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Rogy's Homepage!

Hey, you just stumbled across the page of Roger. I was born and raised in Ontario Canada. I was born Oct31/74. As of 2005, I am temporarily living in Toronto. I have 2 sisters named Therese and Helene (3 and 4 years older), my dad's name is Roger, and my mom is Pauline. 2 Nephews, Luke and Gabriel, and a dog Jake. I was raised on a small farm, and appreciate the farm much more than the big citys. I do a few things like I have my own small business in Drywall finishing, which all the boys of my family does. I also work Locally in Toronto and internationally in T.V and Advertisements. I like a lot of things, primarily sports, and keeping in shape. I love to play hockey and anything active, especially Snowboarding and Ultimate frisbee. I meet a lot of people traveling, people that I will never forget, so sometimes I like to get away for a couple months and culture myself. So far it has worked all out for the best!!! Want to reach me? get me at

Click on the links to see some wacky and crazy stuff.

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Me and some Family ................. Me and some Pets ......................
.. Me and some friends .................... Some stupid stuff over the Years...
When I was young .................... Some miscellaneous pics!...........

My old 300zx Twin Turbo Fishing at the Cottage.....................


My trip to Taiwan....................... My trip to Milan . My trip to Milan #2
My trips to Hong Kong............... My trip to New York...........................
. My trip to Capetown, South A.!.. My trip to China!..................................
My trip to London, England........ Me in Greece.......................................
Life in Brazil,............................... A break in Mexico...............................

here is some video

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