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CrochetClub New's N' Views

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Crochet-Club's May/June Newsletter

A big welcome to all of our new list members! We're happy to welcome you aboard CrochetClub. Whether you are new to crocheting, or have several years under your belt(or, hook); it's great to meet together and chitchat about the wonders of crochet. :-)

We have had a busy couple of months here: first, trying to move to a new server; and then, moving back to YahooGroups. We're back to stay. Yippee! :-)

We've been busy opening up 2 new exchanges: the Fridgie exchange, & the Small Doily exchange. The Fridgie exchange has had a nice turnout, & will start up on May 1st. A fun & inexpensive exchange to do; it's appeal is widespread. But, the small doily exchange; has had just 1 person ask to join. If there is ever more interest in the small doily exchange, we'll be excited to give it a good start. I know at least 1 gal, who is awaiting the start-up.

Had a visitor from the list last month, our list co-owner; Jeanarie! It was great to see her, and spend some time. I donated a dozen crocheted chemo caps, for her Happy Hats & Lapghans Charity project. Turns out, she's planning a move to a nearby state. It'll be great to see a bit more of her. :-)

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Member Profile:

No member profiles this time around. If you would like to write a short member profile and send it to me; privately, for our newsletter; I would be soooo happy to include it in the next issue of CrochetClub News.

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Charity News:
I know it's Springtime, but; I just kicked off my Winter Warmth "Hats for Kids", Charity Drive; a part of my "A Caring Hearts" webpage. It's all about keeping kids warm, on the way to & from school. Low income schools often have to find a way to help with this big need. I am hoping to crochet at least, a hundred hats; for a low income school, in my community. If you would like to help out, donating hats or yarn(scarves & mittens, too); or learn more, please visit my webpage: Of course, "A Caring Hearts" always happily accept donations of chemo caps, & yarn for crocheting chemo caps; to be donated to: Happy Hats & Lapghan's Charity.

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Pattern Link Of The Month:

This is a neat website. Not alot of patterns here, but; the one's that are, are easy and fun to crochet. She has one for a really cute, and super easy crocheted Hat Pincushion; that I have made countless times, for gifts. There's also a neat sewing pattern, for an easy & quick tablecloth; with matching cloth napkins. A must see!

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Jeanarie, our list co-owner; is on the move, across country. Moving from California to Arkansas; in the near future. She'll be offline awhile, We're looking forward to your return, Jean!

I need your input for the newsletter. If you would like to submit a short member profile, that would be great. Or, if you have a great crochet link, or story to share; let me know by private email. Most times, I'll be happy to incude it in our newsletter. Thanks so much. :-)

It's been fun writing your monthly newsletter, and I look forward to writing next month's; as well. If you have an announcement of interest to the list, or; if you would like to submit your short member "getting to know you" profile, please write me privately. I will be happy to include you in our next edition of CrochetClub's, New's N' Views.
:)Happy Crocheting; Stacy :)P.S.- Make some extra time today, for crocheting. You'll be glad you did. :)