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This is man...I think I chopped his hair off when I was preparing this photo...sorry sweetness.
This is my friend Jennie...she's coming to visit me in Manchester this March. She's way into jazz music and music theory...I guess someone has to be interested in that.

Some of my friends...what more can I say.

Kurt & Alicia...awwwww...aren't they sweet. looks like I'm molesting Joy(also a violist) and Eric is just sort of watching...sorry time it will be you.
Mark(aka Grubby)he is also known to come to school in his PJs...sometimes even a bathrobe, damn good violinist...she's dating the drummer from 'The Calling Band'...and...yeah...I'm in the picture too.
Now here are some fine looking musicians!
This is Jennie, Michelina and Me sitting on Santa's lap...well actually that's Mishra...sort of...

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