Regulator Izzy G

Regulator Izzy G

(wait and listen to Izzy's intro music!)

Vital Statistics

Real Name: Israel Guidry

Ring Name: 'Regulator' Izzy G

Height: 6 foot 9 inches

Weight: 295lbs.

Age: 34

Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana

Wrestling Statistics

Style: Powerhouse/Technical

Setup Move: various


1) "Redemption" -> Reverse Brian Buster

2) "Cajun Stretcher" -> Beast Choke

Appearance:Izzy is a extemely dark tanned man. He has short dark hair, and a scar under his left eye. His shoulders are broad and his chest appears chisled. There is a tattoo on his left upper bicep of a "Dragon breathing fire, and clutching a dagger".

Outside of the ring he usally wears either a 'Redemption' t-shirt or a 'Elite' t-shirt, with either jeans or khakis. He tends to wear basic shoes, and sometimes wears sunglasses.

Background:Izzy was born in southern Louisiana. He was lived with his family until he lost his parents to a car crash at about the age of eleven. He spent the rest of his child hood in and out of foster homes. Izzy played football through out high school, and earned a scholarship of a Major university. His sophmore year he was banned by the NCAA for striking a referee during a game. He then joined the military, where me qualified for the special forces. His military career was cut short after being abandon by a friend and commanding officer while out on a black op. He was captured by enemies troops and beat close to his death. He was then left for dead...thanks to his training an a extremly strong will to live, he was able to survive, and make his way to a friendly outpost. After several months in rehabilataion, he was returned to his unit for a short stay. Upon returning to his friends and commrades in arms, he searched out and found his commanding officer who left him in the field. After a brief struggle, Izzy left his former friend with a broken jaw, and several severe lacerations. Izzy was left to a dis-honorable discharge.

Izzy soon tried his luck as a professional wrestler. He began his career in the ACW, where for couple months he struggled to adapt to his new life. He,along with three others, soon became a founding father of the New Age Mafia. Once gaining the experince needed he quickly began to climb the ranks to a title shot. Upon reaching his goal of receving a tag title shot with fellow NAM member Chad Crase, the federation closed it's doors before they received the shot they so richly deserved. After sitting idle for a while, Izzy packed his belongings a traveled over seas. He wrestled in a minor Japanese fed until word reached him of the opening of a small federation out of St. Louis. Izzy returned to the states, and became a member of the new SHIWO federation. He quickly climbed the ranks and recieved a North American title shot. He lost his match to the current champ, Mainstreet. Later that night he particapated in a battle royal to crown a World Champion. Being one of the final four wrestlers in the ring he was supposed to wrestle the next week in a four coners match. He never wrestled. He was attacked that night by a new wrestler to the fed by the name of Krush.

After about two months of rehab, Izzy returned to the ring with a new attitude. Bring Chad with him to SHIWO the two friends began to hunt for the best wrestlers in the world to create a new and a 'Elite' stable. As a huge curve to the world, Izzy and Chad joined forces with Mainstreet and of all people, Krush. After these four wrestlers joined forces to create the stable know as the "Elite", Krush quickly won the World Title. Mainstreet still carried the North American. The history of the 'Elite' is far from over and the futrue looks as bright as ever.

Or atleast he thought it did. After winning the tag titles with stablemate and close friend Chad Crase, the 'Elite' were screwed outta the titles by SHIWO President Thomas Fairweather and SHIWO legends Scotty Fontana and M@DM@N.

Izzy then set his sights on a singles title and soon won the vacent North American title. Izzy defened his title in a three way match with Vic Valient and the seven foot monster A-Bomb. It was easy to see that Izzy's title was in trouble when just after the match began the ref allowed Luke Robinson and the T.H.S to attack Izzy. While suffering a major attack by these wrestlers Izzy over came the odds and began to take control of the title match. On the verge of putting the match away Vic's long time partner came down to ring side and also interfered in the match and cost Izzy his title.

Several days later Izzy announced his retirement, not only from SHIWO, but from the wrestling world all toghether.

It was soon after that the 'Regulator' invested and took over as the President of the UWF. After several months as owner of the UWF, he was forced to sell some of this stock to pay some of his bigger names in the company. The only problem with this is that Silver Smith, a fellow share holder, bought up the stock and took over as the majority share holder, and placed him self as Presidnet and renamed the UWF into the NSW.

Izzy once again strapped on the wrestling boots and head to the ring to right the wrongs of Silver.

While on the side Izzy still wrestles in various promotions such as the W4 and is in negotiations with several other federations...


After a small break from the W4 Izzy has returned to re-form the 'ELITE'. Izzy has fore sworn all other titles in his quest for the World Heavyweight Title.

After a breif stint under the guise of the Dark Dragon, Izzy finally captured the World Title but was forced to vacate the title after only 21 days due to a family emergency.

Career Highlights

Titles Held:

Meet Izzy's little brother...

Izzy's close friend and former stable mate...

Izzy's former tag partner and stable mate...
Chad Crase.

Izzy's personal "Talk Show" where he interviews some of the EwF's top wrestlers and upcoming stars.
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