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Well, nearly two years ago, in the 6th grade, I started designing websites. At first I wasn't all that great... but I caught on really fast. So now I'm gonna teach you how to make a kickass website. All I ask in return is for you to put up a hyperlink to thissite...

First off, build your website with And whatever you do, don't make your site with Geoshitties. I tried it once or twice... and as a result I have an everlasting grude against them. So don't try it. Just go straight to Angelfire. You can start off with the basic editor if you don't know html... and then once you get used to it you can convert it to advanced. Which is pure html.

So now that you've built your site, you have to advertise it. There are many ways to do that. There's your basic chatroom, email, and instant message spamming. My first site has gotten 5000-1000 visitors by now. And it all started off with me going into every single AOL chatroom and telling people to visit my site. If you want, you can also email mass amounts of people with a hyperlink to your website. But I got in trouble for that once... so I don't do that anymore. You can also instant message tons of people. And that usually works better than email... but it takes more time.

But all this spamming is real labor... it takes A LOT of work. I would know, believe me. I had time to spare back then... but as I'm a busy person now I will never do that again. And you can probably tell... because the counter on the home page is nowhere close to what my first site's was. So what you should also do is submit your site to banner exchanges and search engines. Here is a search engine submission thingy, which will submit your website to 10 top search engines. (please note that if you want to submit to Yahoo, you have to go to Yahoo and do it from there.)

Free Top Ten Search Engine Submission!

Excite What-u-Seek WebCrawler NetFind Lycos
InfoSeek Alta Vista Hot Bot Goto Northern Light
Site Title URL
Name Email
Click here for Free Advertising

Find out how to insert this at your website!

But unless your website is on a very popular subject, search engines won't do it all for you. Banner Exchanges are also a great way to attract visitors. I've signed up with a lot of banner exchanges, and tested them out, and I have no doubt that Free Banners is the best there is. Basically, you display one of their banners on the top of your webpage (or on the bottom, but you get more benefits if it's on the top so I recommed putting it on top) and for every two visitors that come to your site aother Free-Banners member will show a banner that links to your site. If you need help designing a banner, click here. So, anyway, any banner exchange can do that much, but what makes Free-Banners special is all the extra stuff it does. Whenever somebody clicks on the banner on your website, you get 10 free banners displays. You get to put a hit button on your website, near the banner if you so choose. Everytime somebody clicks on it you get 2.5 banner displays. And if they join Free-Banners through the hit button, then you get 10 percent of all the banner displays they earn. So, basically, if a large website joins through your hit button, you will get a shitload of free banner displays. You also get 10 cents whenever somebody does so. And if you so choose you can convert those to banner displays. Also, you saw that search engine submittation thing up there? I get 25 banner displays whenever somebody uses it. So I hope you can see why I recommend Free-Banners. If you can't... then just join the fucking service and you'll see soon, dammit! Anyway, what are you waiting for? Click the fucking button dammit! Join Free-Banners!

And the final way to get hits to your website is to establish hyperlinks. Find websites with the same sorts of subject matter as yours. Email the webmaster and tell him that if he'll put a link to your site you'll put a link to his. Especially if the website you are getting linked to from is an often-visited website, then that can be a very useful way of generating hits. If you would like to start off exchanging hyperlinks with me, then email me, dude, and we'll trade links. This website is pretty new and I need all the exposure I can get.

Once you've got a heavily frequented website, you wanna make sure it's good. And you wanna make sure the visitors have a reason to come back. I have found that the answer to a successful website is interactivity. When all the visitor does is read articles by the webmaster, he may like the site, but there won't be much reason for him to come back. However, if the site is interactive, he will. I have done all I can to make this site interactive. I have a lot of polls, I have discussion forums. I have a links page, and you can add your own links. I have a quotes page and you can add your own quotes. And because of that people will have a reason to come back. To see what the results of the polls are. To respond to new posts in the discussion forums. To add new links, to add new quotes. If you wanna do the same with your site, I recommend HTMLgear.

I'm not gonna pretend I know everything about webmastery. Shit, I don't even know Java Script. And I haven't paid a cent towards any website... though I've made a dollar or two with Free-Banners. I am an expert at advertising... but when it comes to paid advertising I ain't done shit. So if you want some advice from people who really do know their shit... then check this out. (it'll get me 10 cents and 15 banner displays;)
Insider's scoop for Webmasters and Winners. Keep up to date on key issues, and promotion opportunities that could change the way you do business.

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