”Everywhere there is apathy. Nobody cares whether that which is preached is true or false. A sermon is a sermon whatever the subject; only, the shorter it is the better.”
These are the words that could very well describe the feelings in the normal church in the United States. Apathy abounds. While souls are dying and perishing forever, we are building our houses on sand. The preaching behind the “sacred desk” is not sacred. They are filled with pop-psychology, and “feel good” topics. Today if you preach on standards, or living a Godly life you will be ignored. Not to mention the fact that, “preacher, I don’t think we need to be at church all day. We give you until 12:00, don’t you think that is sufficient time?”
These words are words that are convicting. They shoot to the heart of our anemic spiritual lives. They could have been spoken by any man that is alive today; but they weren’t. They were spoken over 100 years ago by a man named Charles Spurgeon.
With the church of his day on a rapid pace of apostasy, Spurgeon took up the fight against the lack of spirituality.
If you are at all acquainted with Spurgeon, you know about the “Down-Grade Controversy”. He believed that biblical truth is like the pinnacle of a steep, slippery mountain, Spurgeon suggested, one step away and you will find yourself on the down-grade. Once a church or individual Christian gets on the down-grade, momentum takes over. Recovery is often unusual and occurs only when Christians get on the “up-line” through spiritual revival.
The sad thing as we consider this, is the fact that many generations have come and gone. Fathers have taught their sons, mothers have taught their daughters. Each generation slowly gets farther and farther down this mountain. If what Spurgeon taught is true, then the church today is on a rapid toboggan slide. Momentum has carried us to the point where we no longer base a successful church on spiritual matters. We base success on numbers, and we disguise this with “roll call Sundays” and big promotions.
This web-site is an attempt like Spurgeon and many other voices out there, to give out a “Kry”. We need to wake up. We have been asleep in the light for to long. Zion has been to comfortable. We have been to busy entertaining one another. Please join me in this fight. We can not afford to do anything else.


For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. 2 Chronicles 16:9

Audio Sermons Publications KJV Articles of Interest Links Page


And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32


               Is This Your Church?         
God Made Jesus To Be Sin  
I have searched the web for some good Godly music to share with you. I am tired of the modern music movement in our Churches. It has come to the point where we worship music more than the Great I Am. Its time our focus is changed from the beat to the message.
Fundamental Broadcast Network WMUU 94.5 FM-Live (Bob Jones University)
      Gifts Made By Our Family!!!!!



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