t win his kin and those close to him, it burdened and broke his heart. His earnest efforts to win them, however loving, turned many of them into enemies.

There is a song entitled, “O Beloved Enemy.” It is the echo of an aching heart over a lost loved one—an “enemy”--one on the other side, but loved nonetheless. Do you have some in your circle like that? Friends who are not brothers? Are you bothered and burdened over them?

Perhaps nothing reveals the poor spiritual health of our Lord’s church today more than the fact that so many of us have kin and friends who are not saved, yet we are not weeping over them. Children, grandchildren, and even mates and brothers and sisters as well as bosom friends--all living under the condemnation of a holy God. We visit and laugh with them, but are not broken over their lostness.

I have some close friends, as well as kin folks, who are not saved. I used to think if I could win a person’s friendship, I could win him to Christ. Alas! It has not always been so. I have some very dear friends whom I’ve known for years—men who love me as I do them—but who are lost. They are my friends, but not my brothers. That bothers me greatly today. I’m convinced it will bother me more at the judgment seat of Christ.

Paul’s Prayer for Lost Kin and Friends

The New Testament repeatedly relates Paul’s efforts to win the Jew. Acts tells us in each new city he went to the Jews first if there were any there. Acts concludes with him in prison as a result of his insistence on returning one more time to Jerusalem to try to win his old friends. Preach to them to win them? Yes. Paul tried. O how he tried! But he did more than that. He prayed for them. “My heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved.” (Romans 10:l)

When he was locked up and couldn’t preach to them, he prayed for them. When they ran him off, he prayed for them. Sometimes all we can do is pray for them.

Notice some things about these that were heavy on Paul’s heart, for which he so earnestly prayed: They were religious and had a zeal for God. Like himself prior to his conversion, they were outwardly moral and faithful in services. Yet they were lost. On top of that, like most in church today, they were ignorant (V.3) of what salvation in Christ is. Their real problem was they were not willing to “submit” (v.3) to Christ. These are hard cases. Still Paul prayed. Prayed because he cared. Prayed because he knew what they could do for God if they got saved. Prayed because he saw the damage they were doing in their lost condition.

There seems to be a note of pity in Paul’s prayer for them. Although he admits they are trying hard to “establish their own righteousness” (earn their way to heaven), Paul saw they were failing. The figure of speech here is a man trying to carve out a statue and stand it up, but it keeps falling down. No doubt Paul recalled his on vain efforts prior to meeting Jesus. He felt for his friends. Sad, isn’t it, to watch them in their vain religion and know they are just as lost as ever.

Got a friend who is not a brother? May God help us to be a real friend and win him them to Christ. If you are saved, it is probably because you had a friend who got you to Jesus and made you his brother.


Universalism, the teaching that all will eventually go to heaven, continues to grow within major denominations. The Christian Century (10/13/99) published an excerpt from the ECLA (Lutheran) Fortress Press regarding “Saving Faith and Secular Faith” by B. A. Gerrish (a man with degrees, positions, and honor from such schools as the University of Chicago, Union Theological and Presbyterian School of Christian Education, Richmond, Virginia). Gerrish writes, “The historical anchorage for faith is not the life of the historical Jesus, but the life of the community that proclaims the gospel.” He says, “To say that the Christian receives saving faith through the New Testament image of Jesus need not imply that faith cannot be had in another way, or that no other religious faiths confer salvation.” This is exactly what the Pope, Billy Graham, and Bill Clinton are saying. This is the religion in vogue in America. It is diametrically opposed to the Bible (cf. John 14:6 Acts 4:12) and is costing multitudes their souls.

Celebrating 25 Years of Unscriptural, Charismatic Confusion: Charisma magazine, probably the leading charismatic publication in the world, is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Featured on its cover during these years are such heretics and adulterers as Katherine Kuhlmann, Jim Bakker, Jim Swaggart, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, Jack Hayford, Paul Crouch, Jamie Buckingham, Paul Yongii Cho, Amy Grant, John Wimber, and Rodney Howard-Browne (father of the laughing revival fad).

Charisma and the charismatic movement as a whole has endorsed wild heretical claims on the one hand while covering up the adultery and unscriptural divorces of many of these leaders on the other. (Examples: Aime Simple McPherson, founder of the Foursquare Church and Katherine Kuhlmann.) Kuhlmann said she was not going to die, but when she became ill, she went to Oral Roberts for healing but died anyhow. You know the disgraceful stories of Bakker and Swaggart. Hinn claims to raise the dead. Cho uses Christian terms, but has baptized the occult and oriental religions and incorporated them into his teaching. Amy Grant’s worldly “crossover,” “God/girlfriend” music is a disgrace along with her immorality, divorce, and remarriage. The sordid stories and the ridiculous claims and heresies are endless!

One of the key heresies of the charismatic movement is their claim of continued revelation—that the Bible is not complete and that God is still speaking inspired truth. Featured on the April, 1992 cover of Charisma was Jamie Buckingham, editor-in-chief of Ministries Today. He was a leading charismatic and counselor to Stephen Strang, editor of Charisma. Buckingham wrote, “The Bible, of course, is not the ‘only’ word of God. God did not go silent when the canon of scripture was closed. He is still speaking—and His word is just as inspired today as then.” He went on to say, “I have a small notebook filled with ‘words’ God has given me over the past 18 months.” One of those ‘words’ was, after he became ill, God told him. “You will not die, but live and proclaim what the Lord has done.” Oral Roberts and others claimed they too received word from God that Buckingham was healed. However, he died a few weeks shy of his 60th birthday. Still, these religious racketeers rake in millions from deluded followers. Our plea to you is Get back to your Bible and into a local church that preaches it and lives it!

From Clinton to California, home schoolers are coming under fire. The school board in Modesto, CA entertained a motion that would bar home schoolers from transferring credits to public schools. Instead, they would have to start over in high school. (The vote ended in a tie, but is coming up again.) Other districts are considering similar moves. Clinton has said home schooled children should have to prove on a regular basis they are learning and if they are not, they should be made to go to public or parochial schools. From what we have read, it’s the students in government schools that need to be transferred to where they can learn. Seventy per cent of 4th graders in public school cannot read a simple book.

The Great Ape Project: It’s crazy, but we shouldn’t be surprised. The animal rights weirdoes are trying to get a case into court to give apes the same rights as persons—the right not to be “imprisoned,” the right not to be tortured, the right to life. Harvard, Yale, Georgetown and a dozen other universities offer courses in animal law. (World 5/27/00)

Infanticide? Even the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons was “appalled” at the ruling of the Supreme Court June 28th that struck down a Nebraska law that banned partial-birth abortions. Its executive director said the decision “allows for the horrific prospect that outright infanticide is to be tolerated if it appears to infringe on the presumed right of any woman to have an abortion under any and all circumstances.” Check the references in Jeremiah to shedding “innocent blood.” The weeping prophet had the solemn task of telling his nation God would no longer delay judgment. He listed this as the “final straw.” Is there any blood more innocent than that of the unborn? Has any nation shed more such innocent blood? How long, O Lord?

“Own a gun; go to jail.” That’s the way it would be if Rosie O”Donnell had her way. At the Million Mom March in April, she said, “I don’t care if you want to hunt. I don’t care if you think it’s your right. I say, ‘Sorry…We have had enough as a nation. You are not allowed to own a gun, and if you do own a gun I think you should go to prison.”(New American, 6/5)

You should know that the Million Mom March was a media production by a former Democratic Senate staffer, Donna Dees-Thomases, who has ties to Hilliary Clinton. The organizers screamed guns were the leading cause of death for children. Wrong! Their “children” included young people ages 15-19—young people old enough to be much into gangs and drugs. Even including these, guns were responsible for only 2% of all accidental deaths. Here are the facts regarding accidental deaths for all “children” under age 20:

· Cars 8113

· Drowning 1269

· Smoke & Fire 723

· Mechanical Suffocation 529

· Guns 306 (Ann Coulter, Human Events, 5/19/00)

Heretical Manmade Mormon Teaching: Mormons reportedly now have 61 temples in operation and 54 more planned or under construction. A temple has a “sealing room” where Mormon couples are sealed in their marriage for eternity (12/99 The Discerner). This helps in their “exaltation,” the right to become gods and goddesses and have their own planet in eternity (and privilege to continue to have children). A tithe of income is expected for the right of “sealing.” A Mormon man can be “sealed” to any number of women who will be his wives in eternity. He can be sealed to the wife of another man in this life if she has not been sealed to another Mormon man. But if a sealed Mormon woman’s husband dies, and she somehow becomes sealed to another Mormon man, “whose wife will she be in the resurrection?” (Calvary Contender 2/2/00)

Jane Fonda says she feels an “incredible connection with God.” We mentioned in a previous issue of The Gist she claims to have been saved. She talked about her new faith for the first time on Oprah Winfrey show. She defends Ted Turner, her ex-husband and said he knows the Bible well and has been saved seven times. She said she would go to her grave regretting being photographed sitting on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun. She attends a black Baptist Church in Atlanta. We still read of her speaking for the wrong causes—abortion for example. We would like to see more evidence beginning with talking about our Savior Jesus Christ instead of just the generic word “God” that means whatever the listener wants it to mean.

More Ridiculous Roman Catholic error: (This is from Voice in the Wilderness 7/2000 regarding Tom Forrest, personal priest to the Pope.) “I have on tape one of his speeches in which he said, ‘I thank God that the Catholic Church has in it the teaching of purgatory because without purgatory, I could never make it to heaven.’ Again he argued that every Saturday, the Virgin Mary comes and picks up those who have had their sins purged fully in purgatory and takes them to heaven.” What an insult to the Lord Jesus! What a threat to men’s souls to teach such hopes of heaven!

On the Ridiculous Charismatic error: “Holy Laughter” “Holy Anoinking

“They bark like dogs. They roar like lions. They oink like pigs. They leap like kangaroos. They prance like deer. They roll around on the floor laughing like hyenas. They get ‘pinned’ to the floor with ‘holy glue’ and can’t get up. They twitch, jerk, gyrate, and tremble uncontrollably. They become ‘inebriated.”

These bizarre activities are part of a new ‘spiritual’ phenomenon sweeping the world. It’s known variously as ‘the Toronto Blessing,’ ‘Holy Laughter,’ ‘the blessing,’ or ‘the Vineyard experience.’ One perceptive proponent called it ‘the anoinking.” (By Sylvia MacEachern,, A Roman Catholic)

The Talk Patrol and Thought Patrol

If you think it’s a free country and that you can say what you want to, consider these items: (1) The attack Dr. Laura Schlessinger is under for saying on radio and TV that homosexuality is wrong. She is reportedly the most listened-to talk show host in America with some twenty million daily listeners over 450 stations. Paramount recently signed 85% of TV markets to air the program of this 53 year old lady who has become an Orthodox Jew and emphasizes biblical morality including what the Old Testament says about homosexuality. It’s no surprise the powerful and well-organized homosexual force is up in arms and the mainstream media feels pressured to follow. Time (3/20/00) had an article entitled, “Dr. Laura, Heal Thyself.” Newsweek followed, referring to her “harsh-tongued” language. The homo crowd brags they will stop Dr. Laura’s TV program and show what a “bigot” Paramount is. Former Congresswoman, Pat Schroeder attacked Dr. Laura saying, “the pledge of allegiance says “with liberty and justice for all. What part of ‘all’ is unclear?” Marvin Olasky of World (4/8/00) countered, “That question should be turned back to Mrs. Schroeder. What about liberty for Dr. Laura?”

(2) This is from England rather than America, but still from the “free world.” According to USNWR (5/22/00), police in Gloucester, England are cracking down on racism by entering restaurants in disguise to listen for bigoted conversation. The first week, one man was arrested for unacceptable table talk. Another was detained for mimicking an Indian waiter but was let go. Orwell in his book 1984 foresaw a nation in which the most serious crimes would not be rape or robbery but “thought crimes.” Last year, an official British report proposed criminalizing racist remarks made in the family home. (Calvary Contender, 6/15/00)

Muslims Killing Christians in Indonesia: According to news releases from RNS, 30 Christians were killed in one Muslim riot and 44 more a week later during the month of May. This is only the tip of the iceberg of what is happening worldwide. Yet, almost nothing is said about it in the mainline media nor by our political leaders. We do not know what goes on in the closed society of China. Those who know the most know human rights are trampled on with impunity. America has betrayed the brave heroes of liberty of Tiananmen Square where as many as 20,000 student protestors were killed, many of them wearing the American flag on their shirts. Yet, America has sold them out. Yes, sold them for profit. Lenin was correct when he said the West would finance their own downfall—all for profit. The trade deal with China will finance their war machine, which by the way, has bought big-time weapons from Russia. They are ready to go to war with Taiwan and with America if we interfere, which of course we won’t!

Charles Stanley, now divorced, continues as senior pastor at Atlanta’s First Baptist Church. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported Anna Stanley, his wife of 44 years, filed for divorce February 16 on the grounds that the marriage was “irretrievably broken.” The Dekalb County Superior Court Judge signed the decree May 11. Stanley announced the divorce to his congregation May 21. Earlier he had told the congregation he would resign if she divorced him. We believe he should.

Mormons and Good Marriages? They spend a lot of money trying to make us think they are strong on the family. If you think so, read this and think again: In Utah, where 70% of the population and 95% of the legislators are Mormon, “suicide rates are surpassed only by Nevada among the elderly and only by Minnesota among youth. Four hundred locations in Salt Lake City openly sell drugs. The murder rates for children are five times higher than the national average. Fifty per cent of Utah’s births are to teen girls, and seven out of ten are illegitimate. Salt Lake County’s divorce rate is almost 50% higher than the national average.” (Baptist Bulletin, 11/99)

Sex Change and Still Preaching: It was Rev. Peter Stone, but now it is Rev. Carol Stone. He/she is a part of the Church of England and has its support. He had been married and divorced twice and had a daughter. He says the daughter and both his previous wives support his decision and his church does also. Sounds like the corrupt and counterfeit religion set up in Israel by King Jeroboam who “…made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi.” (1 Kings 12:31)

Little Bits: Ken Starr spent $40+ million investigating the corruption in the Clinton administration. In only three of his junkets out of the States, Clinton cost taxpayers over $72 million, 84% of which came from our Defense budget. (The American Enterprise, 3/00) President Clinton is facing disbarment in Arkansas. The Committee on Professional Conduct of the Arkansas Supreme Court has recommended this. It would be strange would it not, if this man is found to be unfit to be a lawyer in Arkansas, but was considered fit to be president of the United States.

DOMINO’S PIZZA PROMOTES CATHOLICISM to the tune of multiplied millions. He has pledged to spend his $1 billion fortune to advance his Catholic faith, trying to “populate heaven.” (Christian, there are other places to purchase pizza.) BABY PARTS FOR SALE: We continue to read about this in various sources. D. James Kennedy’s Coral Ridge Ministry literature made reference to it saying, it is a lucrative business. By selling the baby parts, the abortionist doctor is spared the expense of disposing with them and makes money from the sale plus the fee charged the mother for the abortion. What a revolting and repulsive business! And Clinton continues to veto even Partial-Birth Abortion bills sent to him from Congress! ROMAN CATHOLICS NUMER 1.045 BILLION world wide or 17.4% of the world’s population as of this past April. 49.5% of those live in North and South America.


Christians in Laos continue to suffer persecution from a government crackdown on believers. Sixty believers are in prisons, according to a report compiled by Thailand-based Christians. Laos government documents record inhumane detention, church closures, forced displacement, and forced retractions of faith. Last year the Lao National Front declared Christianity the “number one enemy of the state.” (Christianity Today, 6/12/00)

Religious Repression in Red China—New NCC president Andrew Young led a NCC delegation to Red China last year and said, “We found no sign of religious repression. A Boston Globe article (4/99 Servant) stated: “To be sure, it is no crime to be a Christian in...China so long as you worship in an officially registered ‘patriotic’ church, with ministers who have been approved by the Communist party and who renounce all ties to any overseas entity. Which means…[it] is a crime to hold a prayer meeting in an unofficial ‘house church.’ It is a crime to travel the country and preach the Gospel. It is a crime to baptize children, to teach a Second Coming, or to condemn abortion”. (Calvary Contender,6/1/00­)

Christians Fear Renewed Attacks from Hindus in India: Four churches in three states were burned June 8, 2000. Less than 3% of India’s one billion population claim to be Christian. Christian leaders fear they are in danger of loosing all religious freedom. The right-wing Hindu nationalists have acted as if they are outside the law since their party has come to power. Christian groups say no concrete action has been taken in any case where Christians have been persecuted. Pray for our missionaries there.

Persecution and killing of Christians in not merely something out of ancient history books. A study by Regent University said 156,000 Christians were martyred in 1998. Columbia, China, Sudan, and Egypt were listed as especially dangerous places for Christians.


The New American (7/3/00), says through the UN, a “world government is unfolding before our eyes." The article states, this “globalist body wants the power to impose taxes, to make and enforce global laws via a World Court, fund ‘peacekeeping’ missions, environmental regulations, and radical wealth redistribution, etc. But a government strong enough to give you what you want, is powerful enough to take from you what you have. One with the strength to enforce world peace would also be powerful enough to enforce world domination. A State powerful enough to confiscate wealth cannot be forced to redistribute it.” The World Council of Churches is aligned with this scheme.

· WALTER CRONKITE, veteran newsman with CBS, has endorsed this global government. He says, “If you’re thinking you already have enough causes, think about this: Until we have effective international law to forge genuine, enforceable international solutions, many of the most vexing problems we face will continue to defy remedy.”


· Elected a new president at their meeting in July, Dr. James Merritt of Georgia. He is a trustee of Falwell’s Liberty University. Don Vestal of the moderate-liberal Cooperative Baptist Fellowship predicted that the changes in the SBC’s statement of faith would prompt 5000 churches to leave the convention for the CBF. Ex-president Paige Patterson predicts 3500 may eventually leave. The liberals should have left long ago.

· SBC NEW REPORT ON MASONRY—The SBC has released a “Closer Look at Freemasonry” that expands and clarifies a 1993 report. Over one million SBC members and over 1000 pastors are freemasons (6/26/00 Chr. News). Masonry is a religion which teaches that Jesus Christ is not God and that a person must work at least part of his own way to heaven. (Calvary Contender 7/15/00)

· SOUTHERN BAPTISTS AND EVOLUTION—The faculty at Baylor University, a Baptist school in Waco, Texas, wants to shut down a new center on campus because it questions Darwinism. The Michael Polanyi Center, founded in October 1999, explores questions about the relationship between science and religion. Its director, William Dembski, has PHD’s in both mathematics and philosophy.

In April a star-studded conference at the Center addressed the questions whether nature yields evidence of something beyond nature. Speakers included Christian and non-Christian leaders in many scientific fields who hold a wide spectrum of views.

Yet many of the Baylor faculty refused to attend. Instead, they denounced the intelligent design theory, which proposes that nature’s empirical data is best explained by an Intelligence beyond nature. The faculty told local media that design theorists are “stealth creationists,” whose “pseudo-science” threatened to undermine the university’s reputation. Days later, the faculty senate voted 26-2 to ask the president to dissolve the center. But he refused.” (World, 5/27/00)

This situation is duplicated in many SBC colleges. Add this to the above: Bill Leonard, Dean of the Wake Forest University Divinity School in Winston-Salem, NC in April defended his school’s decision to admit a lesbian when it opened last fall. “I’ll die on this floor for non-discriminatory admissions,” he told a group of self-described ‘main-stream’ Baptists. We urge believers to send neither money nor students to such institutions!

· CHARISMATIC INROADS IN SB—Calvary Contender (5/15/00), quoting from Christian News (4/17/00) lists some interesting names and says they are charismatic, namely George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury (England’s Anglican church), and Jerry Rankin, head of the SBC Foreign Mission Board [now NAMB]. The article states “Most of the [SB] missionaries are charismatic or they couldn’t make it on the mission field.”


FROM HIS UPDATED (1997) AUTOBIOGRAPHY—Of his taking over PTL’s Heritage, USA Ministry, he says, “I am convinced God led me to Heritage in 1987,” then a few sentences later says, “God wanted it [PTL’s Heritage, USA Ministry] terminated.” He still calls Catholics, and PTL partners, “brothers.” He said: “My relationship with charismatic Christians across America and the world has been radically improved…The [charismatic PTL] supporters and partners are among the finest Christians I have ever known.” With the Moral Majority, he said, “I found myself sharing the platform with Roman Catholic priests and nuns, Orthodox rabbis, Mormon elders, and pastors from Southern Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterians, Assembly of God and Nazarene churches.” He continues to be a divisive force in Fundamentalism.

· PROOF FALWELL IS INCREASING HIS LINKS WITH CHARISMATICS was the Promise Keepers’ (whose leaders are charismatic, mostly from the Vineyard Movement) first rally this year was at Falwell’s Liberty University and the addition of well-known charismatic Jack Hayford to the advisory board of Liberty University’s Worship Institute.

· BOB HARRINGTON, (“The Chaplain of Bourbon Street”) after speaking at Dr. Jerry Falwell’s Thomas Road Baptist Church July 9, was asked by Falwell to become Jerry Falwell Ministries’ “evangelist at large” to the fallen and unwanted. Harrington returned to preaching about four years ago, and his pulpits seem to be mostly Southern Baptist and/or charismatic. (Calvary Contender,8/15/00) Remember, he is one of the fallen evangelists who disgraced the Lord’s work. Spurgeon warned about ever laying hands on such again.

· FALWELL, CAMPOLO & HILL YOUTH WORKERS SPEAKERS: Youth Specialties 2000 is hosting its National Youth Workers convention in three U.S. cities this year—Anaheim, St. Louis, and Atlanta. It features a variety of Evangelical, Pentecostal and Charismatic speakers, including: Tony Campolo (liberal), E.V. Hill (liberal ties), Jerry Falwell, and other male and female pastors (Foundation, 7/8/00) Over 30 “Christian rock” bands were to perform, including Audio Adrenaline and Jars of Clay. (Calvary Contender, 8/15/00)

Report on


By Pastor Vernon Long

Some of us can remember the days when Revival Meetings were scheduled for two weeks, and many times the revival would be extended beyond that because God was really working and folks were being saved. Usually it took the first week to get the church revived and then the Holy Spirit could really do a work of conviction on those who were lost, as the church was burdened and started witnessing to their friends and loved ones. In my lifetime I have seen quite a transition from the two-week (plus) revival to weekend revivals, or revivals that only run from Sunday through Wednesday night. Could this be the reason we are not seeing revival in our day? People are too busy for God to really work in their lives! I am not saying that God cannot work in a three day revival. If people really pray and seek revival it can come, and will come, even in our weekend services on Sunday. The key to revival is 2 Chronicles 7:14, which is being disregarded in our day.

The “Help Build the Fire” Preaching Conference has proven the power of prayer and the preached Word in the lives of those who have attended the conferences. Though it is only three days, it is filled with preaching of the Word of God both in the evening services and during the day. During the conference there are many who are praying for revival, and many respond during the numerous altar calls after the Word is preached. The special singing and congregational singing is uplifting and prepares hearts for the messages from God’s Word. Those who have attended the Preaching Conference will testify to the fact that they would like to stay even longer than when the final “Amen” is said on Wednesday evening.

Danny Barrow recently preached in our church, using the passage concerning the two on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24. He emphasized verse 32, And they said one to another, Did not our hearts burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the Scriptures? They told each other how their hearts burned (were fired) within them as Jesus talked and gave an exposition of Scriptures. The Word of God will still “burn within us” if it is preached in its power and purity, and as people receive it as the very Word of God. That is what the "Help Build the Fire” Preaching Conference is all about. It is a “preaching conference” of the Word of God to stir hearts to revival.

We had another good preaching conference June 12 through 14 of this year. From the very beginning prayer meeting on Monday afternoon, it was evident that the Lord was going to bless in the services. The Reggie Sadler Family and other singers from our churches provided the special music for the conference. Brother David McGowan was the first preacher of the conference, with Brother Curtis Linton preaching the final message, with many good messages in between. We had a special youth service Tuesday afternoon and Tuesday evening after the service we reserved Laserport for our private use. The young people really enjoyed this activity and this will also be available next year.

There were 140 preachers who registered (Only 431 at the National in California) from 21 states. There were 700 chairs set out and in both of the evening services most of them were filled. Several were attending the conferences for the first time and were blessed by the services and some I talked with indicated they would be back again next year for the conference.

If you have never attended the preaching conference, I know you will be blessed and challenged if you will come. The purpose of the conference is as it is named, “Help Build the Fire.” I do hope you will be in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee next year for the conference and join with us in building the fires of revival, which are so desperately needed in our day. The preaching conference will again be the second week of June—June 11-13, 2001. I know this is an inconvenient date for some, but we have to get the conference center the dates when it is available and then try to choose a date which will be convenient for as many as possible. See you in Pigeon Forge next June.

Quotes from Pigeon Forge Conference: “In the will of God there is no such thing as failure; out of it there is no such thing as success.” Speaking on today’s marketing of the church by studying what people want and then giving it to them: “Give them the music they want and the other things they want and they’ll soon have your church.” “Since 1870, little has been said and written about the Holy Spirit and revival.”—Jim Nason

Editor’s Note: Some needed notes were sounded at this meeting, especially on holiness and sin. Get the tape of A. B. Brown message on that from Sam Harris C/O Parker’s Chapel FWB Church, 2241 Pactolus Rd., Greenville, NC 27834


· USN&WR (3/27/00) Researchers say there are at least 200,000 cybersex compulsives addicted to E-porn and millions more (many children and teens) are at risk. CC (3/15/00) says there are currently over one million easy-to-find pornographic Web sites. They are the third largest sector of sales on the Internet. Of the 3900 new Internet sites that go up daily, at least 85 sell pornography. Read on to see something of the horrendous harvest.

· Online sex addiction is growing—and tearing real-life relationships apart, psychologists warn:

This was the headline for an article in the St. Louis Dispatch, May 6, 2000. The article was an AP wire service regarding a conference on the subject in Atlanta. Here are some of their alarming revelations: 15% of online users have visited online sex chat rooms or porn sites. 9% of those who use the Internet for sex spend more then 11 hours per week surfing for erotic content. As many women as men are involved in this. Women feel they can do this safely. Almost half of the women involved in the study said they were involved in the chat room sex more than the pictures. The speakers said , “The Internet’s anonymity and wide range of fetish and fantasy sites also create ‘hypersexuality’—a compulsive need for cybersex that can choke the life out of marriages and partnerships.

· American Library Smut: According to an article in Human Events (3/31/00), a major source for the moral sewage of porn poured into our society and made available even to our children is via America’s libraries. The article states, “We’ve only uncovered the tip of the iceberg, due to the efforts by the American Library Association (ALA) to chill the facts.”

“Less than 1% of total incidents involving patrons accessing pornography in libraries has been reported, due to the pointed efforts of the American Library Association to keep the facts on the magnitude of library pornography from being reported by libraries and shared with Americans,” said Janet Parshall, Chief Spokeswoman for the Family Research Council. She went on to say, “the truth is that American’s libraries are increasingly becoming dirty bookstores and peepshows open to children and funded by taxpayers.” The report listed every kind of sexual practice and perversion imaginable and said “this is what is occurring in public libraries, often with full knowledge of the library staff. And the ALA refuses to intervene in this kind of illegal activity or its victimization of children and unwitting library patrons.”

Ladies of the Night, Unite: In the world, according to the United Nations, prostitution is a legitimate career choice. While the UN globocrats bully countries that disagree, the Clinton administration cheers them on.

Several miles from the Statue of Liberty, with its invitation to “give me your tired, your poor,” the Clinton administration was and is suggesting that all countries should open their arms to prostitutes.

Sex workers of the world, unite: Among other things, the administration is lobbying the Senate to approve a Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, a United Nations, international treaty that is being used to encourage legalized prostitution. (In addition to pushing prostitution, the Clinton feminists, led by Hillary, also fought for abortion, homosexuality, and pornography - N.P.) --Bob Jones IV, World, (6/17/00)

· Ma Bell’s Plunge into Pornography: Forbes magazine ((6/00) said pornography is now a $56 billion business and growing. Porn companies now trade on the stock exchanges. Nine thousand hard-core videos hit the U.S. retail market in 1998. AT&T’s appetite for a slice of the profit from that pie caused them to add Hot Network, a pay-per-view channel that shows sexually explicit films on its cable television system. They already carried Playboy and the Spice network. Syndicated columnist. Cal Thomas said this move “transformed the image of Ma Bell into a harlot.” According to scripture, that’s grounds for divorce and every Christian ought to leave AT&T today and tell them why!

· Living in Sin: In 1999, “more than 50% of opposite-sex couples tying the knot lived together first, up from 1998. But living together has become so commonplace that it hardly raised an eyebrow.” (USA Today, 4/13/00)


The same Chinese company that recently took control of what were U.S. military bases at both ends of the Panama Canal, thereby potentially controlling the canal, is currently completing construction at Freeport, on Bahama Island is one of the largest ports in the world just 60 miles from Florida. Freeport is the closest offshore port to the U.S. east coast and is at the crossroads of routes between Europe and the Americas through the Panama Canal.

The company involved is known as Hutchison Whampoa, a Hong Kong firm that has a good record as a commercial enterprise and has no record of being involved in the drug or gun smuggling business. However, the firm’s ties to Communist China raises some legitimate questions. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, and former Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger, have expressed concerns about the influence the firm has over the Panama Canal. (Vortex)

Add this scary note to the above: “Russia Readies Warship for China” This is from the Washington Times, ( 7/12/00) BEIJING—Russia has completed work on a second cruise-missile ship for China and started sea trials for the new vessel two weeks ago the Washington Times has learned.

According to Pentagon intelligence officials, the ship is the second Sovremenny-class advanced warship purchased by Beijing. It was spotted in the Gulf of Finland during the last week of June undergoing sea trials.

The exercises are expected to include at least one test launch of an SS-N-22 Sunburn anti-ship cruise missile the officials said.

The ship is likely to be sent to China toward the end of this year. It is the second cruise-missile ship purchased from Russia and will give the People’s Liberation Army new capabilities against U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups.

“The SS-N-22 is the most dangerous anti-ship missile in the Russian and now the Chinese fleet,” said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California Republican. “Our Navy admittedly has scant ability to defend against this 200-kilaton nuclear-capable weapon.”

The missile has a range of 65 miles and can deliver nuclear or conventional warheads. Chinese military writings have indicated that Beijing is working on weapons to defeat U.S. carrier battle groups.

A bill authored by Robrabacher would prevent the United States from bailing out Russia with international lending institutions until Moscow ends all sales of Sunburn missiles.

One more scary note from the New American, 7/17/2000: “Sharing Secrets with Enemies? Red Chinese generals in the White House and Pentagon, along with Russian KGB mobsters, a Cuban drug lord and Asian crime syndicate bosses; Red Chinese scientist in our top weapons labs; missing laptop computers with secret security codes; supercomputers illegally sent to Russia and China; two missing computer hard drives loaded with nuclear weapons secrets, week later found behind a copier…and so it goes.”