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Heya, Welcome to my web page.

I've done a few updates and hope you'll like what's been added. Take a look and, if you feel the Spirit move you, please feel free to express your opinions in my guest book. I'd love to hear from any and all.

On the 18th of April, this year, I received a wake-up call from whatever Spirit you may believe in when my home, and everything in it, burned to the ground. I was reminded by this unfortunate turn of events about what is really important in this life. Life, itself, is one of those important matters! Although I lost literally everything I owned (except my horse, saddle and truck), I am eternally grateful that my granddaughter and myself were not home when the fire started. It was a rude awakening to several things for me. I had become rather complacent about all that I had and had been taking friends and family for granted for quite some time. Sometimes it takes a bit of a material loss to awaken a person to the truely important things, I suppose. The loss of my home and belongings showed me the true kindness and compassion of friends, neighbors and family. Help came from some very unexpected quarters, and this will be remembered always. My brother and both of my sisters were right there to assist in whatever was needed, along with both of my daughters. Material things will eventually be replaced or forgotten but knowing the caring ways of family and friends will be forever remembered. There is nothing more precious than knowing that there are people who care. There are too many friends and neighbors to list here and thank individually,but to all of them, I cannot find the right words to thank you properly. To my mother, my sisters, Roberta and Sandy, and my brother, Jim, I can only say Thank You and I Love You!! Without their selfless giving and caring in my time of need, I would have been lost. My heart is full with gratitude and love for all of you.

Below you will find the Native American 10 Commandments; something I found in my wanderings around the 'net or from reading, I know not which. I hope you will enjoy reading them and will be able to put them to good use.:

The Earth is our Mother,
care for her

Honor all your relations.

Open your heart and soul to the
Great Spirit.

All life is sacred;
treat all beings with respect.

Take from the Earth
what is needed and nothing more.

Do what needs to be done
for the good of all.

Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each new day.

Speak the truth;
but only of the good in others.

Follow the rhythms of nature;
rise and retire with the sun.

Enjoy life's journey, but leave no tracks.

The following is something I found on the 'net which was titled "Qualities of Leadership", spoken or written by Chief Long Standing Bear. Its title, I think, doesn't do it justice, as the words could be applied to anyone, whether leader or follower. Read and reflect with me.


First, believe in the beauty and strength of your own being.
Forget and work to destroy the foolish belief that you and your fellow human beings are born evil.Those who would control you all the days of your life on earth perpetuate this belief.

Secondly, live a life of truth and honesty.
This makes you a person of quality and dignity. Truth and honesty are the kind of leadership qualities that attracts others.

Third, give honor and respect to others regardless of age or situation in life.
This quality makes you and others worthy of honor and respect, which makes others feel worthwhile and fulfilled. Honor and respect empowers others so they can win the day. They will return it to you fourfold.

Fourth, honor the earth and all that exists.
Be strong in this belief and practice it throughout your life because it makes for a world of kindness that binds all the good things of life together in a circle of harmony.

Fifth, be humble but not timid.
To be humble is to connect yourself to the stars and the entire universe and makes you aware there is something unique about life that is to be enjoyed without fear. We are a people from the stars and because of it, we are sacred.

Sixth, help others realize that life is a dream....a beautiful dream.
Dreamers are the butterflies of life that help others realize their dreams.

Seventh, be humorous and help others enjoy life and the life of others.
Humor makes the leader attractive. The humorous person has many guests and the one who is invited everywhere because of the joy they bring to the gathering.

Eighth, never be afraid to talk matters over with those who disagree with you or with those you love.
The gift of language is a miracle and it is meant to be used to live a life of harmony, joy, love and respect. Use it well and use it often.

What is described here is leadership in the broadest sense. These are the qualities that make for a great father, great grandmother, lover, teacher, traditional leader, friend, and a great human being. Best of all, you can add to this list.

Thank you for visiting. I hope you will return soon.

To All Who Pass Here, Walk in Peace, Live in Love



Page 2: Wisdom From The Elders

Page 3: America's Only True Race

Page 4: Wisdom, Quotes and Prayers

Sites to See!

The Horse Exchange - Buy, Sell, Advertise Horses
Angelfire - Free Home Pages
The Greasy Grass Native American - Old West Graphics
Wolf Moondance's Rainbow Lodge
Fantasy Art and Backgrounds
Cloudjumper Designs - Professional Graphic and Web Design

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