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The Ice Menagerie

Here are some pictures of the things we recently created with snow. We had a great was C..C..COLD, but fun!

Snow Pets Allowed!!

This little cutie is Fallon's life-sized sculture of Jael, our guinea pig. A wonderful likelness!

Fallon and I building the Frog Prince. We got too cold and had to go in before we could make him a crown, but he WAS handsome! hehehe

The day after we built our snow sculptures we went out again and sprayed them with a solution of water and food coloring so that they would stand out for the pictures. Here is our Frog Prince again, only this time he is not so pale.

Nathaniel loves turtles so I carved out this one, larger than life!

Here's our turtle again after we gave him a coat of color.

Nathaniel and I made this lizard. We sprayed him with yellow but he didn't come out very bright.

Snowballs in Egypt?

These next pictures show Heather's snow pyramid and sphinx. She did a great job...I just wish the pictures had come out better.

This is a view from the front.

Side profile close-up of face. To help you pick out what you are looking at I have included a picture with outlines drawn.

Front view close-up of face. Again I have included a picture with outlines to help you discern what you are looking at.