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Food for Thought

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~Some of the best kept secrets in the world~

The original jukeboxes came with earphones~only one person could listen at a time.
The average person develops their first phobia at age 13 1/2.
Bela Lugosi was buried in the cape he wore as Dracula.
It takes seven standard shuffles to thoroughly mix a 52 card deck.
TV sitcom characters rarely say good-bye when they hang up the phone.
What do raccoons, slugs, and ants have in common? They all like to get drunk.
More people watch primetime TV on Thursday night than any other night.
Elvis's favorite amusement park ride was the bumper cars.
Seven percent of Americans think Elvis is still alive.
Cab fare from New York to Los Angeles (not including tip) $15,325.
Cracker Jack is the world's largest purchaser of popcorn.
The oldest American university is Harvard, founded in 1636.
Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as U S president by his father.
The ballpoint pen was patented in 1938.
Iceland enforces a TV-free day every Tuesday to encourage family interaction.
Tweety Pie won an oscar in 1940.
A can of cat food contains as much meat as five adult mice.
In some parts of Africa, ostriches are used to herd sheep.
The only contemporary words that end in gry are angry and hungry.
Alaska has more outhouses than any other state.
Only 4% of Americans can say they didn't eat at McDonald's last year.
World's first copyrighted motion picture: Record of a sneeze, by Thomas Edison.
The bible is the most shoplifted book in the United States.
Most hummingbirds weigh less than a penny.
Louis XIV bathed once a year.
In 1910 Georgia Tech's football team beat Cumberland University 222 to 0.
In 1994 personal computers outsold TVs in the United States.
Americans smoked 485 billion cigarettes in 1993~down from 594 billion in 1985.
Take your weight, multiply it by .6. That's how many pounds of water are in your body.
The Hundred Year War lasted 116 years.
64% say they have confidence in the military. 19% say they same thing about the congress.
Denver, CO consumes less prune juice per capita than any other city in the U S.
There are 364 gifts in "The Twelve Days of Christmas."
Honey never goes bad.
It takes about 3 1/2 hours for sound waves to travel from San Francisco to New York.
Tennessee got its name in 1796; before that it was known as "Franklin."
It takes about 4 hours to hard-boil an ostrich egg.
Pure alcohol  freezes at -125F.
The hippo weighs about 100 pounds at birth.
William Howard Taft was the first golfer to become the President of the United States.
Nine most used words in the English language; and, be, it, of, the, will, I, have, you.
Shrimp can only swim backward.
Colonial Governor John Winthrop introduced the table fork to America in 1620.
The word "sermon" does not appear in the Bible.
A cubic yard of air weighs about two pounds.
Fish with forked tails swim faster than fish with straight tails.
90% of Americans aren't aware that being overweight increases the chance of strokes.
28% of household injuries in the summer are caused by yardwork.
October is traditionally the cheapest month to buy a bicycle.
40% of Americans say they believe in love at first sight.
Fifty percent of Americans have gray hair by the time they're 50.
Seventy percent of the worlds oxygen supply is produced by marine plants.
If a frog keeps its mouth open too long, it will suffocate.
On a clear day, you can see five different states from the top of the World Trade Center.
A black widow spider's venom is more potent than a rattlesnake's.
Eighty percent of Americans will be fired from at least one job in their lifetime.
In 1994, there were 397 ships in the U S Navy~fewer than any year since 1939.
On average, males spend 11 minutes taking a shower. Females take 13 minutes.
57% of U S households have three or more telephones.
King George I of England couldn't speak a word of English. (He spoke German)
The New York phone book had 22 Hitler's listed before WWII.... and none after.
8% of Americans twiddle their thumbs; 25% bite their fingernails.
The U S bought Alaska from Russia in 1867 for two cents an acre.
Don't let the bumps fool you: A camel's back is as straight as a horse's.
Male seals don't eat during mating season. (Too many other things on their mind)
95% of food-poisoning cases are never reported.
There's about 1/4 pound of salt in every gallon of seawater.
King Henry VI banned kissing in England in 1439. He thought it spread disease.
There are about 10 million bricks in the Empire State Building.
Why does the pelican breathe through its mouth? It doesn't have any nostrils.
Four of the five hottest cities in the U S are in Florida, one is in California.
75% of divorced women will eventually remarry.
Like cats, Brahma bulls purr when they're happy.
Around the world, 16 millions tons of rain falls to the Earth every second.
Cleopatra tested the potency of her poisons by feeding them to her slaves.
An average American eats at McDonald's 1,811 times in their lifetime.
There are an estimated three hundred $10,000 bills in circulation in the U S.
There are an estimated 10 trillion cells in your body.
In Kentucky it's illegal to marry your wife's grandmother.
The average American eats 21.4 pounds of snack food each year.
It takes 12 ears of corn to produce a single tablespoon of corn oil.
One billion seconds is about 31.7 years.
It takes 7 to 8 tons of sugarcane to produce 1 ton of sugar.
A swarm of 50,000 bees weighs about 10 pounds.
Horses can only breathe through their nostrils.
You'd have to walk 5 miles to burn off the calories of a single hot fudge sundae.
15% of U S women say they send flowers to themselves on Valentine's Day.
Henry Ford was the very first billionaire in America.
It is estimated that you will spend a year of your life looking for misplaced objects.
Some material brought back from the moon is 4.72 billion years old.
Haircut hint: Thursday is the least busy day for barbershops.
Sound travels five times faster under water than in air.
Fish can get seasick. But can they get airsick?
Only 2% of Americans say they're in a good mood every day.
It's against the law to drink beer in Cedar City, Utah, if your shoelaces are untied.
Tony the Tiger turned 45 in 2000; The Jolly Green Giant turned 72.
Why did polyester jeans bomb in the 70's? They wouldn't fade.
Top-selling comic book of all time: August 1990 issue of Spider Man~2.7 million copies.
53% of high school grads and 27% of college grads "get most of their information from TV."
Model railroaders spend more than $200 million a year on their trains.
Hottest peppers on earth: Habaneros, Sweetest: Bells.
When he needed inspiration, Ludwig von Beethoven poured water on himself.
Every 2.4 seconds, a Tupperware party begins somewhere in the world.
The average child eats 15 pounds of cereal a year.
Full-grown grizzly bears can bite through 1/2-inch steel.
Errol Flynn once worked on an Australian sheep ranch, castrating sheep with his teeth.
The word noon originally meant "3 p.m."
According to the U S Census Bureau, the average American marriage lasts 9.4 years.
Australian soldiers used "We're of to see the Wizard" as a marching song during WWII.
Worldwide, there are 8,600 chapters of the Barbie Fan Club.
Weight-loss tip: Melting an ice cube in your mouth burns 2.3 calories.
Twenty percent of all publications sold in Japan are comic books.
There's a town in Texas called "Ding Dong".
21% of children say that if they were president, they'd "eat ice-cream for every meal."
World's record: A New York man carried a milk bottle on his head continuously for 24 miles.
Ancient Roman banquet halls had "vomitoriums," so people could keep on eating when full.
The Pilgrims refused to eat lobsters. They thought they were really big insects.
There are 550 hairs in the average eyebrow.
Believe it or not: Internationally, "Baywatch" is the most popular TV show in history.
Disneyland has the fourth largest navy in the world.
Americans consume more than 20 pounds of candy per person per year.
Snakes are immune to their own poison.
Why were schoolhouses traditionally painted red? Red was the cheapest color available.

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